Statics (frictional force) problem

In summary, the minimum mass that needs to be placed against the foot of the ladder to retain it at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor is 347 N.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The question is:

A uniform ladder of mass of 50kg is palced with its foot on a horizontal floor and its top against a vertical wall. Determine the minimum value of themass which must be placed against the foot of the ladder to retain it at an angle of 45degrees to the floor if the coefficient of friction between all relevant surfaces is 0.2.

Homework Equations

ladder length = L, and eighter side of mass L/2( in equations)
Joint A=ladder contact with wall
Joint B=ladder contact with floor(supported by mass)

The Attempt at a Solution

I thought the best way was to split the ladder from the mass keeping it upright when summing the forces...

Joint A

∑fx=0=N-50.g(sin45)=o...N= 347N

then i decided to take moments


Joint B

∑fx=0= -Fs-P-50.g.cos45=0
P= -Fs-347=-416.4N

I don't know where to go with it next as i cnnot get the answer that was provided of m=58.4kg

Any help would be much appriciated. Thanks.
Physics news on
  • #2
welcome to pf!

hi jakeward46! welcome to pf! :wink:
jakeward46 said:
Joint A …
Joint B …

i don't follow what you're doing :redface:

the ladder is rigid, you can't split it into joints …

do x components for all the forces on the ladder,

then y components for all the forces on the ladder,

then moments about one end of the ladder (it doesn't matter which) …

what do you get? :smile:
  • #3
Hi tiny-tim, thanks for the reply.

i didnt mean split the ladder, having the imaginary mass at the bottom ladder supporting it, the mass being the figure i need to find.

I was splitting the mass from the ladder but at first i tried just summing the forces on the ladder as you advised but the reactions to the wall and the floor i seem to get too many unknowns?? I will try again :)
  • #4
can anyone help me with this, cannot find anything to help me out with the problem
  • #5
jakeward46 said:

Joint A

Let's start with your first equation:
It begins with a P and a Fs as forces, but what does the 50.g.(L/2)cos 45 represent, and what would its units be?

Take the suggestion already given you by tiny tim and draw a picture of the ladder alone. Now put on it all the forces acting on it. Now make equilibrium statements about what you have in front of you.

FAQ: Statics (frictional force) problem

What is statics and how does it relate to frictional force?

Statics is a branch of mechanics that deals with the study of rigid bodies at rest or in constant motion. Frictional force is a type of force that opposes the relative motion of two surfaces in contact. In statics, frictional force is an important factor to consider when analyzing the equilibrium of an object.

What is the coefficient of friction and how is it calculated?

The coefficient of friction is a dimensionless quantity that represents the amount of friction between two surfaces. It is calculated by dividing the force of friction by the normal force, which is the force perpendicular to the surface of contact.

How does the angle of incline affect the frictional force?

The angle of incline plays a major role in determining the magnitude of the frictional force. As the angle of incline increases, the normal force decreases, resulting in a decrease in the frictional force. This is because the normal force is directly proportional to the cosine of the angle of incline.

What are the different types of friction and how do they differ?

The three main types of friction are static friction, kinetic friction, and rolling friction. Static friction exists when an object is at rest and is trying to be set in motion. Kinetic friction occurs when an object is in motion. Rolling friction is a type of kinetic friction that occurs when an object is rolling on a surface.

How can frictional force be reduced?

Frictional force can be reduced by changing the surface material, using lubricants, or applying a force in the opposite direction. Additionally, reducing the weight of the object or increasing the surface area of contact can also decrease frictional force. However, completely eliminating frictional force is not possible due to the laws of physics.
