Static and kinetic friction in a car halting

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem in a textbook where a car is traveling uphill and the driver slams on the brakes, causing the car to skid to a halt. The group questions the type of friction present during different stages of the car's motion and how to calculate if the car will stay put or slide back down the hill once it reaches a speed of 0m/s. They also discuss the role of locked brakes in keeping the car from rolling down the hill and the use of different coefficients of friction in these calculations.
  • #1
In my textbook, there is a problem that made me think a bit more (this is not what the textbook was asking).

In the problem, there is a 1500 kg car traveling at 30 m/s on a 10 degree sloped hill (the car is driving uphill). The driver slams on the brakes and skids to a halt. We have to determine the stopping distance.

Okay. I get the answer to the problem.
What is intriguing me is how we classify the type of friction the car is going through at different steps.

It seems clear that, as the car is going to speed 0m/s, the friction is kinetic friction because of the word "skid".

Now, what happens when the car stops?
The problem says the car halts.
How is that possible? Won't the car immediately start falling down? The only thing that would be holding it back is the friction. However, which friction is it? Static or kinetic?

The car has velocity zero at a specific moment. Static friction only applies to objects "at rest". Does a car that reaches 0m/s then has the possibility to slide back considered "at rest"? Does having 0m/s velocity underlie being at rest?

I hope I have been clear. :(
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  • #2
The same brakes on the car which stop it will also keep the stopped car from sliding back down the hill. Brakes work both ways.
  • #3
Yes, but, the brakes don't really work because the brakes are "locked". The friction is kinetic. Skidding happens and the car basically becomes a block of mass without any way of stopping no?
  • #4
And what about the type of friction at 0m/s? Does the car suddenly switch to static and back to kinetic?
  • #5
Obviously, if the car has stopped on the hill, there is no kinetic friction any longer. There must be friction between the tires and the road for the car to be able to move before the brakes were applied. If the car is stopped, it must be at rest.
  • #6
How does the car stop if the brakes are locked? I don't really understand how a car with locked brakes can permanently halt on a hill.
  • #7
If the brakes are locked, the car can't roll. If the static friction is greater than the car's weight component parallel to the incline, the car can't slide down the hill, either. Analyze and discuss.
  • #8
The problem states that the car is skidding. If the car is skidding, the moment it reaches 0m/s velocity on the hill, it will either fall back or stay put. The brakes don't work as they usually do. I want to know how we can calculate if the car is falling or staying put. We have to know if the friction overcompensates the x-component force of gravity. Which coefficient of friction should we use, static, kinetic or rolling?
  • #9
alingy1 said:
The problem states that the car is skidding. If the car is skidding, the moment it reaches 0m/s velocity on the hill, it will either fall back or stay put. The brakes don't work as they usually do. I want to know how we can calculate if the car is falling or staying put. We have to know if the friction overcompensates the x-component force of gravity. Which coefficient of friction should we use, static, kinetic or rolling?
Presumably the wheels are locked. Once the car is at zero speed, you'll use static friction to see if it will slide back of course.

Related to Static and kinetic friction in a car halting

What is static friction and kinetic friction?

Static friction is the force that keeps an object at rest when a force is applied to it. Kinetic friction is the force that opposes the motion of an object when it is already in motion.

Why is friction important in a car halting?

Friction is important in a car halting because it helps to slow down and eventually stop the car. Without friction, the car would continue to move at a constant speed even when the brakes are applied.

What factors affect static and kinetic friction in a car halting?

The factors that affect static and kinetic friction in a car halting include the weight of the car, the type of tires and brakes, the condition of the road surface, and the speed of the car.

How can we reduce friction in a car halting?

To reduce friction in a car halting, we can use materials with lower coefficients of friction for the tires and brakes, maintain smooth road surfaces, and avoid excessive speeds.

What is the difference between static and kinetic friction in a car halting?

The main difference between static and kinetic friction in a car halting is that static friction is the force that keeps the car at rest while kinetic friction is the force that slows down the car's motion. Additionally, the coefficient of static friction is usually higher than the coefficient of kinetic friction.

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