Star formation activity and SMBH activity

In summary, the activity of the Supermassive Black Hole in our galaxy can have an influence on star-formation activity and vice versa. The SMBH can attract gas clouds and make them orbit around it, allowing for easier attraction between matter. However, it also consumes stars, leading to a complex relationship between the two. Some theories suggest that black holes are the "seeds" for galaxy formation, while others propose that they evolve alongside galaxies. The exact origin of supermassive black holes is still uncertain.
  • #1
Hello everybody,

I'm new here and i have a question about the activity of our galaxy's Supermassive Black Hole. Did it influence the star-formation activity or was it vice versa? I would be grateful if someone could tell me anything about this or give me some information directions. Thank you.
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  • #2
The SMBH can make the gas clouds stay in it's orbit. So the matter could attract each other much more easily, as they are closer than if they were just traveling in a straight line through space.

On the other hand, the SMBH "eats" stars all the time, so the answer would be... both? Your question is too vague
  • #3
Studies suggest black holes are the 'seeds' for galaxy formation. Just how they got there before the galaxy forms is not entirely clear. Some think they are primeval, or a coalesced collection of primeval black holes whereas others think they evolve in parallel with galaxies. That notion is in tension with the immense size of some supermassive black holes, because it appears they bulk with unrealistic swiftness. Possibly, it is some combination of both ideas.

FAQ: Star formation activity and SMBH activity

1. What is the relationship between star formation activity and SMBH activity?

The activity of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) and the formation of stars are closely related. As gas and dust particles are pulled into the SMBH, they release large amounts of energy in the form of radiation. This radiation can trigger the collapse of nearby gas clouds, leading to the formation of new stars. In turn, the radiation from these stars can also influence the activity of the SMBH.

2. How do scientists study star formation activity and SMBH activity?

Scientists use a variety of tools and methods to study star formation activity and SMBH activity. These include telescopes that detect different wavelengths of light, such as X-rays, radio waves, and infrared light. They also use computer simulations and models to understand the physical processes at work in these systems.

3. What factors influence the level of star formation and SMBH activity?

There are several factors that can influence the level of star formation and SMBH activity. These include the amount of gas and dust available, the gravitational interactions between galaxies, and the presence of other nearby objects, such as stars or black holes. The overall age and size of the galaxy can also play a role in determining the level of activity.

4. What role do black holes play in galaxy evolution?

Black holes, particularly SMBHs, play a crucial role in the evolution of galaxies. As the black hole grows in mass, it can release large amounts of energy and radiation, influencing the surrounding gas and dust and triggering the formation of new stars. This process can also shape the structure and dynamics of the galaxy over time.

5. Can we predict the future activity of supermassive black holes?

While we can make educated guesses about the future activity of supermassive black holes based on their current behavior and the properties of their host galaxies, it is difficult to make precise predictions. The behavior of black holes is complex and can be influenced by a variety of factors, making it challenging to accurately predict their future activity. Further research and observations are needed to better understand these powerful objects and their impact on the surrounding galaxy.

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