Statics problem - bridge made of 2 segments

In summary, the problem involves determining the axial forces in each rod of a bridge, consisting of two identical segments connected by rods at a 45° angle with the horizontal line, due to a load at point G. To solve, sum moments about the base of one segment and apply equilibrium equation to solve for the vertical force at the base of the other segment. Solving for the rod forces as a truss, noting they act axially along the long axis, and then repeating for the uppermost rods will provide the solution.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Bridge consist of two identical segments M and N connected by rods as shown in the picture. Each rod makes angle of 45° with the horizontal line.
Determine the axial forces in each rod due to the load P at point G.

Homework Equations

ƩFx= 0
ƩFy= 0
ƩM= 0

The Attempt at a Solution

I have tried with cutting the bridge into 2 parts to get a result. But basically I am unable to solve the problem on my own. I think it somehow involves using moments.
I would be grateful for any help.
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  • #2
Before splitting up the bridge into 2 sections, first sum moments about the base of M (at the top of the X) and apply equilibrium equation to solve for the vertical force at the base of N, then sum forces in y direction = 0 to solve for the vertical force at the base of M. The vert force at N divides equally to each rod at N, and the vert force at divides equally to each rod at M. Solve for the rod forces as a truss, noting that the rod forces must act axially along the long axis of the rods. Then split up the bridge and similarly solve for the uppermosts rods forces. Welome to these forums.
  • #3
Thank you for helping me. I now will try solving it using your instructions.
If I get stuck again, I may be back with my attemps at solution and pleadings for more detailed help. :)
Thanks again

FAQ: Statics problem - bridge made of 2 segments

1. How do I determine the forces acting on each segment of the bridge?

In order to determine the forces acting on each segment of the bridge, you will need to apply the principles of statics. This includes analyzing the external forces acting on the bridge, such as the weight of the bridge itself and the weight of the objects it is supporting, as well as any external forces such as wind or water pressure. Once you have identified these external forces, you can use equations of equilibrium to determine the internal forces within each segment of the bridge.

2. How do I calculate the stability of the bridge?

Calculating the stability of the bridge involves analyzing the forces and moments acting on the bridge to ensure that it is in a state of static equilibrium. This means that the sum of all forces in the vertical and horizontal directions must equal zero, and the sum of all moments about any point must also equal zero. If these conditions are met, the bridge will be stable and will not experience any excessive bending or deformation.

3. How do I determine the weight-bearing capacity of the bridge?

The weight-bearing capacity of the bridge depends on several factors, such as the materials used, the design and construction of the bridge, and the external forces acting on it. To determine the weight-bearing capacity, you will need to calculate the maximum load that the bridge can support without exceeding its structural limits or causing any deformation. This can be done by analyzing the internal forces within the bridge using equations of equilibrium.

4. How do I account for the curvature of the bridge in my calculations?

When calculating the forces and stability of a bridge, it is important to take into account the curvature of the bridge. This means considering the effects of bending and torsion on the bridge due to its curved shape. This can be done by using formulas for bending and torsion, as well as by analyzing the internal forces and moments within the bridge to ensure that they are within safe limits.

5. How do I ensure the safety of the bridge?

Ensuring the safety of the bridge involves performing thorough calculations and analysis to determine the forces, stability, and weight-bearing capacity of the bridge. This includes considering all external forces and potential risks, as well as following safety standards and regulations for bridge construction. It is also important to regularly inspect and maintain the bridge to ensure its structural integrity and safety for public use.

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