Statistical Thermodynamics/I need a physics genius

In summary, the conversation discusses two challenge questions that were given to the class in exchange for a free slice of pizza. The first question involves finding the ratio of probabilities for a specific particle distribution in a room, while the second question involves calculating the ratios of different gases in the atmosphere at different altitudes. The conversation also includes a discussion on how to approach solving these questions.
  • #1
Here are to challenge questions given to the class to answer to be turned for a free slice of pizza. We have to days, and he said we can get help, and I'm taking him at his word. Here they are.

1). Suppose a room is divided into the front fifth, the middle fifths, and the back two fifths. What is the ratio of the probabilities of finding a 20%:40%:40% split in the particles (the most likely distribution), as opposed to a 19.9%:40.2%:39.9% split.( Assume all the particles are identical. . (Leave answer in terms of N, the total number of particles. But recognize that N is a
large number)

2). Consider the case of a gas in the atmosphere. Assume that the temperature is constant. Basd on the maxwell Boltzman distribution, at sea level the atmosphere contains 78.1% N2m 21% O2, 0.9% argon and 0.036 CO2. What are the ratios at the top of Everest?

relevant equations

The Attempt at a Solution

For The first one. Probability of finding a 20%:40%:40% split: 1
Probability of finding a 19.9%:40.2%:39.9% split= 19.9/20*39.9/40= 0.9925125

For the second, I don't even know where to begin. I know the probability is supposed to be lower (right?), but that is about it.

I know we're still going to get the pizza, but this bothering me to no end. I have to know it, and this why I joined, and will hopefully contribute in turn.
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  • #2
Remy34 said:
For The first one. Probability of finding a 20%:40%:40% split: 1
Probability of finding a 19.9%:40.2%:39.9% split= 19.9/20*39.9/40= 0.9925125

How did you come up with these numbers?

Consider a simpler case, where the room is split into two equal parts. Then the probability of a random particle finding itself on either side is 1/2. Use binomial distribution to write the probability of having N1 particles on one side and N-N1 on the other, then somehow evaluate this for a large N (use the Stirling approximation, or just raw power and wolfram alpha)

Remy34 said:
For the second, I don't even know where to begin. I know the probability is supposed to be lower (right?), but that is about it.

What do you mean probability is supposed to be lower? Of course air pressure is lower on top of Everest, but you're asked for relative fractions. So they still sum up to 1. Would you expect the ratios of different gases to be different? What physical properties might affect the ratio?
  • #3
Ok I see what you did. I gather from what you said is that I should do the following:




As for the second one, I have no idea how to approach, but you are right. The probabilities would still have to add to one. I was only thinking about the amount, which will change, right?

And thanks for bothering to respond.
  • #4
Remy34 said:



No no, you want to calculate those expressions, for when N1 = 0.2N or 0.199N, and N2 = 0.4N or 0.399N. And you also need to remember to include the intrinsic probabilities for each slot;
[tex] P(N, N_1, N_2) = \left(\frac{1}{5}\right)^{N_1} \left(\frac{4}{5}\right)^{N-N_1} \frac{N!}{N_1!(N-N_1)!} \left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^{N-N_1} \frac{(N-N_1)!}{N_2!(N-N_1-N_2)!} [/tex]

right? (check I didn't make any stupid mistakes there) Then you "just" need to calculate [tex] \frac{P(N, 0.199N,0.399N)}{P(N,0.2N,0.4N)}[/tex]
  • #5
clamtrox said:
No no, you want to calculate those expressions, for when N1 = 0.2N or 0.199N, and N2 = 0.4N or 0.399N. And you also need to remember to include the intrinsic probabilities for each slot;
[tex] P(N, N_1, N_2) = \left(\frac{1}{5}\right)^{N_1} \left(\frac{4}{5}\right)^{N-N_1} \frac{N!}{N_1!(N-N_1)!} \left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^{N-N_1} \frac{(N-N_1)!}{N_2!(N-N_1-N_2)!} [/tex]

right? (check I didn't make any stupid mistakes there) Then you "just" need to calculate [tex] \frac{P(N, 0.199N,0.399N)}{P(N,0.2N,0.4N)}[/tex]

Thanks for that. But I suppose you can't calculate, seeing as you don't know what N is. I know that because N is big, we can use Sterlings Aprox. but why bother going the extra step?

As for the second question, how do you even begin?
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FAQ: Statistical Thermodynamics/I need a physics genius

1. What is statistical thermodynamics?

Statistical thermodynamics is a branch of physics that uses statistical methods to explain and predict the behavior of a large number of particles, such as molecules or atoms. It is used to study the relationship between the macroscopic properties of a system, such as temperature and pressure, and the microscopic behavior of its individual particles.

2. How is statistical thermodynamics related to traditional thermodynamics?

Statistical thermodynamics is based on the fundamental laws of thermodynamics, but it provides a more detailed understanding of the behavior of individual particles that make up a system. Traditional thermodynamics deals with bulk properties of matter, while statistical thermodynamics delves into the microscopic world.

3. What are the key concepts in statistical thermodynamics?

The key concepts in statistical thermodynamics include the Boltzmann distribution, which describes the distribution of particles among different energy states, and the partition function, which is a mathematical function that relates the microscopic properties of a system to its thermodynamic properties.

4. What are some applications of statistical thermodynamics?

Statistical thermodynamics has many practical applications, such as in the study of phase transitions, chemical reactions, and the behavior of gases. It is also used in fields such as materials science, engineering, and biology to understand and predict the behavior of complex systems.

5. Do I need to be a physics genius to understand statistical thermodynamics?

No, you do not need to be a physics genius to understand statistical thermodynamics. While it is a complex subject, it can be learned and understood with a solid foundation in mathematics and physics. It is a fascinating field that can be studied by anyone with an interest in thermodynamics and statistical methods.
