State space of QFT, CCR and quantization, and the spectrum of a field?

In summary, the state space of QFT is a separable Hilbert space, but for interacting theories the situation is less clear. The Stone-von Neumann unitary-equivalence theorem may break down in cases of infinite degrees of freedom, and Bogoliubov transformations can be used to pass between separable subspaces of a larger nonseparable space. The mathematical formulation of QFT is often different from the practical approach, leading to confusion about whether they are truly studying the same subject.
  • #1
State space of QFT,CCR and quantization,spectrum of a field operator?

In the canonical quantization of fields, CCR is postulated as (for scalar boson field ):
[ϕ(x),π(y)]=iδ(x−y) ------ (1)
in analogy with the ordinary QM commutation relation:
[xi,pj]=iδij ------ (2)
However, using (2) we could demo the continuum feature of the spectrum of xi, while (1) raises the issue of δ(0) for the searching of spectrum of ϕ(x), so what would be its spectrum?

I guess that the configure space in QFT is the set of all functions of x in [itex]R^3[/itex], so the QFT version of ⟨x′|x⟩=δ(x′−x) would be ⟨f(x)|g(x)⟩=δ[f(x),g(x)],
but what does δ[f(x),g(x)] mean?

If you will say it means ∫Dg(x)F[g(x)]δ[f(x),g(x)]=F[f(x)], then how is the measure Dg(x) defined?

And what is the cardinality of the set {g(x)}? Is the state space of QFT a separable Hilbert sapce also? Then are field operators well defined on this space?

Actually if you choose to quantize in an [itex]L^3[/itex] box, many issues will not emerge, but many symmetries cannot be studied in this approximation, such as translation and rotation, so that would not be the standard route,
so I wonder how the rigor is preserved in the formalism in the whole space rather than in a box or cylinder model?

I'm now beginning learning QFT, and know little about the mathematical formulation of QFT, so please help me with these conceptual issues.
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  • #2
youngurlee said:
In the canonical quantization of fields, CCR is postulated as (for scalar boson field ):
[ϕ(x),π(y)]=iδ(x−y) ------ (1)
in analogy with the ordinary QM commutation relation:
[xi,pj]=iδij ------ (2)
However, using (2) we could demo the continuum feature of the spectrum of xi, while (1) raises the issue of δ(0) for the searching of spectrum of ϕ(x), so what would be its spectrum?
In QFT the fields are operator-valued distributions. So ##\phi(x)## is not an operator on any Hilbert space, but $$\phi_f ~:=~ \int\! dx\, \phi(x) f(x)$$ is.

In the above, f(x) is an arbitrary Schwartz test function.
Cf. .

So the CCR above involving a Dirac delta must be understood by integrating both sides with an arbitrary test function.

Is the state space of QFT a separable Hilbert space also? Then are field operators well defined on this space?
For free theories, the usual Fock space is separable.

For interacting theories, the situation is less clear. Afaik, there are still no rigorous theories of interacting QFT in 4D.

so I wonder how the rigor is preserved in the formalism in the whole space rather than in a box or cylinder model?
In such cases (i.e., infinite degrees of freedom), the Stone-von Neumann unitary-equivalence theorem breaks down.–von_Neumann_theorem
In various particular situations, one can work with so-called "Bogoliubov transformations" to pass between separable subspaces of a much larger nonseparable space.
This is a large and difficult subject in general and that Wiki page is a bit dubious in places.
Also try Umezawa's textbook on "Advanced Field Theory".

(BTW, this might also give a little more insight into the question in your other thread about degenerate vacua.)

I'm now beginning learning QFT, and know little about the mathematical formulation of QFT, so please help me with these conceptual issues.
When comparing textbooks on practical QFT (using perturbation theory, renormalization, etc) and textbooks on mathematically rigorous approaches to QFT, one might be forgiven for wondering whether they're really about the same subject.
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FAQ: State space of QFT, CCR and quantization, and the spectrum of a field?

1. What is the state space of quantum field theory (QFT)?

The state space of QFT is the set of all possible quantum states that a field can occupy. It is a mathematical representation of the possible configurations of a quantum field and is described by a set of quantum operators.

2. What is the CCR and how does it relate to quantization?

The CCR (Canonical Commutation Relations) is a set of mathematical equations that describe the relationship between position and momentum operators in quantum mechanics. It plays a crucial role in the process of quantization, which is the process of converting classical physical systems into quantum systems.

3. How does quantization affect the state space of a field?

Quantization involves replacing classical variables with quantum operators, which leads to a discretization of the state space. This means that the state space of a field is no longer continuous, but rather consists of a set of discrete quantum states.

4. What is the significance of the spectrum of a field in QFT?

The spectrum of a field represents the possible values that a field can have in a given quantum state. In QFT, the spectrum is used to determine the energy levels of a system and to calculate the probabilities of different outcomes in a quantum measurement.

5. How is the spectrum of a field determined in QFT?

In QFT, the spectrum of a field is determined by applying the CCR to the field operators and finding the eigenvalues of these equations. The eigenvalues correspond to the possible values that the field can take in a given state.

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