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- How to determine the moments of inertia for stiffened panel calculations ?
I'm looking for a way to find the maximum deflection of a simply-supported stiffened panel analytically (to validate the FEM result). I've found some literature on this topic and I have 3 different formulas from various sources. The problem is that neither of them gives me the expected results (I use an already solved example from a research paper to check my calculations). I think that it's mostly a matter of the moments of inertia. In the aforementioned literature, stiffeners are treated as a grillage. However, it's never mentioned for which segments of the plate the moments of inertia should be determined. The results are far from the expected values when I calculate the moments of inertia for just a single T section of a stiffener. Also, some formulas don't even include the thickness of the plate itself so I guess it should be part of the segment used to evaluate the moment of inertia. But maybe it should be extended further to the sides to also cover the gaps (or at least their parts) between the stiffeners.
Here's one of the simplest formulas (from Design of Ship Hull Structures - short fragment with this formula is available here): $$\delta=\frac{abp}{\frac{\pi^{6}E}{16} \left( \frac{I_{x}(m+1)}{a^{3}} + \frac{I_{y}(n+1)}{b^{3}} \right) }$$
where: ##a## and ##b## - length of a longer and shorter edge of the panel, respectively, ##p## - pressure, ##E## - Young's modulus, ##I_{x}## and ##I_{y}## - "sectional moments of inertia with effective breadths" (whatever they mean here - any idea ?), ##n## and ##m## - number of stiffeners along the longer and shorter edge, respectively.
What segments would you use to determine the moments of inertia in this case ? The deflection I got this way was approximately 2 times larger than it should be.
Here's the panel under consideration:
Close-up on the stiffeners:
I've also tried the formulas from Timoshenko's "Theory of Plates and Shells", among the others, but it didn't work either.
I'm looking for a way to find the maximum deflection of a simply-supported stiffened panel analytically (to validate the FEM result). I've found some literature on this topic and I have 3 different formulas from various sources. The problem is that neither of them gives me the expected results (I use an already solved example from a research paper to check my calculations). I think that it's mostly a matter of the moments of inertia. In the aforementioned literature, stiffeners are treated as a grillage. However, it's never mentioned for which segments of the plate the moments of inertia should be determined. The results are far from the expected values when I calculate the moments of inertia for just a single T section of a stiffener. Also, some formulas don't even include the thickness of the plate itself so I guess it should be part of the segment used to evaluate the moment of inertia. But maybe it should be extended further to the sides to also cover the gaps (or at least their parts) between the stiffeners.
Here's one of the simplest formulas (from Design of Ship Hull Structures - short fragment with this formula is available here): $$\delta=\frac{abp}{\frac{\pi^{6}E}{16} \left( \frac{I_{x}(m+1)}{a^{3}} + \frac{I_{y}(n+1)}{b^{3}} \right) }$$
where: ##a## and ##b## - length of a longer and shorter edge of the panel, respectively, ##p## - pressure, ##E## - Young's modulus, ##I_{x}## and ##I_{y}## - "sectional moments of inertia with effective breadths" (whatever they mean here - any idea ?), ##n## and ##m## - number of stiffeners along the longer and shorter edge, respectively.
What segments would you use to determine the moments of inertia in this case ? The deflection I got this way was approximately 2 times larger than it should be.
Here's the panel under consideration:
Close-up on the stiffeners:
I've also tried the formulas from Timoshenko's "Theory of Plates and Shells", among the others, but it didn't work either.