Standing Waves on a string & pipe

In summary, a string 40.0cm long with a mass of 8.50g and under a tension of 425N causes a nearby pipe, open at both ends, to resonate in its third harmonic. The speed of sound is 344m/s. By using the equation Fn=(nV)/(2L), we can find the fundamental frequency of the vibrating string to be 706.5Hz. Since the frequencies of the string and pipe must be related, we can use the same equation to find the fundamental frequency of the pipe to be 236Hz.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A string 40.0cm long of mass 8.50g is fixed at both ends and is under a tension of 425N. When the string is vibrating in its third overtone, you observe that it causes a nearby pipe, open at both ends, to resonate in its third harmonic. The speed of sound is 344m/s. a) How long is the pipe? b) What is the fundamental frequency of the pipe?

Homework Equations

V=√(F/μ) where μ=m/L

The Attempt at a Solution

Really stuck on this one. I know I can find the velocity of the string with the given information but am not sure how I can relate the velocity of the string to the velocity of the pipe. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

m/L= 0.0085kg/0.400m = 0.0213kg/m
Vstring=√(425N/0.0213kg/m) = 141.3m/s
Physics news on
  • #2
What's the frequency of the vibrating string?
  • #3
So the third overtone would mean n=4...

so fn=(4*141.3m/s)/(2*0.400m) = 706.5Hz

so the frequencies of the string and pipe must be related, I'm just not sure how.
  • #4
murrskeez said:
So the third overtone would mean n=4...

so fn=(4*141.3m/s)/(2*0.400m) = 706.5Hz
so the frequencies of the string and pipe must be related, I'm just not sure how.
They are the same! (They resonate.) So what's the fundamental frequency of the pipe?
  • #5
I think I get it :smile:

fpipe = nV/2L
706.5Hz = (3*344m/s)/(2L)
L = 0.730m

fo = v/2L
fo = (344m/s)/(2*0.730m)
fo = 236Hz

thank you so much, really appreciate it :)
  • #6
Good! :approve:

FAQ: Standing Waves on a string & pipe

1. What is a standing wave?

A standing wave is a type of wave that occurs when two waves of equal frequency and amplitude travel in opposite directions and interfere with each other. This results in a pattern of nodes and antinodes, where the string or pipe does not vibrate at the nodes and has maximum vibration at the antinodes.

2. How are standing waves formed on a string or pipe?

Standing waves are formed on a string or pipe when a wave reflects off of a fixed boundary and interferes with the incident wave. This creates standing wave patterns with nodes and antinodes at specific points along the string or pipe.

3. What is the equation for the frequency of a standing wave on a string or pipe?

The frequency of a standing wave on a string or pipe can be calculated using the equation f = n(v/2L), where n is the number of nodes, v is the speed of the wave, and L is the length of the string or pipe.

4. How does the tension of a string or the length of a pipe affect standing waves?

The tension of a string and the length of a pipe both affect the frequency of standing waves. The higher the tension or the shorter the length, the higher the frequency of the standing wave. This is because these factors affect the speed of the wave, which is directly related to frequency.

5. What are some real-life applications of standing waves on a string or pipe?

Standing waves on a string or pipe have many practical applications, such as in musical instruments like guitars and wind instruments, where the standing wave patterns create different notes and pitches. They are also used in various types of scientific and medical equipment, such as lasers and ultrasound machines, to produce specific frequencies and wavelengths for various purposes.
