Static Electric Field: Questions on Ionization, Motion & EM Radiation

In summary, the concept of a static electric field is often misunderstood as there is always some amount of movement and radiation present in a conductor. However, the static field can be distinguished and treated separately from the thermal motion and radiation. In the case of Stark ionization, a static field can ionize an electron from an atom by lowering the electrostatic potential to the energy level of the bound electron. The emission of an electric field by a static electron is possible, as the fermi level corresponds to electrons with the highest energy. The issue may arise when trying to combine quantum and classical pictures, as the electron's position within the lattice may affect the overall electric field. Overall, the static electric field is a valid concept and can be separated from
  • #1
I've asked a similar question before in some way or another, I'm still troubled by it. Technically there is no such thing as a static electric field: Take for instance a parallel plate capacitor

Argument #1: Electrons are always moving inside the conductor, they have a finite thermal energy, also skin depth penetration and electron electron interaction can also introduce motion, their movements can be averaged out in some quasi steady state at the macroscopic level to generate a "static field".

The movements of these electrons can also generate radiation of varying frequency dependent on their accelerations.

Argument #2: The electric field in QFT is mediated by virtual photons, real photons provide quanta of E/M radiation.

Here is where my question lies.

Can we say a "static electric" field is a superposition (fourier if you will) of different frequency photons that add up to a "static field"?

If so...

Question 1:

A sufficient static field can "classically" ionize an electron from an atom. If the static field is a superposition of many frequencies, (and since ionization can only occur once you reached ionization frequency QM), is it the higher frequency terms in the superposition that form the static field the "culprits" that are actually doing the ionization?

If so... then you should be able to ionize an atom with a low intensity static electric field, increasing the intensity would only increase the probability of higher order contributions ( you require more individual photons of many frequencies to reach the larger amplitude static field).

But then ionization should be irrelevant of how strong your classical static E field is, (a problem), just more likely with a larger field.

Question 2:
Would a static electron (not moving) emit an electric field at all? Or is the electric only mediated because it gives off radiation due to its thermal motion or other acceleration, for a static charge should not emit E/M radiation, only E "technically", and if its moving it will emit E and M.Thank you very much to everyone.
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  • #2
azaharak said:
Question 1:

A sufficient static field can "classically" ionize an electron from an atom. If the static field is a superposition of many frequencies, (and since ionization can only occur once you reached ionization frequency QM), is it the higher frequency terms in the superposition that form the static field the "culprits" that are actually doing the ionization?

If your super position is working destructively how can you ionize an atom. The total amplitude is 0.
  • #3
I've asked a similar question before in some way or another, I'm still troubled by it.
Ok, well you probably won't believe me either then. :smile:
Technically there is no such thing as a static electric field. Electrons are always moving inside the conductor. The movements of these electrons can also generate radiation of varying frequency.
The field that results from thermal motion is called black-body radiation. It's true that this will always be present, but is easily distinguished and treated separately from the static field being produced by the conductors. The fact that we can't achieve absolute zero and thereby totally eliminate the black body radiation doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the static field concept.
The electric field in QFT is mediated by virtual photons, real photons provide quanta of E/M radiation.
There's two important differences between real and virtual photons. One, a virtual photon does not have to obey the energy-momentum relation E = pc, or equivalently ω = ck. In particular a virtual photon can have ω = 0 even though k ≠ 0, and all the photons in a static field are of this sort. (The other difference concerns their polarization: they don't have to be transverse.)
A sufficient static field can "classically" ionize an electron from an atom. Is it the higher frequency terms that are doing the ionization?
This is called Stark ionization. It can happen when the electrostatic potential near an atom is lowered to the energy level of one of the bound electrons. The field that does this is static (zero frequency) and correspondingly the energy of the electron does not change.
Would a static electron (not moving) emit an electric field at all?
  • #4
Bill_K said:
The field that results from thermal motion is called black-body radiation. It's true that this will always be present, but is easily distinguished and treated separately from the static field being produced by the conductors. The fact that we can't achieve absolute zero and thereby totally eliminate the black body radiation doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the static field concept.
When you reach absolute zero in a conductor, the electronics still have kinetic energy. Remember that the fermi level corresponds to the electrons in the highest energy. The fact that a conductor will conduct at absolute zero also implies that they are still moving.

so... if these electrons are still in motion, how could they produce a static electric field ever?Shouldn't any electric field ever emitted be in the form of radiation with a frequency?

Or is the problem trying to combine quantum and classical pictures. Is the electron just appearing randomly within the lattice and at that moment giving off the static E field?


Or is it the actual field at a point is due to the coulomb electric field (which is static), plus the field due to radiation (the charges motion). When the fields are added together from all the electrons the radiative part averages out to zero, leaving the static field?

Related to Static Electric Field: Questions on Ionization, Motion & EM Radiation

1. What is a static electric field?

A static electric field is a type of electric field that does not change over time. It is created by stationary electric charges and can be mathematically represented by electric field lines.

2. How does ionization occur in a static electric field?

Ionization occurs in a static electric field when the field is strong enough to remove electrons from atoms or molecules, resulting in the formation of ions. This can happen through processes such as electron impact or field ionization.

3. How do charged particles move in a static electric field?

Charged particles will move in a static electric field based on the direction and strength of the field. Positive particles will move in the direction of the field, while negative particles will move in the opposite direction. The speed of the particles will also depend on the strength of the field.

4. What is the relationship between static electric fields and electromagnetic radiation?

Static electric fields and electromagnetic radiation are both types of electric fields, but they differ in their behavior. While static electric fields do not change over time, electromagnetic radiation is a combination of electric and magnetic fields that are constantly oscillating and propagating through space.

5. Can static electric fields be harmful to humans?

In most cases, static electric fields are not harmful to humans. However, exposure to very strong electric fields can cause discomfort or even injury. It is important to follow safety precautions and regulations when working with high voltage equipment or in environments with strong electric fields.

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