States of Stress at P: Principal Stress Values & Normals

In summary, the state of stress at ##\mathbf{P}##, when referred to axes ##P_{x_1x_2x_3}## is given by a stress tensor with values of 9 ksi, 3 ksi, and 18 ksi in the diagonal elements and 0 for all off-diagonal elements. The trace of this stress tensor is 36 ksi, the square of the tensor is a matrix with values of 90 ksi, 54 ksi, and 324 ksi, and the determinant is 1296. This leads to a characteristic polynomial with roots of 6 ksi, 12 ksi, and 18 ksi, which are the principal stress values at ##\mathbf{P}
  • #1
The state of stress at ##\mathbf{P}##, when referred to axes ##P_{x_1x_2x_3}## is given in ksi unites by the matrix
[t_{ij}] = \begin{bmatrix}
9 & 3 & 0\\
3 & 9 & 0\\
0 & 0 & 18
(1)the principal stress values at ##\mathbf{P}## and

The trace of ##t_{ij}## is 36, ##t_{ij}^2## is
90 & 54 & 0\\
54 & 90 & 0\\
0 & 0 & 324
and the determinant is 1296.
So the characteristic polynomial is ##p(\sigma) = \sigma^3 - 36\sigma^2 + 396\sigma - 1296 = (\sigma - 6)(\sigma - 12)(\sigma - 18)##.
So the principal stress values are ##\sigma_{\text{\MakeUppercase{\romannumeral 1}}} = 6##, ##\sigma_{\text{\MakeUppercase{\romannumeral 3}}} = 12##, and ##\sigma_{\text{\MakeUppercase{\romannumeral 3}}} = 18##.

(2)the unit normal ##\hat{\mathbf{n}}^* = n_i\hat{\mathbf{e}}^*_i## of the plane on which ##\sigma_{\text{N}} = 12## ksi and ##\sigma_{\text{S}} = 3## ksi.

How do I find ##\sigma_{\text{N}}##?
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  • #2
The stress vector on a plane is obtained by dotting the stress tensor with a unit vector normal to the plane. Don't forget that the unit normal is a unit vector, so the sum of the squares of its three components equals 1. To get the normal component of the stress vector on the plane, dot the stress vector with the unit normal again. The tangential component of the stress vector is equal to the stress vector minus the normal component times the unit normal. This should give you enough equations to solve for the components of the unit normal, given the stress tensor and the normal- and tangential components of the stress vector.
  • #3
Chestermiller said:
The stress vector on a plane is obtained by dotting the stress tensor with a unit vector normal to the plane. Don't forget that the unit normal is a unit vector, so the sum of the squares of its three components equals 1. To get the normal component of the stress vector on the plane, dot the stress vector with the unit normal again. The tangential component of the stress vector is equal to the stress vector minus the normal component times the unit normal. This should give you enough equations to solve for the components of the unit normal, given the stress tensor and the normal- and tangential components of the stress vector.

So take ##t_{ij}\cdot n## where ##n = \langle a,b,c\rangle## and then take ##t_{ij}\cdot n\cdot n## and set it equal to 12?
That gives ##a(9a+3b)+b(3a+9b)+18c^2 = 12##. How do I find a,b,c or do I not need them?
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  • #4
You need another equation, namely the shear stress on the plane being equal to 3 ksi. I told you how to handle this. You then have a second equation involving a, b, and c. The third equation is the sum of the squares of a, b, and c is equal to 1.
  • #5
Chestermiller said:
You need another equation, namely the shear stress on the plane being equal to 3 ksi. I told you how to handle this. You then have a second equation involving a, b, and c. The third equation is the sum of the squares of a, b, and c is equal to 1.

What is my stress vector?
##\sigma_{\text{S}}^{\max}## can be two combination since
\frac{1}{2}\lvert\sigma_i - \sigma_j\rvert = 3
for ##i\neq j## and ##i,j = 1,2## or ##i,j = 2,3## by using the maximum shear stress equation.
  • #6
Dustinsfl said:
What is my stress vector?

You've already calculated your stress vector: (9a+3b), (9b+3a), 18c
The normal stress times the unit normal is: 12a + 12b + 12c
The tangential (shear) component of the stress vector is the total stress vector minus the normal stress times the unit normal:

(-3a+3b), (-3b+3a), 6c = 3(b-a), 3(a-b), 6c

The magnitude of this shear stress vector must be equal to 3ksi:


or [tex]2(a-b)^2+4c^2=1[/tex]

If you make use of the condition that [itex]a^2+b^2+c^2 = 1[/itex]

the above equation reduces to [tex]4ab-2c^2=1[/tex]

From your normal stress equation, you got:
Again making use of the condition that [itex]a^2+b^2+c^2 = 1[/itex]
you get:
or [tex]2ab+3c^2=1[/tex]
Now we have enough to solve for c2:

From this we get:
and [tex]a^2+b^2=\frac{7}{8}[/tex]

I think I did the "arithmetic" correctly. If not, I'm sure you will find any mistake I might have made. But, in any event, the methodology is correct.

  • #7
Thanks that was helpful but the book has the solution as
\frac{1}{2\sqrt{2}}\langle 1, \sqrt{6}, 1\rangle.
  • #8
I don't know what to say. I checked the solution for the components of the unit normal vector, and they seemed to check. In the book solution, the only component that matches mine is c. Any chance there is a typo in the book solution? Try my solution, and see what it gives for the normal stress vector and the tangential stress vector. See for yourself if, from my solution, the magnitudes of these vectors are 12 and 3.

  • #9
Chestermiller said:
I don't know what to say. I checked the solution for the components of the unit normal vector, and they seemed to check. In the book solution, the only component that matches mine is c. Any chance there is a typo in the book solution? Try my solution, and see what it gives for the normal stress vector and the tangential stress vector. See for yourself if, from my solution, the magnitudes of these vectors are 12 and 3.

I checked my solution, and it is correct. The results in the book must be wrong.
  • #10
I am not surprised the book is wrong. It seems to be consistently wrong.


FAQ: States of Stress at P: Principal Stress Values & Normals

1. What are the principal stress values at a point P?

The principal stress values at a point P refer to the maximum and minimum values of stress acting on that point in different directions. These values are denoted by σ1 and σ2, respectively.

2. How are principal stress values determined?

Principal stress values are determined through the use of mathematical equations and calculations based on the stress tensor at a point P. The stress tensor is a matrix that describes the stress state at a point, and its eigenvalues represent the principal stress values.

3. What is the difference between principal stress values and normal stresses?

The principal stress values refer to the maximum and minimum stresses at a point, regardless of their direction. Normal stresses, on the other hand, refer to the stress acting perpendicular to a specific plane or surface. The principal stress values can be equal to or different from the normal stresses, depending on the stress state at that point.

4. How do principal stress values affect an object or material?

The principal stress values can have a significant impact on the behavior and deformation of an object or material. If the principal stress values are equal, the material experiences hydrostatic stress, which can cause uniform compression or expansion. If the principal stress values are different, the material experiences shear stress, which can cause deformation or failure.

5. Can the principal stress values at a point change?

Yes, the principal stress values at a point can change if there is a change in the stress state at that point. This can occur due to external forces, changes in temperature or loading conditions, or material properties. In some cases, the principal stress values may remain constant if the stress state remains unchanged.
