Starting books for Quantum Mechanics

In summary, an undergraduate seeking to study quantum mechanics should read books by David McIntyre, Feynman, and Susskind, and Zettili's book.
  • #1
Avimanyu Ray
Hello I'm an undergrad. Can anyone suggest me books, articles, lectures for studying quantum mechanics as a fresh starter? I tried r. Shankar but it only mathematical to me, couldn't get the physical significance. On the other hand, Griffith got way deep in concepts without sufficient examples and practice.
So how can I develop my aptitude and logic in quantum world?
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  • #2
Feynman lectures, volume 3, but I suggest you read them all and in order.
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  • #4
I really like Ghirardi's "Sneaking a look at God's cards".
  • #6
I think Zettili's book is the best I've come across. It has something like 600 solved/unsolved problems throughout and is well written. Just stay away from Griffiths QM book. It's awful in my opinion.
  • #7
Yet many knowledge and experienced researchers and educators here highly recommend Griffith book.
  • #8
Well given the many questions of confused students reading Griffiths's QM book, I have my doubts. However, I've not looked very carefully at the book myself.
  • #9
houlahound said:
Yet many knowledge and experienced researchers and educators here highly recommend Griffith book.
I think most people use Griffiths book because it is "simple" and "conversational" and doesn't put too much work into prerequisites. I found this a bloody disaster and my confusion was immediately cleared-up when I switched to Zettili.
  • #10
Einstein once wisely sait: "You should explain things as simple as possible but not simpler." ...
  • #11
snatchingthepi said:
I think most people use Griffiths book because it is "simple" and "conversational" and doesn't put too much work into prerequisites. I found this a bloody disaster and my confusion was immediately cleared-up when I switched to Zettili.

I had a quick look at Zettili. Very interesting.

"Energy and time, for instance, form a pair of complementary variables. Their simultaneous
measurement must obey the time–energy uncertainty relation:
$$\Delta E \Delta t \ge \frac{\hbar}{2}$$
This relation states that if we make two measurements of the energy of a system and if these
measurements are separated by a time interval ##\Delta t## the measured energies will differ by an
amount ##\Delta E## which can in no way be smaller than ##\frac{\hbar}{\Delta t}##."

Griffiths has too much to say on the time-energy relation to quote it all, but regarding the HUP he says:

"The position-momentum uncertainty principle is often written in the form:
$$\Delta x \Delta p \ge \frac{\hbar}{2}$$
##\Delta x## (the uncertainty in ##x##) is loose notation (and sloppy language) for the standard deviation of the results of repeated experiments on identically prepared systems."

I prefer Griffiths' precision, even though his book has a reputation for being simplistic. Unlike Zettili, when he dodges an issue, he always let's you know.
  • #12
In this example Zetttili (whose book I don't know at all) is worse than Griffiths, because it's not sloppy but plain wrong since time is not an observable in QT. Then better read Pauli, Dirac, or another serious book on the subject. I recommend to start with Sakurai and then Weinberg.
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  • #14
If we are talking about textbook at that level then my recommendation is Fusion of Science and Community&txt=McIntyreor Fusion of Science and Community&txt=Sakuraior Fusion of Science and Community&txt=TownSend- each uses spins first approach which in my opinion much easier and modern way to learn Quantum Mechanics. I personally like McIntyre the best.

If I were you I would learn linear algebra first and then read S get a decent overall picture and then read Fusion of Science and Community&txt=McIntyre.
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  • #15
What's up with Amazon, you used to get sample pages to browse. Has this function been disabled.

I am more likely to buy a book if I can sample it.
  • #16
I'm not saying ignore the most recent textbooks on QM, but I like Introduction to Quantum Mechanics With Applications to Chemistry by Linus Pauling and E. Bright Wilson Jr.

To balance that with something short and easy, I recommend starting out with Thirty Years That Shook Physics by Gamow. He has a talent for explaining things in simple terms. See for example his explanation of the blackbody radiation problem and his "butter" analogy for energy quanta.

Related to Starting books for Quantum Mechanics

1. What is Quantum Mechanics?

Quantum Mechanics is a branch of physics that studies the behavior of matter and energy at a very small scale, such as atoms and subatomic particles. It explains how particles behave and interact with each other, as well as how they create larger structures and systems.

2. Why is Quantum Mechanics important?

Quantum Mechanics is important because it allows us to understand and manipulate the behavior of matter and energy at a fundamental level. It has led to numerous technological advancements, such as computers, lasers, and medical imaging, and has also provided a deeper understanding of the universe and its laws.

3. How do I start learning about Quantum Mechanics?

To start learning about Quantum Mechanics, it is important to have a strong foundation in mathematics and physics. It is recommended to start with introductory courses in classical mechanics, electromagnetism, and modern physics before diving into Quantum Mechanics. There are also many books and online resources available for self-study.

4. What are some key concepts in Quantum Mechanics?

Some key concepts in Quantum Mechanics include wave-particle duality, superposition, uncertainty principle, and entanglement. These concepts explain the behavior of particles at the quantum level and are essential in understanding the principles and applications of Quantum Mechanics.

5. What are some real-world applications of Quantum Mechanics?

Quantum Mechanics has numerous real-world applications, such as in technology, medicine, and communication. Some examples include quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and MRI machines. It also has implications in fields such as chemistry, biology, and materials science.

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