Star-up Flow Poiseuille w/Matlab finite difference

In summary, Star-up Flow Poiseuille is a type of fluid flow that occurs when a fluid is subjected to a constant pressure gradient, resulting in a steady state velocity distribution. It can be simulated using Matlab's finite difference method, which takes advantage of its built-in functions and user-friendly interface. However, using Matlab for these simulations requires a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and may have limitations in computational resources. These simulations have various applications in industries such as healthcare and product development.
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Homework Statement

I have this situation. A fluid is at rest at t=0 then a constant dp/dz = 10 is applied. Fluid starts moving.

Homework Equations

dV/dt = -(1/rho)dP/dz + viscosity*[1/r(d/dr(rdV/dr))]
Initial condition t=0 dp/dz=10
boundary condition1 r=1 V=0
boundary condition2 r=0 dV/dr =0

The Attempt at a Solution

First off finite difference eq yields [viscosity*dt/dr^2] I simply said this is beta and is equal to 0.1

I wrote the following code to calculate velocity and plot it:
h = 1;
dr = 0.01; dt = 0.01;
nmax = 4000; epsilon = 0.0001;
r = [0:dr:h];
t = [0:dt:h];
n1 = fix(h/Dr)+1;
m1 = fix(h/Dt)+1;
% Initialize solution matrices
velocity = zeros(n1,m1)
velocityN =velocity
% Iterative process for the solution
for k = 1:nmax
% boundary conditions:
velocityN(:,n1) = zeros(n1,1);

% Calculate velocityN in interior points
for i = 2:n1-1
for j = 1:m1
velocityN(i,j+1)= (beta*(1-(1/(2*i)))*velocity(i-1,j)+(1-2*beta)*velocity(i,j)+beta*(1+1/(2*i))*velocity(i+1,j));
% Check convergence
nfail = 0;
for i = 1:n1
for j = 1:m1
if abs(velocityN(i,j)-velocity(i,j))>epsilon
nfail = nfail+1;

if nfail > 0
velocity = velocityN;
fprintf('No convergence after %i iterations.',k);
[X,Y] = meshgrid(r,t);

however, I'm having hard time trying to write my bc's.
I think the first one is good at r=1 V=0
velocityN(:,n1) = zeros(n1,1);

however how do I incorporate the second bc which is dV/dr=0 at r=0
finite diff of dV/dr should be velocityN(0,j+1)=((1-4*beta)*velocity(0,j)+4*beta(velocity(1,j)))
I believe, since the code gives me an error saying that velocity (0,0) is not defined which should be defined by this equation. Same goes to initial condition as well. Where do I define it.

Many thanks for help.
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  • #2

Thank you for sharing your situation and code. It seems like you are on the right track with your approach to solving this problem. In order to incorporate the second boundary condition of dV/dr = 0 at r = 0, you can use a central difference approximation for the derivative at that point, which would look something like this:

velocityN(1,j+1) = (1-2*beta)*velocity(1,j) + 2*beta*velocity(2,j)

This will allow you to solve for the velocity at r = 0 based on the values at r = 1 and r = 2. Similarly, for the initial condition, you can use a forward difference approximation for the derivative, which would look like this:

velocity(1,j+1) = velocity(1,j) + dt*(10/rho)

This will allow you to define the initial velocity based on the initial pressure gradient of 10. I hope this helps. Good luck with your code!

FAQ: Star-up Flow Poiseuille w/Matlab finite difference

1. What is Star-up Flow Poiseuille?

Star-up Flow Poiseuille is a type of fluid flow that occurs when a fluid is initially at rest, but is then subjected to a constant pressure gradient. This results in the fluid accelerating and reaching a steady state velocity distribution. It is commonly used in the study of fluid mechanics and is named after the French physicist Jean Léonard Marie Poiseuille.

2. How is Star-up Flow Poiseuille simulated using Matlab?

Star-up Flow Poiseuille can be simulated using Matlab by using finite difference methods. This involves discretizing the equations that govern the fluid flow and solving them numerically. The finite difference method is a commonly used numerical technique for solving partial differential equations, and it can be easily implemented in Matlab.

3. What are the advantages of using Matlab for simulating Star-up Flow Poiseuille?

Matlab offers several advantages for simulating Star-up Flow Poiseuille. Firstly, it has a wide range of built-in functions and toolboxes that are specifically designed for solving mathematical and scientific problems, making it a powerful tool for fluid mechanics simulations. Additionally, its user-friendly interface and syntax make it easy to use for non-experts in programming. Lastly, Matlab has a robust graphics system, allowing for easy visualization of the results of the simulation.

4. What are the limitations of using Matlab for simulating Star-up Flow Poiseuille?

While Matlab is a powerful tool for simulating fluid flow, it does have some limitations. One limitation is the need for a deep understanding of the underlying mathematical concepts and numerical methods in order to accurately set up and interpret the simulation. Another limitation is the computational resources required for running large-scale simulations, which may limit the size and complexity of the problem that can be solved using Matlab.

5. What are some applications of Star-up Flow Poiseuille simulations?

Star-up Flow Poiseuille simulations have many practical applications in various industries. Some examples include studying the flow of blood in arteries and veins, understanding the behavior of fluids in pipes and channels, and optimizing the design of microfluidic devices. These simulations can also be used in the development and testing of new products, such as pumps and valves, to ensure their performance meets the desired specifications.
