Star Formation: Density, Temperature & Fusion

In summary, during the process of star formation, protogalactic clouds with density fluctuations cool and then fragment into subfragments. These subfragments then increase in density, causing the temperature to rise and eventually reach a critical point where nuclear fusion can begin. The temperature range for fusion is around 12-14 million K, and this temperature increase is primarily caused by the release of gravitational potential energy as the cloud collapses. However, there may also be other factors, such as the dissipation of energy and radiation pressure, that can contribute to the temperature increase.
  • #1
I'm reading up on star formation and from what I've understood so far, is that protogalactic clouds with density fluctuations cool and then fragment after which, they fragment again into subfragments. Now do the density in these individual subfragments increase the temperature enough to start nuclear fusion? and what is the temperature in which fusion can start? I know that an increase in temperature alone isn't enough to start fusion. So what does happen to make the temperature increase besides the density and collapsing of the cloud? :confused:
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  • #2
vincentm said:
I'm reading up on star formation and from what I've understood so far, is that protogalactic clouds with density fluctuations cool and then fragment after which, they fragment again into subfragments. Now do the density in these individual subfragments increase the temperature enough to start nuclear fusion? and what is the temperature in which fusion can start? I know that an increase in temperature alone isn't enough to start fusion. So what does happen to make the temperature increase besides the density and collapsing of the cloud? :confused:
A decent synopsis of the basics of protostar collapse can be found at (and following pages). But, it doesn't mention temperature, which is about 12 to 14 million K. Any protostar with less than ~0.079 solar masses will not have enough mass for H fusion to start, so we have a brown dwarf instead of a star. Either way, the high temperatures in a new stellar core are caused only by gravity compressing the protostar material at the center.
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  • #3
Thanks labguy.
  • #4
vincentm said:
Now do the density in these individual subfragments increase the temperature enough to start nuclear fusion? and what is the temperature in which fusion can start? I know that an increase in temperature alone isn't enough to start fusion. So what does happen to make the temperature increase besides the density and collapsing of the cloud? :confused:
Fragmentation requires energy dissipation. This phase of the collapse of a cloud is called isothermal collapse. As soon as the cloud cannot cool efficiently anymore because it becomes opaque due to the high density, fragmentation stops (the Jeans mass does not decrease anymore) and the temperature increases. This phase is called adiabatic collapse and lasts until there is enough radiation pressure that stops the collapse.
  • #5
vincentm said:
Now do the density in these individual subfragments increase the temperature enough to start nuclear fusion? and what is the temperature in which fusion can start? I know that an increase in temperature alone isn't enough to start fusion.

You're right, there's a density dependence for nuclear burning as well. Does this mean that it's wrong for Labguy and others to give you a temperature range for nuclear burning?

Nope. :smile:

Well, not for astronomy purposes anyway. The basic reason that the process occurs within a small range of temperatures is that the temperature dependence is very steep. For the proton-proton chain, for example, it goes roughly as:

[tex]\epsilon \propto \rho T^4[/tex]

while another hydrogen burning process, the CNO cycle, goes

[tex]\epsilon \propto \rho T^{17}[/tex]

That means that you can vary the density of the stellar interior quite a bit, but the onset of nuclear burning will still occur at roughly the same temperature. As stars move on to burn heavier elements, the temperature dependences become even steeper.
So what does happen to make the temperature increase besides the density and collapsing of the cloud? :confused:

The basic reason that the collapse leads to an increase in temperature is that you're releasing gravitational potential energy. It's not too different from the reason that a dropping ball increases its speed as it approaches the ground. Gravitational potential energy gets converted into kinetic energy. In the collapsing star, it's the kinetic energy of the molecules -- and, therefore, the temperature -- that's increased.

Of course, things are not always this simple. Sometimes the energy can be released via other means (like radiating light), leaving the temperature constant as the cloud collapses. This is the "isothermal" phase that hellfire was talking about. However, the radiation can only escape as long as the material it's passing through is of low enough density that it's not absorbed. As the cloud collapses, its density increases and eventually it's capable of absorbing the light before it escapes. This then allows the temperature to rise and the cloud transitions to the "adiabatic" (constant heat) phase, again mentioned by hellfire. These are (relatively) simple cases and you can probably imagine that real stars are much more complicated than that. Nevertheless, it's always good to get a grasp of the conceptual picture before trying to understand the details. :cool:
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FAQ: Star Formation: Density, Temperature & Fusion

What is star formation?

Star formation is the process by which molecular clouds of gas and dust collapse under their own gravity to form a dense core. This core then heats up and eventually becomes hot enough to ignite nuclear fusion, creating a new star.

What factors affect star formation?

The density and temperature of the molecular cloud are two major factors that affect star formation. A higher density means there is more material for gravity to act on, while a higher temperature can prevent the cloud from collapsing. Additionally, the composition of the cloud and the presence of turbulence can also play a role in star formation.

How does density impact star formation?

Higher density in a molecular cloud leads to a stronger gravitational pull, causing the cloud to collapse and form a dense core. This allows the temperature to increase, eventually reaching the point where fusion can occur and a new star is born.

What role does temperature play in star formation?

Temperature is crucial in star formation as it determines whether a molecular cloud can collapse and form a star. If the temperature is too high, the gas particles will have too much kinetic energy and won't be able to come together and form a dense core. However, if the temperature is too low, the cloud may not have enough energy to overcome its own gravity and begin the collapse process.

What is fusion and how does it relate to star formation?

Fusion is the process by which two or more atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus, releasing a large amount of energy. In the context of star formation, fusion occurs in the core of a collapsing molecular cloud, where the temperature and pressure are high enough to initiate nuclear reactions. This fusion of hydrogen atoms is what powers a star and allows it to shine and continue its life cycle.

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