Statistical Combinations/Permutations

  • Thread starter Big-Daddy
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In summary, given a word of n letters, there are a total of r possible combinations (5 letters each) and r possible arrangements (5 letters each).
  • #1
Problem statement:

Of the letters in the word "POSSESSES", if you must choose 5 letters:

a) How many possible combinations are there (of 5)?
b) How many possible arrangements are there (of 5)?

Given a word of n letters, where one of the letters is present 'a' times in the word and the other is present 'b' times in the word, how many possible combinations of r letters are there, and how many possible arrangements of r letters are there?

My comments:

Actually I don't have a clue where to start with this. Don't worry about finding that general formula; that part of the question is an extension written by me for myself, which I will attempt once I've seen the method.

Frankly I was surprised it was this difficult to consider repeated elements in nPr and nCr, but it would really help me if you would outline in detail the method to take to solve such a problem, so I could then try to apply it to a general case.

Thanks in advance for any help.
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  • #2
With many problems like this, you just have to find some convenient way to break it into cases. I would start by considering the various possibilities for the number of Ss.
  • #3
The general method for solving problems of this type is the application of generating functions: ordinary power series generating problems for a) and exponential generating functions for b). Maybe that's too advanced for your course, in which case haruspex's advice applies. Many combinatorics textbooks discuss generating functions. The nice thing about generating functions is they immediately give you the answer for words of all lengths (not just 5).

One online resource is Bogart's Combinatorics Notes:

Generating functions are one of the Great Ideas in mathematics. In hope of wheting your interest in them, here is what the statistician Frederick Mosteller said about his first encounter with GFs:

A key moment in my life occurred in one of those classes during my sophomore year. We had the question: When three dice are rolled what is the chance that the sum of the faces will be 10? The students in this course were very good, but we all got the answer largely by counting on our fingers. When we came to class, I said to the teacher, "That's all very well - we got the answer - but if we had been asked about six dice and the probability of getting 18, we would still be home counting. How do you do problems like that?" He said, "I don't know, but I know a man who probably does and I'll ask him." One day I was in the library and Professor Edwin G Olds of the Mathematics Department came in. He shouted at me, "I hear you're interested in the three dice problem." He had a huge voice, and you know how libraries are. I was embarrassed. "Well, come and see me," he said, and I'll show you about it." "Sure, " I said. But I was saying to myself, "I'll never go." Then he said, "What are you doing?" I showed him. "That's nothing important," he said. "Let's go now."

So we went to his office, and he showed me a generating function. It was the most marvelous thing I had ever seen in mathematics. It used mathematics that, up to that time, in my heart of hearts, I had thought was something that mathematicians just did to create homework problems for innocent students in high school and college. I don't know where I had got ideas like that about various parts of mathematics. Anyway, I was stunned when I saw how Olds used this mathematics that I hadn't believed in. He used it in such an unusually outrageous way. It was a total retranslation of the meaning of the numbers. [Albers, More Mathematical People].
  • #4
awkward said:
The general method for solving problems of this type is the application of generating functions:
Generating functions are wonderfully powerful constructs, but they don't always help. In the present problem, it produces (1+x)2(1+x+x2)(1+x+x2+x3+x4+x5). Answering the question posed then consists of multiplying that out and finding the coefficient of x5. That again just reduces to breaking it up into cases.
Or you could rewrite it as (1+x)2(1+x+x2)(1-x6)/(1-x), differentiate 5 times, set x = 0 and divide the result by 5!.
  • #5
If I were working on extracting the coefficient of [itex]x^5[/itex] "by hand", I would try the identity
[tex](1+x)^2 (1+x+x^2) (1+x+x^2+x^3+x^4+x^5) = (1+2x+x^2)(1-x^3)(1-x^6)(1-x)^{-2}[/tex] and then expand [itex](1-x)^{-2}[/itex] by the Binomial Theorem.

But don't overlook the possibility of automation. Even if you don't have a readily available computer algebra system, typing

"expand (1+x)^2 (1+x+x^2) (1+x+x^2+x^3+x^4+x^5)"

into Wolfram Alpha will get the answer quickly.

Related to Statistical Combinations/Permutations

1. What is the difference between combinations and permutations?

Combinations and permutations are both ways of counting the number of possible outcomes in a situation. Combinations are used when order does not matter, while permutations are used when order does matter. In combinations, the order of the elements does not affect the outcome, while in permutations, the order does affect the outcome.

2. How do I calculate the number of possible combinations/permutations?

The number of possible combinations can be calculated using the formula nCr = n! / r!(n-r)!, where n is the total number of elements and r is the number of elements in each combination. The number of permutations can be calculated using the formula nPr = n! / (n-r)!, where n is the total number of elements and r is the number of elements in each permutation.

3. Can combinations/permutations be used in real-life situations?

Yes, combinations and permutations are often used in real-life situations, such as in probability and statistics, gambling, and genetics. For example, combinations can be used to calculate the number of possible lottery number combinations, while permutations can be used to determine the number of possible genetic combinations in offspring.

4. What is the difference between with and without replacement in combinations/permutations?

With replacement means that the same element can be selected more than once, while without replacement means that each element can only be selected once. In combinations, order does not matter, so replacement does not affect the outcome. In permutations, order does matter, so replacement can change the outcome.

5. How can combinations/permutations be used in data analysis?

Combinations and permutations are used in data analysis to calculate the number of possible outcomes in a given dataset. They can be used to determine the probability of a certain event occurring, as well as to identify patterns and relationships in the data. They are also used in statistical tests and models to make predictions and draw conclusions.

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