Store Thousands of Letters on Computer: Best Ways

  • Thread starter John O' Meara
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In summary, the conversation is about finding the best way to store thousands of letters onto a computer for a friend. Some suggestions include using Access or writing a program in C/C++ to store and fetch the letters onto CDs. The format of the letters is currently on paper and the friend wants to be able to access them by searching for specific data items or using full-text search. It is recommended to use an existing database program or possibly write a "front end" for a database engine. The friend wants to access and file the letters by date as an archive.
  • #1
John O' Meara
I wish to store thousands of letters onto a computer for a friend. What is the best way to do this? Use Access, or write a program in C/C++ to store and fetch the letters onto CDs. Any suggestions gratefully received, as I have no idea how to get started on this.Thank you very much.
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  • #2
What format are the letters in now? Are they still on paper, or are they in Word documents, or text files, or PDF files, or images (TIFF, JPEG etc.) from a scanner?

How does your friend want to be able to access them? Search by a fixed number of data items such as sender, addressee, subject, or assigned keywords? Full-text search of the messages?

What are your current programming skills? If you're not a good programmer already, I think you should base your solution on an existing database progam such as Access. If you have programming experience, you could consider writing a "front end" for a database engine such as MySQL. Writing something like this completely from scratch in C or C++ or whatever is for masochists only, IMHO.
  • #3
They are in paper ready to scan into the computer. Can I scan them into Access directly. I have to check with him how he wants them to be accessed. I'm not a good programmer but I can learn SQL to write a "front end" for accessing the database. Thanks for the advice.
  • #4
He wants to access them and file them by date only. He wants to have them as like an archive. Thanks.

FAQ: Store Thousands of Letters on Computer: Best Ways

1. How can I store thousands of letters on my computer?

There are a few ways to store thousands of letters on your computer. One option is to use a cloud storage service, such as Google Drive or Dropbox, to upload and save your letters. Another option is to use a file compression software, like WinZip or 7-Zip, to compress the files and save space on your computer. You can also organize your letters into folders and subfolders on your computer's hard drive.

2. What is the best file format to store letters on a computer?

The best file format to store letters on a computer depends on your specific needs. If you want to preserve the original formatting and layout of the letters, a PDF format would be best. If you need a smaller file size, a compressed format like ZIP or RAR would be more suitable. For easy editing and sharing, a Word document or plain text file would work well.

3. Is there a limit to how many letters I can store on my computer?

The limit of how many letters you can store on your computer depends on the storage capacity of your hard drive or cloud storage service. With advancements in technology, the storage capacity of computers has significantly increased, so it is unlikely that you will run out of space for thousands of letters. However, it is always a good idea to regularly backup and delete unnecessary files to free up space.

4. How can I ensure the security of my stored letters on a computer?

To ensure the security of your stored letters on a computer, you can use encryption software to protect the files with a password. It is also important to regularly update your antivirus software and be cautious when downloading files from the internet. Backing up your letters on an external hard drive or a different cloud storage service can also provide an extra layer of security.

5. Can I access my stored letters from any device?

If you store your letters on a cloud storage service, you can access them from any device with an internet connection. You can also use a remote access software, such as TeamViewer or LogMeIn, to access your computer and retrieve your letters from anywhere. However, if the letters are stored only on your computer's hard drive, you can only access them from that specific device.
