Standing Wave Problem: Aluminum and Steel Wire Joint with External Source

In summary, an aluminum wire of length 50.0 cm, cross-sectional area 1.00×10-2 cm2, and density 2.70 g/cm3 is joined to a steel wire of density 7.80 g/cm3 and the same cross-sectional area. The compound wire, loaded with a block of 10.0 kg, has a distance of 44.13 cm from the joint to the supporting pulley. By using an external source of variable frequency, standing waves are observed at the joint in the wire when the lowest frequency of excitation is used. This is due to the different wavespeeds on each section of the wire, calculated using the mass and linear density.
  • #1
an aluminum wire of length L1 = 50.0 cm, cross-sectional area 1.00×10-2 cm2, and density 2.70 g/cm3, is joined to a steel wire of density 7.80 g/cm3 and the same cross-sectional area. The compound wire, loaded with a block of m = 10.0 kg, is arranged so that the distance L2 from the joint to the supporting pulley is 44.13 cm. Transverse waves are set up in the wire by using an external source of variable frequency; a node is located at the pulley. Find the lowest frequency of excitation for which standing waves are observed such that the joint in the wire is one of the nodes.

Having some difficulty with this problem. First I calculated the mass and linear density of each section of the rope. Using v^2 = T/u the wavespeed on each section was calculated. However, this gives a different frequency for each section, so I'm obviously doing something wrong. Any suggestions?
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  • #2
haha nevermind got that one literally 1 min after posting...just came to me.
  • #3

To solve this problem, we need to consider the properties of standing waves and how they relate to the given parameters. A standing wave is a wave that appears to be standing still, but is actually the result of two waves with the same frequency and amplitude traveling in opposite directions. In order for standing waves to occur, the distance between the nodes (points of no displacement) must be an integer multiple of half the wavelength.

In this case, we have a joint in the wire, which means that it cannot move and must be a node. This means that the distance between the joint and the pulley (L2) must be an integer multiple of half the wavelength. So, we can set up an equation using the wavelength formula, λ = 2L/n, where n is the number of nodes.

Next, we need to consider the frequencies of the waves on both the aluminum and steel sections of the wire. As you correctly calculated, the wavespeed on each section is different due to the difference in density. This means that the frequency of the waves on each section will also be different. However, in order for standing waves to occur, the frequencies on both sections must be the same.

To find the lowest frequency of excitation for which standing waves are observed, we need to find the lowest frequency that satisfies both the wavelength equation and the frequency equation. This can be done by setting the two equations equal to each other and solving for the frequency.

Once we have the lowest frequency, we can use the equation f = v/λ to find the corresponding wavelength. This wavelength will then determine the number of nodes and the distance between them, allowing us to confirm that the joint is indeed one of the nodes.

In summary, to solve this problem, we need to consider the properties of standing waves and how they relate to the given parameters. We also need to ensure that the frequencies on both sections of the wire are the same in order for standing waves to occur. By setting up and solving equations, we can determine the lowest frequency of excitation for which standing waves are observed, and confirm that the joint is one of the nodes.

FAQ: Standing Wave Problem: Aluminum and Steel Wire Joint with External Source

1. What is a standing wave problem?

A standing wave problem is a type of physics problem that involves the analysis of a wave that appears to be stationary. This phenomenon occurs when two waves with identical frequencies and amplitudes travel in opposite directions and interfere with each other, resulting in a pattern of nodes and antinodes.

2. What causes standing waves to form?

Standing waves are caused by the interference of two waves with the same frequency, amplitude, and wavelength traveling in opposite directions. This interference causes the individual waves to superimpose and create areas of constructive and destructive interference, leading to the formation of a standing wave.

3. What are the properties of a standing wave?

The properties of a standing wave include nodes, antinodes, wavelength, amplitude, and frequency. Nodes are points of no displacement, while antinodes are points of maximum displacement. The wavelength of a standing wave is twice the distance between two consecutive nodes or antinodes. The amplitude of a standing wave remains constant throughout its length, and the frequency is determined by the source of the wave.

4. How is the standing wave problem solved?

The standing wave problem is solved by applying the principles of superposition and boundary conditions. This involves setting up equations to represent the individual waves and using the boundary conditions to determine the amplitude and direction of the reflected wave. The solution to the standing wave problem will depend on the specific parameters of the problem, such as the wavelength, frequency, and boundary conditions.

5. What are some real-world applications of standing waves?

Standing waves have numerous real-world applications, such as in musical instruments, where they are responsible for producing different harmonics and tones. They are also used in laser technology, microwave communication, and medical imaging techniques like MRI. Standing waves are also present in ocean waves, earthquakes, and radio waves, making them an important phenomenon to understand in various fields of science and engineering.

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