Strain Gauge Formula Derivation

In summary: This is done by taking the partial derivatives of R with respect to L, A, and ρ, and multiplying them by the corresponding changes ΔL, ΔA, and Δρ. This allows you to approximate the change in R as a function of changes in L, A, and ρ.In summary, the formula ΔR = (∂R/∂L)ΔL + (∂R/∂A)ΔA + (∂R/∂ρ)Δρ represents the change in resistance due to changes in length, area, and resistivity and is derived using the concept of total derivatives. This allows for an approximation of the change in resistance in terms of the changes in these variables.
  • #1
Using R = ρL/A,
I am trying to get this formula, which is the change in resistance due to change in length, area, and resistivity.

ΔR = (∂R/∂L)ΔL + (∂R/∂A)ΔA + (∂R/∂ρ)Δρ

I understand the above conceptually, but I am confused about why we are multiplying by terms ΔL, ΔA, and Δρ.
Intuitively, I think it is just ΔR = (∂R/∂L) + (∂R/∂A) + (∂R/∂ρ), as it says "adding up the changes in resistance by changes in length, area, and resistivity equals total resistance change". And by unit analysis, I agree that multiplying by ΔL, ΔA, and Δρ is correct, but can anyone show me how to derive this mathematically?


Just thought about it some more, and while it doesn't satisfy me, it makes a bit more sense.
You can just take R = ρL/A and take the partial of it WRT L and get ∂R/∂L = ρ/A.
Multiply denominator over to get ∂R = (ρ/A)∂L
Rewrite as ΔR = (ρ/A)ΔL
Realize that (ρ/A) is ∂R/∂L and substitute back in.
ΔR = (∂R/∂L)ΔL, then do the same with A and ρ.
However, this seems kind of backwards...
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  • #2
yosimba2000 said:
Using R = ρL/A,
I am trying to get this formula, which is the change in resistance due to change in length, area, and resistivity.

ΔR = (∂R/∂L)ΔL + (∂R/∂A)ΔA + (∂R/∂ρ)Δρ

I understand the above conceptually, but I am confused about why we are multiplying by terms ΔL, ΔA, and Δρ.

It's a math concept known as the total derivative:

You are linearizing the change in resistance R in terms of the changes in length, area, and resistivity of the wire

FAQ: Strain Gauge Formula Derivation

1. What is a strain gauge and what is its purpose?

A strain gauge is a device used to measure the strain or deformation in an object. It is typically made of a thin wire or foil that is attached to the surface of an object and changes its resistance when stretched or compressed. The purpose of a strain gauge is to measure how much a material deforms under stress, which can help determine its strength and durability.

2. What is the formula for calculating strain using a strain gauge?

The formula for calculating strain using a strain gauge is ε = ΔL/L, where ε is the strain, ΔL is the change in length of the object, and L is the original length of the object. This formula assumes that the change in length is small and that the strain is uniform throughout the object.

3. How is the strain gauge formula derived?

The strain gauge formula is derived from Hooke's law, which states that the strain or deformation of an object is directly proportional to the applied stress. This means that as the stress on an object increases, its strain also increases in a linear manner. By measuring the change in resistance of a strain gauge, which is proportional to the strain, the formula for strain can be derived.

4. What factors can affect the accuracy of strain gauge measurements?

Several factors can affect the accuracy of strain gauge measurements, such as temperature changes, improper installation or alignment of the gauge, and external forces or vibrations. It is important to carefully calibrate and monitor these factors to ensure accurate measurements.

5. How can strain gauge measurements be used in real-world applications?

Strain gauge measurements are commonly used in various industries, such as aerospace, automotive, and civil engineering, to test the strength and durability of materials. They can also be used in medical devices to measure physiological changes in the body. Additionally, strain gauge measurements are used in research and development to study the effects of stress on different materials and structures.

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