Statistical Mechanics (multiplicity/accesbile microstates question)

In summary, the change in number of accessible microstates and the change in the multiplicity function g of a simple system can be calculated using the formula g=\left( \frac{\tau_F^2}{\tau_1\tau_2}\right)^{\frac{mC_V}{k_B}} when considering an open system with two identical copper blocks at different temperatures brought into equilibrium through thermal contact. The change in entropy can be calculated using the equation \Delta \sigma = \sigma_1 + \sigma_2 - \sigma_{12} and the change in g can be found by taking the exponential of this value.
  • #1
I am trying to show that the change in number of accessible microstates, and therefore the change in the multiplicity function [itex]g[/itex] of a simple system is

[tex] g=\left( \frac{\tau_F^2}{\tau_1\tau_2}\right)^{\frac{mC_V}{k_B}}[/tex]

where the system is two identical copper blocks at fundamental temperatures [itex]\tau_1, \tau_2[/itex] brought into equilibrium through thermal contact, both with mass [itex]m[/itex] and heat capacity [itex]C_V[/itex]. I've calculated the final temperature through

[tex]\Delta U = C_V(\tau_F-\tau_1)=C_V(\tau_2-\tau_F) \quad \Rightarrow \quad \tau_F=\frac{1}{2}(\tau_1+\tau_2)[/tex]

I tried then to use that (with [itex]\sigma=\log g[/itex] as entropy)

[tex] \Delta \sigma = \left(\frac{\partial \sigma_1}{\partial U_1}\right)(\Delta U_1) + \left( \frac{\partial \sigma_2}{\partial U_2}\right)(-\Delta U_2)[/tex]

But with this I get a result of

[tex]\Delta \sigma = \log g = 2C_V\left(\frac{\tau_F^2}{\tau_1\tau_2}-1\right)[/tex]

But raising this with an exponential to find the change in [itex]g[/itex] would obviously not give me the desired result. Any help on where I'm going wrong with this would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
Your mistake is in the use of the entropy formula. The formula you used is for a closed system, while this is an open system. For an open system, we need to consider the exchange of energy and entropy between two subsystems. In this case, we have two blocks of copper at different temperatures that are brought into thermal contact. The change in entropy is given by the following equation: \Delta \sigma = \sigma_1 + \sigma_2 - \sigma_{12} where \sigma_{12} is the combined entropy of the two blocks in thermal contact. This combined entropy can be calculated as \sigma_{12} = \sigma_1 + \sigma_2 + \frac{mC_V}{k_B}\log \left(\frac{\tau_F^2}{\tau_1\tau_2}\right) where \tau_F is the final temperature of the two blocks in equilibrium. Therefore, the change in g can be calculated as g = e^{\Delta \sigma} = e^{\sigma_1 + \sigma_2 - \sigma_{12}} = \left(\frac{\tau_F^2}{\tau_1\tau_2}\right)^{\frac{mC_V}{k_B}} as desired.
  • #3

I understand your frustration and confusion in trying to understand this concept. Let's break down the problem and see where the issue lies.

First, let's define some terms to make sure we are on the same page. The multiplicity function, g, is a measure of the number of microstates that correspond to a given macrostate. In other words, it tells us how many different ways a system can be arranged to achieve a specific set of macroscopic properties, such as energy, volume, and number of particles.

In this problem, we have two identical copper blocks brought into thermal contact, with a change in energy, \Delta U, and a change in temperature, \Delta T. The final temperature, \tau_F, is given by the expression \tau_F = \frac{1}{2}(\tau_1 + \tau_2), as you correctly calculated.

Now, let's look at the expression you have for the change in multiplicity, \Delta g. You are using the equation \Delta \sigma = \left(\frac{\partial \sigma_1}{\partial U_1}\right)(\Delta U_1) + \left(\frac{\partial \sigma_2}{\partial U_2}\right)(-\Delta U_2), which is derived from the definition of entropy as \sigma = k_B \log g. However, this equation is only valid for reversible processes, where the system is in equilibrium at all times. In this case, the system is not in equilibrium during the entire process, as the two blocks are being brought into thermal contact and the temperature is changing. Therefore, we cannot use this equation to calculate the change in multiplicity.

Instead, we can use the definition of entropy as \Delta S = \frac{\Delta Q}{T}. Since the process is reversible, we can write this as \Delta S = \frac{\Delta U}{T}, where \Delta U is the change in internal energy and T is the final temperature. Using the expression for \tau_F that we calculated earlier, we can rewrite this as \Delta S = \frac{2C_V(\tau_2 - \tau_F)}{\tau_F}. Then, using the definition of entropy as \sigma = k_B \log g, we can write this as \Delta \sigma = \frac{2C_V}{k_B}\left(\frac{\tau_2}{\tau_F

FAQ: Statistical Mechanics (multiplicity/accesbile microstates question)

1. What is the concept of multiplicity in statistical mechanics?

Multiplicity refers to the number of microstates or arrangements that a system can have while still maintaining the same macroscopic properties. It is a measure of the number of ways in which particles in a system can be arranged and is closely related to the concept of entropy.

2. How is multiplicity related to the accessible microstates question?

The accessible microstates question asks, given a certain macrostate, how many microstates are available to the system? This is essentially asking for the multiplicity of the system. The higher the multiplicity, the more accessible microstates there are for a given macrostate.

3. What is the significance of the accessible microstates question in statistical mechanics?

The accessible microstates question is crucial in understanding the behavior of a system at the microscopic level. By knowing the number of accessible microstates, we can calculate the probability of a system being in a certain macrostate, which allows us to make predictions about the behavior of the system as a whole.

4. How is the concept of multiplicity used in calculating entropy?

Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness of a system. It is directly related to the multiplicity of the system, as the higher the multiplicity, the greater the disorder and hence, the higher the entropy. In calculating entropy, we use the logarithm of the multiplicity of the system.

5. Can the concept of multiplicity be applied to any system?

Yes, the concept of multiplicity can be applied to any system, from a simple gas to a complex biological system. It is a fundamental concept in statistical mechanics and is used to understand the behavior of thermodynamic systems at the microscopic level.

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