Statistics and Data Science applied to Physics

In summary, the conversation discussed the growing field of "big data" and its relevance to physics, specifically in regards to the challenges of analyzing and visualizing massive amounts of data. There have been efforts to address this issue through collaborations between physicists and data scientists, as well as Kaggle challenges focused on using machine learning for HEP data. However, there is skepticism from the HEP community about the use of machine learning due to the risk of overtraining and cultural clashes between physicists and data scientists. The conversation also touched on the potential barriers in interdisciplinary cooperation between these two scientific groups and the importance of avoiding overfitting in data analysis.
  • #1
Education Advisor
I wasn't sure where to post this, but I figured this would be a topic under General Physics. I am aware that the next generation of observations, ranging from cosmological observations to post-LHC particle physics experiments, will produce overwhelmingly large and complex datasets, far larger than what many physicists are accustomed to working with.

This leads to me to believe that this should lead to potential collaborative opportunities between physicists and statisticians, applied mathematicians, and computer scientists specializing in machine learning & complex database research, whose very expertise involve the analysis of large, complex datasets.

I was wondering if anyone here at PF are aware of such collaborative research groups. The only group I'm aware of is the astrostatistics research group at Carnegie Mellon, but perhaps there may be more people in the know here. Thanks!
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  • #2
This is the rapidly growing field of "big data". Big data is a field of study on how to analyse, organize, and visualize massive amounts of data. It is a problem in many fields. There are a lot of research efforts to address it. See .
  • #3
There have been some Kaggle challenges. I think there is quite some skepticism from the HEP community on machine learning. There is the risk of overtraining; selecting the best solution has some statistical uncertainty to it; and you're never really sure if the training is finding events that have the features you want and not features that are accidentally correlated with the features you want. And there have been some culture clashes. HEP physicists have a reputation for being arrogant, but even they are taken aback by some of the data scientists.

What I found most interesting from the last Kaggle weren't that there were algorithms that performed marginally better than the ones developed by people with physics knowledge, not software optimizers, but that many of the better algorithms were substantially faster than ours.
  • #4
FactChecker said:
This is the rapidly growing field of "big data". Big data is a field of study on how to analyse, organize, and visualize massive amounts of data. It is a problem in many fields. There are a lot of research efforts to address it. See .

I am familiar with the field of "big data" and am aware of the problems related in many fields (particularly in many areas of business). The Wikipedia article you cite does list complex physics simulations -- my question was more on any specific collaborations between data scientists (whether they be computer scientists, applied mathematicians, or statisticians) and physicists to address these problems (e.g. interdisciplinary groups working on the challenges of big data in physics).
  • #5
Vanadium 50 said:
There have been some Kaggle challenges. I think there is quite some skepticism from the HEP community on machine learning. There is the risk of overtraining; selecting the best solution has some statistical uncertainty to it; and you're never really sure if the training is finding events that have the features you want and not features that are accidentally correlated with the features you want. And there have been some culture clashes. HEP physicists have a reputation for being arrogant, but even they are taken aback by some of the data scientists.

What I found most interesting from the last Kaggle weren't that there were algorithms that performed marginally better than the ones developed by people with physics knowledge, not software optimizers, but that many of the better algorithms were substantially faster than ours.

I can certainly see that the risk of overfitting is very real with respect to HEP data and needs to be carefully considered by both data scientist and physicist alike (also, choosing the appropriate training set with the features necessary is an issue).

The cultural clashes between HEP physicists and data scientists is interesting -- setting aside the arrogance for the moment, I wonder if the use of different language between the two scientific groups may also contribute to the "clashes" or barriers in interdisciplinary cooperation.

I'm also interested in learning more about the Kaggle challenges related to HEP physics, as well as what types of algorithms you've found that were substantially faster. Any links would be greatly appreciated.
  • #6
If you Google "Kaggle LHC" you'll get links to the challenges.

Overtraining is a big problem. How do you know you have done it? There is only the one real dataset. If your dataset is "everyone who shops at Macy's", you also only have the one dataset, but if you have odd features that happen to show up in this instance but wouldn't appear if you repeated the experiment, you don't care. They are real for this dataset. But if your code seizes of the fact that one collects Higgs bosons preferentially on Tuesdays, you're training on random fluctuations.

Related to Statistics and Data Science applied to Physics

1. What is the role of statistics in physics?

Statistics plays a crucial role in physics by providing methods for analyzing and interpreting experimental data. It allows physicists to make accurate predictions, test hypotheses, and quantify uncertainties in their measurements.

2. How is data science used in physics research?

Data science is used in physics research to analyze large and complex datasets, develop models and simulations, and make predictions about physical phenomena. It also helps in identifying patterns and trends in data that may not be apparent through traditional analysis methods.

3. What are some common statistical techniques used in physics?

Some common statistical techniques used in physics include regression analysis, hypothesis testing, Bayesian inference, and Monte Carlo simulations. These methods allow physicists to make predictions and draw conclusions from data with a certain level of confidence.

4. How are statistics and data science applied in particle physics?

In particle physics, statistics and data science are used to analyze large datasets from particle accelerators and make predictions about the behavior of subatomic particles. This helps in testing fundamental theories and understanding the fundamental building blocks of the universe.

5. What are the challenges of using statistics and data science in physics research?

One of the main challenges of using statistics and data science in physics research is the need for large and high-quality datasets. This requires sophisticated experimental techniques and data collection methods. Additionally, the interpretation and analysis of data can be complex and require advanced statistical knowledge.

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