Statis frictional force problem.

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving finding the normal force and static frictional force on a car parked on an inclined road. The equation F=ma is used to calculate the normal force, and the coefficient of static friction is given as 1.0 for rubber on dry concrete. However, the student is having trouble finding the static frictional force and asks for help. The expert explains that the static frictional force is found through equilibrium considerations and not just by using the coefficient of friction. They also provide a hint to analyze the forces parallel to the incline. Finally, the expert reminds the student to use the conversion factor for kg to N.
  • #1
1. Homework Statement

A car (m = 1520 kg) is parked on a road that rises 17.3 ° above the horizontal. What are the magnitudes of (a) the normal force and (b) the static frictional force that the ground exerts on the tires?

Coefficient of static friction: rubber on dry concrete: 1.02. Homework Equations

Fs max = coefficient of friction x normal force

3. The Attempt at a Solution
I can figure out the normal force just fine (1520cos17.3) then I convert it into N and it comes out to roughly 14200N. My issue is figuring out the static frictional force.

I've tried just doing the [tex]\mu[/tex](Fn) but its not right. My homework is online and we get 5 chances to get it but it will show us the answer after we click submit per each try and the static frictional answer for this question was 4430N but I cannot for the life of me figure out how they got 4430N. Can anyone help show me how they got it?

EDIT: Never mind. I figured it out. I should of taken, 1520sin17.3. then times 2.205 (convert to lbs) and then times 4.448 (to convert to N) and that gave me an answer of 4433N which is close enough variance in the program my class uses.
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  • #2
hi neoncrazy101! :smile:

(have a mu: µ :wink:)

static force of friction usually has nothing to do with µ …

you find it from equilibrium considerations, just like any other reaction force :wink:
  • #3
neoncrazy101 said:
I've tried just doing the [tex]\mu[/tex](Fn) but its not right.
μN gives the maximum possible value of static friction; the actual friction will be less.

Hint: Analyze the forces parallel to the incline.
  • #4
tiny-tim said:
hi neoncrazy101! :smile:

(have a mu: µ :wink:)

static force of friction usually has nothing to do with µ …

you find it from equilibrium considerations, just like any other reaction force :wink:

Really? It doesn't? Man, I love my book lol. It only gives me that equation.
  • #5
To convert kg to N, use g = 9.81 m/s^2 [1 kg = 9.81 N]

FAQ: Statis frictional force problem.

1. What is static frictional force?

Static frictional force is the force that resists the motion of an object when it is at rest on a surface. It occurs when there is no relative motion between the object and the surface.

2. How is static frictional force different from kinetic frictional force?

Static frictional force only occurs when there is no relative motion between the object and the surface. In contrast, kinetic frictional force occurs when there is relative motion between the object and the surface.

3. What causes static frictional force?

Static frictional force is caused by the interaction between the surfaces of the object and the surface it is resting on. It is a result of the microscopic irregularities and imperfections in the surfaces that create interlocking between them.

4. How is the magnitude of static frictional force determined?

The magnitude of static frictional force depends on the coefficient of static friction (μs) between the two surfaces and the normal force (N) exerted by the surface on the object. The formula for static frictional force is Fs = μsN.

5. Can static frictional force be greater than kinetic frictional force?

Yes, it is possible for static frictional force to be greater than kinetic frictional force. This can happen if the coefficient of static friction is higher than the coefficient of kinetic friction, or if the normal force is greater than the force required to overcome the static frictional force.
