Steady state Vertical diffusion equation

In summary, the conversation discusses the vertical diffusion equation for a species X in the atmosphere under steady state conditions. The equation includes terms for flux, loss, and a source term, as well as boundary conditions at different altitudes. The goal is to solve for the distribution of X in the atmosphere. The conversation also mentions a relevant scientific study.
  • #1
Hallo everyone,

I am trying to find the way to solve the vertical diffusion equation for a spicies X in the atmosphere for steady state conditions (dc/dt=0).

The equation has the form,

dJ/dz -P+S=0

where J =(vs*C(z)) + rho*kz*d/dz(C(z)/rho(z)) is the flux of spicies X at height z above ground level and C is the concentration of the spicies X at height z.

P = (lambda+sigma)*C(z) is the loss of X per unit time and per volume with the unit base
area and height dz at the altitude z.

S = source term of X
vs = gravitational sedimentory velocity
rho = air density
kz = turbulant diffusion coefficient

The boundary conditions that apply are

1) at altitude z= zn
lambda*C(zn)=q*S(zn) (equilibrium between formation and decay of X)

2) J (z=0) = 0

(Basically spices X is formed at z=31 Km and distributed or diffused in the atmosphere given by the equation above)

Help is greatly appricieted!

Physics news on
  • #2
Juliousceasor said:
Hallo everyone,

I am trying to find the way to solve the vertical diffusion equation for a spicies X in the atmosphere for steady state conditions (dc/dt=0).

The equation has the form,

dJ/dz -P+S=0

where J =(vs*C(z)) + rho*kz*d/dz(C(z)/rho(z)) is the flux of spicies X at height z above ground level and C is the concentration of the spicies X at height z.

P = (lambda+sigma)*C(z) is the loss of X per unit time and per volume with the unit base
area and height dz at the altitude z.

S = source term of X
vs = gravitational sedimentory velocity
rho = air density
kz = turbulant diffusion coefficient

The boundary conditions that apply are

1) at altitude z= zn
lambda*C(zn)=q*S(zn) (equilibrium between formation and decay of X)

2) J (z=0) = 0(Basically spices X is formed at z=31 Km and distributed or diffused in the atmosphere given by the equation above)Help is greatly appricieted!

See Miller, C., Meakin, P., Franks, R.G.E., and Jesson, J.P., The Fluorocarbon-Ozone Theory – V. One Dimensional Modeling of the Atmosphere: The Base Case, Atmospheric Environment, 12, 2481-2500 (1978)

FAQ: Steady state Vertical diffusion equation

What is the Steady State Vertical Diffusion Equation?

The Steady State Vertical Diffusion Equation is a mathematical model used to describe the vertical movement of substances or properties in a medium, such as air or water. It takes into account factors such as concentration gradients, diffusion coefficients, and boundary conditions to determine the steady state distribution of the substance or property in the medium.

What is the significance of the Steady State Vertical Diffusion Equation in science?

The Steady State Vertical Diffusion Equation is a fundamental tool in many scientific fields, including atmospheric and oceanic sciences, environmental engineering, and chemical and biological processes. It allows researchers to model and predict the behavior and distribution of substances or properties in a given medium, providing valuable insights into complex systems and processes.

What are the assumptions made in the Steady State Vertical Diffusion Equation?

The Steady State Vertical Diffusion Equation makes several simplifying assumptions, including a steady state condition (no change over time), a constant diffusion coefficient, and a linear relationship between the concentration gradient and the diffusive flux. These assumptions may not hold true in some real-world scenarios, but they allow for a more manageable and solvable equation.

How is the Steady State Vertical Diffusion Equation solved?

The Steady State Vertical Diffusion Equation can be solved using various methods, including analytical, numerical, and experimental approaches. Analytical solutions involve using mathematical techniques to obtain an exact solution, while numerical methods use computational algorithms to approximate a solution. Experimental methods involve collecting and analyzing real-world data to validate the equation and determine its parameters.

What are some practical applications of the Steady State Vertical Diffusion Equation?

The Steady State Vertical Diffusion Equation has a wide range of practical applications, including modeling air and water pollution, predicting the spread of contaminants in the environment, and understanding the transport of nutrients and gases in ecosystems. It is also used in the design and evaluation of environmental remediation strategies and in the development of climate and weather models.
