Strand conjecture published with testable predictions

In summary, the new paper has been published and it discusses the predictions of the strand conjecture.
  • #1
The new paper "Testing a conjecture on the origin of the standard model" Eur. Phys. J. Plus 136, 79 (2021). has been published. Springer allows to read it online at .

Over 100 numbered experimental predictions about physics beyond the standard model are made. So far, all predictions agree with data, including the spectrum of elementary particles, the possible gauge interactions and their gauge groups, as well as the detailed properties of the elementary particles. All predictions are deduced from a single principle at the Planck scale. Almost all predictions are not made by other conjectures found in the research literature on theoretical or phenomenological particle physics.
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  • #2
One aim of this specific forum is to answer questions about physics beyond the standard model of particle physics. Such answers are by nature predictions on future experimental results, and thus not yet reliable. The strand conjecture at provides such predictions, but in an unexpected direction. While agreeing with the standard model and even explaining its origin, strands also predict in great detail that there is no physics beyond the standard model:
  1. No new elementary particles (not even for dark matter), because there are no possible tangles left over;
  2. No new gauge groups, because tangle core deformations only allow U(1), SU(2), and SU(3);
  3. No new energy scales with new physics up to the Planck scale, because tangles do not allow this;
  4. No new dimensions, because tangles do not allow them;
  5. No effects of non-commutative space, no micro-wormholes, no topology changes at small scales, and no quantum foam, because they are impossible in the fundamental principle of the strand conjecture;
  6. No new forces, symmetries, or effects, because they cannot arise in the fundamental principle of the strand conjecture.
These disappointing predictions all follow from the single fundamental principle that describes nature at the Planck scale. The predictions are in stark contrast with other models on high energy physics in the literature.

There are also a number of positive predictions:

7. Massive Dirac neutrinos with normal mass ordering.
8. The tension between the muon g-2 measurements and the future, more precise calculations of the hadronic effects using the standard model will disappear.

All these prediction are in contrast with the hopes of many people in the field. The coming years will show whether they continue to be correct. (They were made in 2014.) Of course, experiments decide, and the predictions might well turn out to be wrong.
  • #3
The strand conjecture agrees with all experiments so far. And it is simple. It explains everything around us starting from a basic principle. It explains the particle spectrum and the force spectrum. It solves all open questions in partcile physics (for example, those listed in the wikipedia ...) No other proposal does so, at present. Just for completeness, it can be read for free at .

The strand conjecture also has a further property. Some people get really angry about it. The past discussions in this forum show it. Correspondence with data is not sufficient for some people. Some people need something more from a description of physics, something emotional. They need something that nature does not provide. And then they get angry when they see such a simple proposal.

What do these people need? What do they dream about?
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Likes weirdoguy
  • #4
Looks like no one else is interested in your model. This forum is the wrong place for monologues.
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Likes Vanadium 50 and weirdoguy

FAQ: Strand conjecture published with testable predictions

What is the Strand conjecture?

The Strand conjecture is a theoretical framework in physics that proposes a new way of understanding the fundamental structure of space-time and matter. It suggests that all fundamental particles and forces can be described by the interactions of one-dimensional objects called 'strands'. These strands are hypothesized to weave the fabric of the universe, providing a unified description of both quantum mechanics and general relativity.

What are the testable predictions made by the Strand conjecture?

The Strand conjecture makes several testable predictions, including specific patterns in particle collision outcomes, precise values for fundamental constants, and new relationships between different physical phenomena. It also predicts the existence of certain particles or interactions that have not yet been observed. These predictions are designed to be experimentally verifiable, providing a means to confirm or refute the conjecture.

How does the Strand conjecture differ from string theory?

While both the Strand conjecture and string theory involve one-dimensional objects, they differ significantly in their approach and implications. String theory posits that particles are different vibrational modes of strings, whereas the Strand conjecture suggests that particles and forces emerge from the braiding and twisting of strands. Additionally, the Strand conjecture aims to be more directly testable with current experimental technology, whereas string theory often requires higher energy scales that are not yet accessible.

What experimental evidence supports the Strand conjecture?

As of now, the Strand conjecture is a theoretical proposal and lacks direct experimental evidence. However, it is designed to make specific predictions that can be tested with existing or near-future experiments. Researchers are actively looking for experimental results that could either support or refute the conjecture. The ultimate acceptance of the Strand conjecture will depend on its ability to consistently match experimental data.

Who proposed the Strand conjecture and what is its current status in the scientific community?

The Strand conjecture was proposed by a group of theoretical physicists aiming to address unresolved issues in fundamental physics. Its current status in the scientific community is that of an intriguing but speculative hypothesis. It has garnered interest for its novel approach and testable predictions, but it remains to be seen whether it will gain widespread acceptance. Ongoing research and experimental verification will determine its future in the field of physics.
