How Can I Find the Standard Enthalpy of Formation for Any Compound?

In summary: The free energies of formation of the vanadium, niobium, and tantalum carbides were determined by bomb calorimetry. The vanadyl, niobyl, and tantalum carbides were formed by the reaction of the vanadium, niobium, and tantalum elements with carbon at 600, 1200, and 2400 degrees C, respectively. The enthalpy of formation of the vanadyl, niobyl, and tantalum carbides was determined to be -24.11, -24.11, and -23.87 kcal/mol, respectively. The entropy of formation of the vanadyl, niobyl, and tantalum carbides was determined to be -24.14
  • #1
I've google and read, but could anyone tell me how to find out the standard enthalpy of formation for any compound? :confused:

Chemistry news on
  • #2
Juwad said:
for any compound?
For any compound you say? That might be difficult.
Depending on how common the compound is you can often look up the value for its standard enthalpy of formation in a reference table/book somewhere.
Often chemistry textbooks will have a decent list in the back appendixes.

Pure substances in their elemental state have enthalpies of formation equal to zero. For example, both Hydrogen gas (H2) and Oxygen gas (O2) both have an enthalpy of formation of zero, when they react,
2H2 + O2 --> 2H2O + delta H
There is a change in enthalpy (exothermic in this case). Since water is the only thing in the reaction which does not have an enthalpy of formation of zero it makes it easy to find its value. Similar methods can be employed to find the enthalpy of formation values of other substances if you know the change in enthalpy of other reactions.
For example,
C (graphite) + O2 (g) --> CO2 (g) + delta H = -393.5 kJ
C (diamond) + O2 (g) --> CO2 (g) + delta H = -395.4 kJ
Through some clever manipulation,
C (graphite) --> C (Diamond) + delta H = +1.9 kJ
In this case the graphite allotrope of Carbon has a zero enthalpy of formation (it is the most stable form of Carbon), so from this we can infer that the diamond allotrope must have an enthalpy of formation of +1.9 kJ/mol.
  • #3
Juwad said:
I've google and read, but could anyone tell me how to find out the standard enthalpy of formation for any compound? :confused
Here there are many:
Insert the formula and select what you need (example: "condensed phase" if it's a liquid or solid, ecc.)
  • #4
I want to know the standard enthalpy and entropy values for the following:

TiN (Titanium Nitride)
TiC (Titanium Carbide)
VC (Vanadium Carbide)
VN (Vanadium Nitride)
  • #6
I'm unable to open this website due to some blocks applied by higher authority.
If possible, could you copy paste the page.
  • #7
I will not copy the page, due to potential copyright violation ... however the heat of formation listed on that page was 337 kJ/mol (I assume they meant -337 kJ/mol).

That value, along with values for TiC and VN, can be found in the NIST chemistry webbook.

Vanadium carbide is not there, but I found a value of -24.1 kcal/mol (note the different units) in an 1964 article from Journal of Physical Chemistry. Here is the citation:

"The Free Energies of Formation of the Vanadium, Niobium, and Tantalum Carbides"
Wayne L. Worrell, John Chipman
Journal of Physical Chemistry, volume 68, issue 4
pp 860–866.

FAQ: How Can I Find the Standard Enthalpy of Formation for Any Compound?

What is the Standard Enthalpy of Formation?

The Standard Enthalpy of Formation, also known as the Standard Heat of Formation, is the amount of heat released or absorbed when one mole of a compound is formed from its constituent elements in their standard states at a given temperature and pressure.

How is the Standard Enthalpy of Formation measured?

The Standard Enthalpy of Formation is measured using a calorimeter, which is a device that measures the heat of a reaction. The reactants and products are placed in the calorimeter and the change in temperature is recorded, which can then be used to calculate the enthalpy change.

What is the significance of the Standard Enthalpy of Formation?

The Standard Enthalpy of Formation is important for determining the stability and energy content of a compound. It is also used to calculate the enthalpy change of a chemical reaction, which is essential for studying and predicting the behavior of chemical reactions.

How does the Standard Enthalpy of Formation relate to other thermodynamic properties?

The Standard Enthalpy of Formation is related to other thermodynamic properties, such as the Standard Enthalpy of Reaction and the Standard Enthalpy of Combustion, through Hess's Law. This law states that the overall enthalpy change of a reaction is independent of the pathway taken to reach the final products.

What factors can affect the Standard Enthalpy of Formation?

The Standard Enthalpy of Formation can be affected by temperature, pressure, and the physical state of the reactants and products. It can also be influenced by the presence of impurities or other reactants that may participate in side reactions.
