Steady-state/ dynamic models of chemical reactors

In summary, the conversation discussed solving a problem involving steady state and dynamic models of a chemical reactor. The individual had made progress in using mass and energy conservation equations, but needed help with understanding the use of molecular weights and equilibrium equations. The conversation also provided guidance on how to solve for unknown variables and convert between molar and mass concentrations.
  • #1
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to solve a problem concerning steady state and dynamic models of chemical reactor. I attached the problem statement for better understanding. Please disregard part (a). Here's what I have come up with so far:

For part (b) I have the following

From Mass Conservation
Component A: ρ*V*dx/dt = w*xi - w*x - V*k(T)*x or ρ*V*dx/dt = w(xi - x) - V*k(T)*x
Component B: ρ*V*dy/dt = -w*y - V*k(T)*yC

and from Energy Conservation (not sure about this one)
V*ρ*C*dT/dt = w*C*(Ti-T) + Q

For part (c) I think I should do the following

Set the derivatives equal to zero
Component A: 0 = w(xi - x) - V*k*x
Component B: 0 = -w*y - V*k*y

and then solve for x using the data given below part (c). However, I'm confused because the data already includes a value of x (x=0.05) so I think that I'm doing something wrong. Maybe I don't understand what the question is asking. Also, I'm a little confused about molecular weights, MA and MB. How am I supposed to use them? I did notice that when I was trying to solve for x (assuming my thinking is correct) I couldn't get the units to cancel out in this term V*k*x. V is in L and k is in mol/min and x is dimensionless. I'm pretty sure I'm not understanding something so if anyone could at least guide me in the right direction I would really appreciate it. Also please let me know whether my models are correct.


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  • #2

Hi there,

It looks like you have made some good progress so far! Let's break down the problem and go through it step by step.

First, for part (b), you are correct in using the mass and energy conservation equations. However, for the energy conservation equation, you will need to also include the energy from the reaction, which is given by -ΔHr*x*w, where ΔHr is the enthalpy of the reaction and x is the extent of reaction. So your energy conservation equation will look like this:

V*ρ*C*dT/dt = w*C*(Ti-T) + Q - ΔHr*x*w

For part (c), you are on the right track. Setting the derivatives equal to zero will give you the steady state conditions. However, you will also need to include the equilibrium equations for each component, which are given by:

Kc = (y/x)^n

Where Kc is the equilibrium constant, y is the molar concentration of component B, x is the molar concentration of component A, and n is the stoichiometric coefficient. These equations will help you solve for the unknown variables.

As for the molecular weights, MA and MB, you will need to use them to convert between molar concentrations and mass concentrations. The molar concentration of a component is given by C = ρ/M, where ρ is the mass concentration and M is the molecular weight. So for example, for component A, the molar concentration will be given by:

CA = ρA/MA

I hope this helps guide you in the right direction. Let me know if you have any further questions or need clarification on anything. Best of luck!

FAQ: Steady-state/ dynamic models of chemical reactors

1. What is a steady-state model of a chemical reactor?

A steady-state model of a chemical reactor is a mathematical representation of the system that assumes its properties and behavior remain constant over time. This model is useful for predicting the long-term behavior of a reactor and optimizing its design and operation.

2. How is a dynamic model of a chemical reactor different from a steady-state model?

A dynamic model of a chemical reactor takes into account the changes in the system over time, including the effects of disturbances and fluctuations in operating conditions. This model is more complex and requires more data and calculations, but it can provide a more accurate representation of the reactor's behavior.

3. What are the key components of a steady-state model of a chemical reactor?

The key components of a steady-state model include the reactor's dimensions, operating conditions, and thermodynamic properties of the reactants and products. These parameters are used to calculate the reactor's performance and predict its behavior.

4. How are steady-state and dynamic models used in the design and optimization of chemical reactors?

Steady-state models are often used in the initial design and optimization of chemical reactors to determine their optimal size, operating conditions, and catalysts. Dynamic models are then used to fine-tune the design and simulate the reactor's performance under various conditions.

5. What are the limitations of using steady-state and dynamic models of chemical reactors?

Steady-state models assume that the reactor operates under constant conditions, which may not reflect real-world scenarios. Dynamic models, although more accurate, require a significant amount of data and calculations, making them more time-consuming and resource-intensive. Both models also rely on simplifications and assumptions that may not fully capture the complexity of the reactor system.

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