Staying Up Late? Working on Homework & MATLAB

  • Thread starter ziad1985
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In summary: Some people believe that the full moon can cause people to have trouble sleeping, so they try to do things to relax before bed, like close their eyes and count sheeps, or try deep breathing exercises.
  • #1
Been up since 2am, now it's slightly after 5.
But found some time to do some homeworks.
Working on MATLAB now.
Anyone staying up late?
what are you doing?
Physics news on
  • #2
It's only 10 PM here... but I know the situation where you can't get to sleep. At least your putting the time to good use though, right?

Not only do I have trouble falling asleep sometimes, but I have others keep me up.

I live at home and my dad is always up late watching Opera or something on TV, with the volume cranked up! It's so loud I can't get to sleep!

Sigh, sometimes you can't win! Good luck getting to sleep!
  • #3
Can't go back to sleep. I have a class at 8.
But not sleepy, actually don't feel tired, yet!
I guess I'm going to have bad day today.
  • #4
Sometimes when you stay up for long enough you get a second wind, and your not tired for a while.

Watch out though, tomorrow night, you may crash!
  • #5
What can you do when you just can't sleep, I don't like taking anything to help me sleep at all, unless if it's really necessary, and doctor prescription(lately having trouble sleeping enough)..
I finish class around 12 i think, got plenty of time after that to relax..
  • #6
Why not read a book in bed? Maybe some a little boring could help.
  • #7
browsing PF should help you sleep.
  • #8
When I can't get sleep, I usually log onto PF and hang around for an hour or so. Then, when I go to bed again, I usually fall asleep right away.

Or, as someone above said, try reading something, this usually helps. Try doing anything that will get your mind focus off the fact that you can't fall asleep.
  • #9
It was too late for me to read anything to sleep, my class was to start in less then 3 hours.
I feel so tired now.
Guess I'll have to take a nap, although I hate that.
  • #10
when i can't sleep i listen to the news...
since lebanese news is so hilarious when u watch 2 waring tv stations, it can give u good value for ur time, beat paramount by miles :P
  • #11
yeah 5 minutes on Manar Tv then 5 minutes on Future Tv :smile:
  • #12
Drink a calming tea or stiff some calming essential oils. Something similar to a vanilla drink.
  • #13
yep ziad u got what i mean :)
  • #14
I find watching Cosmos (not the movie) very relaxing. The background music puts me to sleep every time...:blushing:
  • #15
It was the full moon.

I don't really believe that, but then again, I don't know why I often can't sleep when the moon is full. (I was up last night too).
  • #16
close eyes and count sheeps

FAQ: Staying Up Late? Working on Homework & MATLAB

1. How does staying up late affect academic performance?

Staying up late to work on homework or MATLAB has been linked to decreased academic performance. Lack of sleep can lead to difficulty concentrating, memory problems, and fatigue, all of which can impact one's ability to learn and retain information.

2. Is it better to stay up late or wake up early to complete homework or MATLAB assignments?

It is generally better to wake up early to complete assignments rather than staying up late. Our brains are more alert and productive in the morning, and getting a good night's sleep is important for overall health and academic success.

3. How can I stay motivated and productive while working on assignments late at night?

To stay motivated and productive while working late at night, it's important to take breaks and prioritize tasks. Make a schedule and set achievable goals, and reward yourself for completing each task. Also, try to limit distractions and create a comfortable work environment.

4. How can I avoid feeling tired and burnt out from staying up late?

To avoid feeling tired and burnt out from staying up late, it's important to practice good sleep habits. This includes getting enough sleep on a regular basis, avoiding caffeine and heavy meals close to bedtime, and creating a relaxing bedtime routine.

5. Is it bad for my health to consistently stay up late to complete assignments?

Consistently staying up late to complete assignments can have negative effects on both physical and mental health. Lack of sleep can lead to a weakened immune system, increased risk of chronic health conditions, and can also contribute to stress, anxiety, and depression.

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