Step Potential and Wave Functions

In summary, for the given step potential with E < V0, you are required to plot the wave function at x = 0 for four different values of energy. You should use the general forms for the incident and reflected waves, and consider using the form \psi (x) = De^{ikx} for the transmitted wave. Additionally, it may be useful to plot the potential barrier V(x) on the same graph as the wave functions.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have a step potential where E < V0. I also have to do this for E >V0 but I think after we do the first part it'll make sense.

Plot the behavior of the wave function in crossing the region at x = 0, considering
four values of the energy. So I'll end up with four plots.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

My problem is I don't know of four wave functions at x=0. I may be reading the problem wrong. Here is what I have so far. Which seems way too simple, so I am probably doing it wrong.

For the incident wave I have.

[tex] \psi (x) = Ae^{ikx}[/tex]

For the reflected wave.

[tex] \psi (x) = Be^{-ikx}[/tex]

And the transmitted wave.

[tex] \psi (x) = Ce^{- \alpha x}[/tex]

Am I missing some wave functions? The plotting I can do, but I don't think what I have is correct.
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  • #2


Thank you for sharing your attempt at a solution. Your approach is on the right track, but there are a few things you may want to consider.

First, for the incident and reflected waves, you are correct in using the general form \psi (x) = Ae^{ikx} and \psi (x) = Be^{-ikx}. However, for the transmitted wave, the form you have used is for a decaying wave, which may not be appropriate for this problem. Instead, you may want to consider using the form \psi (x) = De^{ikx}.

Second, for the four values of energy, you can choose any four values that satisfy the condition E < V0. For example, you could choose E = V0/2, E = V0/3, E = V0/4, and E = V0/5. This will give you four different plots to compare.

Lastly, when plotting the wave functions, it may be helpful to also plot the potential barrier V(x) on the same graph. This will give you a better understanding of how the wave functions behave in relation to the potential barrier.

I hope this helps and good luck with your solution!

FAQ: Step Potential and Wave Functions

1. What is step potential in quantum mechanics?

Step potential is a sudden change in potential energy that occurs at a boundary between two regions in a quantum mechanical system. This can happen, for example, when a particle encounters a potential barrier or well. In these cases, the potential energy abruptly changes, causing a change in the behavior of the particle.

2. How does step potential affect the wave function of a particle?

The step potential causes a discontinuity in the wave function of a particle. This means that the wave function is no longer smooth and continuous at the boundary, but instead has a sudden jump or change. This can lead to interesting phenomena such as reflection, transmission, and tunneling of the particle.

3. What is the Schrödinger equation and how is it related to step potential?

The Schrödinger equation is a fundamental equation in quantum mechanics that describes how the wave function of a particle evolves over time. It is used to calculate the probability of finding a particle in a certain location or state. Step potential is related to the Schrödinger equation because it is used to solve for the wave function in systems with sudden changes in potential energy.

4. Can you explain the concept of bound and unbound states in relation to step potential?

In quantum mechanics, a bound state is a state in which a particle is confined to a certain region due to the potential energy of the system. On the other hand, an unbound state is a state in which the particle is not confined and can move freely. Step potential can create both bound and unbound states depending on the energy of the particle and the height of the potential barrier.

5. How does step potential contribute to the understanding of quantum tunneling?

Quantum tunneling is a phenomenon in which a particle can pass through a potential barrier even though it does not have enough energy to do so classically. Step potential is an important concept in understanding quantum tunneling because it can create potential barriers that particles can tunnel through. This phenomenon has many technological applications, such as in scanning tunneling microscopes and quantum computing.

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