Statistics(moment generating function)

In summary, a moment generating function (MGF) is a mathematical function used to fully describe the probability distribution of a random variable by calculating its moments. It differs from a probability generating function (PGF) in that it uses real numbers instead of complex numbers and can provide information about higher moments. The main purpose of using an MGF is to simplify calculations and prove properties of distributions. It can be used for any type of distribution, but may not exist for all distributions. In hypothesis testing, the MGF can be used to calculate probabilities and generate confidence intervals for parameters of a distribution.
  • #1
1. Let X denote the mean of a random sample of size 75 from the distribution that has the pdf f (x) =1, 0<=x<=1. Calculate P (0.45 <X< 0.55).
2. Derive the moment-generating function for the normal density.
3. Let Y n (or Y for simplicity) be b (n, p). Thus, Y / n is approximately N [p, p (1 -p) / n]. Statisticians often look for functions of statistics whose variances do not depend upon the parameter. Can you find a function, say u(Y / n), whose variance is essentially free of p?

can anyone help me with them?
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  • #2
I'm not going to risk giving advise on your other 2 problems since I'm not entirely sure what they are looking for but I can give you help on #1.

When they say that a distribution has a Pdf of F(x)=1 they mean that it is" in other words all events within the defined space of 0<=x<=1 are equal. Therefore all you need to do to find the area (and thus probability) within two defined points (events) in this distribution is find the absolute value of their distance.

In the case of this problem: P(0.45<x<0.55)= 0.55-0.45 = 0.10

I hope that helps. ^-^
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  • #3
thanks for your reply.
  • #4
About #1, if the question is "the mean of a random sample of size 75 from the distribution that has the pdf f (x) =1" then the answer is not simply 0.1 - that is the probability associated with a single value of [tex] x [/tex], not the mean. Given the indicated level of the questions, perhaps think about the central limit theorem.

For the second problem, note that if [tex] X, Y [/tex] are random variables, and

Y = \mu + \sigma X

then the moment generating function of [tex] Y [/tex] is

\phi_Y(s) = E\left(e^{sY}\right) &= \int e^{s(\mu + \sigma X)} f(x) \, dx \\
&= e^{s\mu} \int e^{(s \, \sigma ) X} f(x) \, dx \\
& = s^{s\mu} \phi_X (s \, \sigma)

so if you know the mgf of X you can get the mgf using the idea in the final line. That should help you with the mgf for the normal distribution.

The final question is a classic question seen when transformations of random variables are introduced. Begin with the idea stated, that Y/n is roughly normal, with the given variance. You know the formula for the variance of a transformed normal r.v. - apply it to the given constant, set the result equal to a constant C, and solve the (very simple) differential equation.
  • #5
statdad said:
About #1, if the question is "the mean of a random sample of size 75 from the distribution that has the pdf f (x) =1" then the answer is not simply 0.1 - that is the probability associated with a single value of [tex] x [/tex], not the mean. Given the indicated level of the questions, perhaps think about the central limit theorem.
You know what he is exactly right, I read that to calculate for a single value of X instead of for the mean X, I apologize. Thank you for catching my mistake statdad.
  • #6
"You know what he is exactly right, I read that to calculate for a single value of X instead of for the mean X, I apologize. Thank you for catching my mistake statdad."

You are welcome, but there is no need for gnashing of teeth - we all make mistakes here, whether simple typing errors or others. I'm sure I'm far ahead of you in that regard.
I hope the OP is making progress on these.

FAQ: Statistics(moment generating function)

1. What is a moment generating function?

A moment generating function (MGF) is a mathematical function used in statistics to fully describe the probability distribution of a random variable. It is defined as the expected value of e^tx, where t is a real-valued parameter and x is the random variable. The MGF provides a way to calculate moments of a distribution, such as the mean, variance, and higher moments.

2. How is a moment generating function different from a probability generating function?

A probability generating function (PGF) is similar to an MGF, but its argument is a complex number instead of a real number. This makes the PGF useful for discrete distributions, while the MGF is more commonly used for continuous distributions. Additionally, the PGF only provides information about the first and second moments of a distribution, while the MGF can provide information about higher moments as well.

3. What is the purpose of using a moment generating function?

The main purpose of using an MGF is to make calculations involving moments of a distribution easier. By taking derivatives of the MGF, we can easily find the moments of a distribution without having to integrate over the entire probability distribution function. Additionally, the MGF can be used to prove properties of distributions, such as the Central Limit Theorem.

4. Can moment generating functions be used for any type of distribution?

Yes, moment generating functions can be used for any type of distribution, as long as the MGF exists for that distribution. However, for some distributions, such as the Cauchy distribution, the MGF may not exist or may be infinite, making it less useful for those cases.

5. How can a moment generating function be used for hypothesis testing?

In hypothesis testing, the MGF can be used to calculate the probability of a certain value occurring in a distribution. This can be useful for determining the likelihood of certain outcomes and for comparing the MGFs of two different distributions to determine if they are significantly different. The MGF can also be used to generate confidence intervals for parameters of a distribution, which can be used in hypothesis testing.

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