Status and proofs on Superstring Unified Field Theory ?

In summary, there are currently no proven theories that unify all fundamental forces, including gravity. The Standard Model attempts to do so with its symmetries between SU3, SU2, and U1, but it does not include gravity. The Grand Unified Theory was thought to be proven with recent reports on the Higgs boson, but this is not the case. The Superstring Unified Field Theory was created in an attempt to unify GUT with gravity and create a Theory of Everything, but it is still in development and has not been proven. Some believe it is just speculation and not based on empirical evidence.
  • #1
So yet we have the Standard Model which tries to explain and unify the 4 fundamental forces or atleast 3 for now since the gravity is not quite well understood in particle physics.So people search for a theory of everything which unifies all forces and yet we didn't found any good theory as such.Even Stephen Hawking abandoned the idea of TOE.We also know that the Grand Unified Theory is proven with the latest reports on the Higgs boson.So in further attempts to unify GUT with gravity and create a TOE,the Superstring Unified Field Theory was created.I'm particulary curious if this theory can stand with our current knowledge ? Are there any proofs for it ? What is the status on it's development and what is your opinion about it ,do you think it is real or just a speculation?
(I know that superstring theory in general has not any proof on extra dimensions and supersymmetry but i`m curious about this theory in particular)
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  • #2
Double-Slit said:
We also know that the Grand Unified Theory is proven with the latest reports on the Higgs boson.

No it isn't. Who told you this? Can you link what you read that implied it? We need to find out what was originally said that has come across wrong.

So in further attempts to unify GUT with gravity and create a TOE,the Superstring Unified Field Theory was created.I'm particulary curious if this theory can stand with our current knowledge ? Are there any proofs for it ? What is the status on it's development and what is your opinion about it ,do you think it is real or just a speculation? (I know that superstring theory in general has not any proof on extra dimensions and supersymmetry but i`m curious about this theory in particular)

While interesting, this is an unrelated question and should probably belong in BTSM.
  • #3
d3mm said:
No it isn't. Who told you this? Can you link what you read that implied it? We need to find out what was originally said that has come across wrong.

While interesting, this is an unrelated question and should probably belong in BTSM.

1) Well it's not well documented yet but i`m sure somebody will find a way to couple the strong interaction with the electroweak one.My bad for the wrong formulation, although the mathemathical model of the standard model is based on the symmetries between SU3 SU2 AND U1 so it's just a step ahead to unify it.I don't see the problem here,the SM was ment to be the unification of the 3 forces and a little hope to find out something about gravity as well.The extra dimensions and additional fields what's the problem with that? String theory,Superstring theory and Quantum field theory is based upon those as well yet we use those aswell.Those extra dimensions should only be mathematical to help us formulate a good model,whether it is real or not,thats philosophy.

2) As for the question,my question was how real and proven is the Superstring Unified Field theory,it's a new one,I`ve read about it in a paper and it claimed that it unified everything.
I wish to know about the validity of this theory.Thats all i wish to know.Have a nice day!
  • #4
Regarding 1) yes, there are many more or less straighforward GUT models like SU(5), SO(10), ... which could unify the SM gauge groups. The problem is that these GUT gauge groups come with additional gauge bosons (*) i.e. new forces. Most of them predict proton decay and other effects and have been ruled out experimentally decades ago. Afaik there is no simpe GUT model left. The best choice are SUSY-GUTs which are far from simple.

(*) in the SM you have 1 + 3 + 8 = 12 gauge bosons; in SU(5) you have 24.

Related to Status and proofs on Superstring Unified Field Theory ?

What is Superstring Unified Field Theory?

Superstring Unified Field Theory is a theoretical framework that attempts to unify the four fundamental forces of nature (gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force) into a single theoretical framework. It suggests that the fundamental building blocks of the universe are not point-like particles, but rather tiny vibrating strings.

What is the current status of Superstring Unified Field Theory?

The current status of Superstring Unified Field Theory is that it is still a highly theoretical and debated concept. While it has gained some support from mathematical and theoretical physicists, there is currently no experimental evidence to support its claims. It also faces challenges such as the lack of a complete mathematical formulation and the inability to make testable predictions.

What are the proofs for Superstring Unified Field Theory?

As mentioned, Superstring Unified Field Theory is still a highly theoretical concept, so there are no concrete proofs for its validity. However, there have been some mathematical and theoretical developments that support its claims, such as the ability to incorporate gravity into the theory and the potential for unifying the forces of nature.

What are the criticisms of Superstring Unified Field Theory?

One of the main criticisms of Superstring Unified Field Theory is its lack of empirical evidence. As a purely theoretical framework, it has not been able to make testable predictions that can be confirmed through experiments. There are also criticisms regarding its complexity and the lack of a complete mathematical formulation.

What is the significance of Superstring Unified Field Theory?

If proven to be true, Superstring Unified Field Theory would have a profound impact on our understanding of the universe and could potentially lead to a unified theory of everything. It could also have practical applications in areas such as quantum computing and understanding the early universe. However, until it is supported by empirical evidence, its significance remains theoretical.

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