Static pressure in round pipe bends do what?

In summary, the Bourdon gauge phenomenon involves a significant increase in volume of a flat or oval shaped Bourdon tube when it is straightened. This is similar to how a balloon would expand when pressure is applied inside. Most explanations of the Bourdon effect focus on surface area and force imbalances, but fail to mention the important volume change. There is a lack of information on how static pressure affects pipe bends with circular cross sections, which is important because most pipes in everyday life are round. The website calculator suggests that static pressure does affect circular pipe bends, but it is unclear if this only applies when there is also dynamic flow. Understanding how static pressure affects round pipe bends can improve the design of piping systems and provide a better understanding of the
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In the controversial and well misunderstood Bourdon gauge phenomenon, I found by experiments that a flat or oval shaped bourdon tube will increase in volume significantly as the tube straightens. I filled the gauge tube with water and moved the tube with my hands. As I straightened the tube, more water flowed in due to an increase in volume of the more straight tube. Rounder pipes naturally are more efficient in storing more volume than a flat pipe, similar to how a sphere is more efficient than a rectangle. This is important because not one book or physics website that I could find truly explained the bourdon effect properly. The important fact that they all miss is that it's a significant volume change that causes the Bourdon tube to work. Most books or websites try to explain the bourdon effect by some voodoo force imbalance surface area magic - when in fact what is most important to understand is that the bourdon tube blows up and increases in volume like a balloon would, and this just so happens to cause the tube to move similar to how a balloon would move outward if pressure was applied inside. A Bourdon tube is just a special bent balloon: it would help people understand the effect more if they explained it as such.

Now I question how static pressure affects pipe bends in round cross section tubes, not flat or oval bourdon ones? Unfortunately a lot of the literature I have read is only about flow and how dynamic pressure affects round cross section pipe bends. I want to know what happens when static pressure is applied to a pipe that has a bend with a circular cross section, not an oval or flat one. Does the pipe have a force imbalance and does it buckle under static pressure if the pipe is not mounted securely, or does the pipe do some other action? Or does the pipe do nothing at all since there is a net force of zero? Does the pipe become stiffer, elongate, or unbend due to another non-bourdon effect such as stiffening?

The website calculator above implies that static pressure does affect circular cross section pipe bends, and therefore it implies a force greater than zero exists on bends. However I am not sure if this is only when the water is flowing when both a static pressure in addition to dynamic exist. It doesn't make it clear whether a purely static pressure without any dynamic flow, will cause a net imbalance on a bend.
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  • #2
It is interesting to note that in reality, the majority of the pipes in everyday life are round in cross section and not flat/oval. So it would be important to understand how static pressure affects pipe bends with a round cross section. This can help us understand the effect better and also help engineers design more efficient piping systems when static pressure is involved.
  • #3

I can provide a response to the content presented above. It is important to note that the bourdon effect is a well-studied phenomenon and is commonly used in pressure measuring devices. The increase in volume of a bourdon tube when it straightens is due to the elastic properties of the material and is not related to the shape of the tube. In other words, a round bourdon tube will also increase in volume when it straightens.

Regarding the effect of static pressure on pipe bends, it is true that there will be a force imbalance on the bend due to the change in direction of the flow. This force imbalance will be present even in the absence of dynamic flow, as long as there is a pressure difference between the two ends of the bend. This force imbalance can cause the pipe to bend or buckle, especially if it is not mounted securely. The amount of force and the resulting deformation will depend on the properties of the pipe and the magnitude of the pressure difference.

The website calculator provided does not specify whether it takes into account dynamic flow or only static pressure. However, it is important to consider both when analyzing the effect of pressure on pipe bends. In addition, the stiffness of the pipe may also play a role in how it responds to static pressure. A stiffer pipe may be less susceptible to bending or buckling.

Overall, it is important to consider all factors, including the shape, material, stiffness, and pressure, when studying the behavior of pipe bends. Further research and experimentation may be necessary to fully understand the effects of static pressure on circular pipe bends.

FAQ: Static pressure in round pipe bends do what?

1. What is static pressure in round pipe bends?

Static pressure in round pipe bends refers to the force per unit area exerted by a fluid inside a pipe at a specific point along the bend. It is a measure of the energy of the fluid at that point and is influenced by the geometry of the bend.

2. How does static pressure change in a round pipe bend?

Static pressure in a round pipe bend changes due to the change in direction of the flow. As the fluid moves through a bend, it experiences centrifugal forces which cause the pressure to decrease on the outer side of the bend and increase on the inner side.

3. What factors affect static pressure in round pipe bends?

The main factors that affect static pressure in round pipe bends are the fluid velocity, density, viscosity, and the geometry of the bend. A higher fluid velocity or density, as well as a tighter bend radius, will result in a larger change in static pressure.

4. How is static pressure in round pipe bends measured?

Static pressure in round pipe bends can be measured using a pressure gauge or sensor placed at specific points along the bend. This will provide a reading of the pressure at that point, which can then be compared to the pressure at other points along the bend to determine the change in static pressure.

5. What are the practical applications of understanding static pressure in round pipe bends?

Understanding static pressure in round pipe bends is important in many engineering applications, such as designing efficient piping systems, determining pressure drop and flow rates, and predicting the performance of pumps and turbines. It is also crucial in industries such as oil and gas, where accurate pressure measurements are necessary for safe and efficient operations.
