Standard Model as TOE? Arguments Against & Need for More Particles

In summary, the main argument against considering the Standard Model as a Theory of Everything (TOE) is that it does not include gravity. However, some people believe that by combining the Standard Model with a mechanism to incorporate gravity, it could potentially be a complete TOE. This idea has been debated and attempted by many researchers, but no successful melding has been achieved yet.
  • #1
Gold Member
Which are the arguments against considering the possibility of the Standard Model as a TOE. Why do we need more particles or more degrees of freedom?

It lacks, of course, a mechanism to get the SM from geometric considerations, or to get geometry from the SM. But it is almost a minor nuissance.
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  • #2
The SM can't be the TOE because it doesn't do gravity. Gravity is surely part of "everything".
  • #3
That is the key problem.
  • #4
I was admiting it : It lacks, of course, a mechanism to get the SM from geometric considerations, or to get geometry from the SM. But the SM plus such a mechanism should be already a complete TOE.
  • #5
There's been some argument on sci.physics.research about whether a quantum system, such as the standard model, melded with a classical system, such as general relativiy, can be consistent. Some people have claimed to prove NO, but it seems their proofs aren't as strong or comprehensive as they believe.

So maybe it's true, meld the geometry of GR with the quantum SM and it explains everything that really needs explaining. It has some holes in it maybe - the masses and interaction strengths of the particles in SM, which have to be put in by hand (something like 19 numbers IIRC), and the fact the energy is not well-conserved in GR, but all in all it would serve.

The problem is to do it. An awful lot of smart people have tried to do this trick over the past 5 or so decades, starting with Einstein himself. Nobody has shown a really good melding yet.

FAQ: Standard Model as TOE? Arguments Against & Need for More Particles

What is the Standard Model as TOE?

The Standard Model as TOE (Theory of Everything) is a theoretical framework that attempts to explain all the fundamental forces and particles in the universe. It is considered to be the most accurate and comprehensive theory of particle physics currently known.

What are the arguments against the Standard Model as TOE?

One of the main arguments against the Standard Model as TOE is that it does not include gravity, which is one of the four fundamental forces in the universe. Another argument is that it does not explain the existence of dark matter, which is believed to make up a significant portion of the universe's mass.

Why do we need more particles in the Standard Model as TOE?

The Standard Model as TOE does not explain certain phenomena, such as the asymmetry between matter and antimatter, or the hierarchy problem, which refers to the large difference between the mass of the Higgs boson and the Planck scale. Adding more particles to the model could potentially provide answers to these unanswered questions.

What are some proposed particles that could be added to the Standard Model as TOE?

Some proposed particles include supersymmetric particles, which could help explain the hierarchy problem, and axions, which could potentially explain the existence of dark matter. However, these particles have yet to be observed and their existence is still purely theoretical.

What are the implications if the Standard Model as TOE is proven to be incorrect?

If the Standard Model as TOE is proven to be incorrect, it would mean that our understanding of the fundamental forces and particles in the universe is incomplete. It would also open up new avenues for research and potentially lead to a more comprehensive theory that includes all the fundamental forces, including gravity.
