Strange quarks, Strange stars and Strangelets?

In summary: So I can't say with certainty that strangelets can't form under those conditions, but I think it's very unlikely.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
Why is strange matter considered so dangerous that it could convert any matter that gets in contact with it to strange matter?
So various articles and videos suggest that if a piece of strange matter, or a strangelet, were to touch the Earth, the entire Earth would eventually get converted into strange matter too. Now, from what I've read strange quarks have a half-life of ##10^{-10}## s, so I can't see how it would remain stable outside of a neutron star. But they say some theories suggest that strange matter can remain stable outside of a neutron star, forming what they call strangelets. I mean even inside a strange star, only the very most central core of the neutron star can become strange matter, while the rest of the neutron star remains regular old neutrons, and a few protons and electrons. So even the whole neutron star isn't converted into strange matter either. So my first question is, what are these theories (e.g. Superstring theory, LQG, etc.)? Is this a well established theory or just a speculative theory?

Second question. If and when a strange matter core is established inside a neutron star, the main reason to do so is to package mass more efficiently and densely inside the core than even neutronium. I think most estimates say that strange quarks are about 2 dozen times more massive than up or down quarks. So a strange quark has the same charge as a down quark, so it's likely a down quark would get converted into a strange quark. Now that would preserve charge balance, but not mass balance. A single strange quark would have to replace 2 dozen down quarks to preserve mass balance. How do you preserve mass balance? Do you let some neutrons escape into space (eventually decaying to protons, electrons, and neutrinos), or do you create anti-neutrons from the virtual particles and use that to annihilate excess neutrons?

And finally the third question, comes from this paper:

This paper suggests that the maximum mass of a strange star ranges between 1.77 to 1.9 solar masses, I'll say 1.8 for short. That is pretty much within the range of regular neutron stars, not any higher. And in fact, the recent gravitational wave findings, when two neutron stars collided, showed that the maximum mass of a neutron star can be up to 2.16 solar masses, so they can actually be heavier than strange stars. If that's the case, then what would create the special conditions inside certain neutron stars to become strange stars, if they could remain just normal neutron stars at masses exceeding the maximum masses of strange stars?
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  • #2
I can't coment on most of your post. However strange quarks have been discovered in lab experiments with nothing disastrous happening.
  • #3
Sigh. This debate always comes up every time some new accelerator is switched on. It was the case when RHIC started and also the LHC.

One should, however, be aware that collisions with much larger energy occur all the time in the universe (also in our solar system) from the cosmic rays colliding all the time with other stuff, and those have a far larger energy than we can ever reach with our accelerators. So if there'd be the possibility to create "exotic" matter like strangelets, it would happen all the time, and all the desaster scenarios would already have happened and we'd not discuss this on PF anymore.

I'm pretty sure, some guy will again sue against switching on the FAIR accelerator in Darmstadt (very close to my home town) when it is ready in a few years ;-)).
  • #4
vanhees71 said:
Sigh. This debate always comes up every time some new accelerator is switched on. It was the case when RHIC started and also the LHC.
But wasn't that about the LHC producing micro black holes, rather than strangelets? I don't think I ever heard about strangelets being mentioned.

One should, however, be aware that collisions with much larger energy occur all the time in the universe (also in our solar system) from the cosmic rays colliding all the time with other stuff, and those have a far larger energy than we can ever reach with our accelerators. So if there'd be the possibility to create "exotic" matter like strangelets, it would happen all the time, and all the desaster scenarios would already have happened and we'd not discuss this on PF anymore.
But there must be some sort of theory on which these urban legends are built? What theory would suggest that strangelets could be stable under the standard low-energy, low-pressure scenarios within the universe, rather than the high-energy, high-pressure of neutron stars?
  • #5
The black holes were another desaster scenario before the LHC was started. Then Wilczek brought the idea with the strangelets up, I think in Scientific American. So they became also a concern of the desaster advocates ;-).

Of course, the equation of state of strongly interacting matter is still a field of very active research, and neutron stars are of course one of the important sources to observe this matter under extreme conditions of pressure/density. One puzzle among others is how you can reconcile hyperons with the rather high-mass neutron stars of ##2M_{\text{Sun}}##. Another additional source of information are the gravitational waves from neutron-star mergers (kilonovae) being observables by LIGO/VIRGO et al and multi-messenger astronomy, i.e., the observation of gravitational waves together with electromagnetic radiation over all available wavelengths. (Open Access!)
  • #6
bbbl67 said:
But there must be some sort of theory on which these urban legends are built?

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Likes vanhees71
  • #7
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Related to Strange quarks, Strange stars and Strangelets?

1. What are strange quarks?

Strange quarks are one of the six types of quarks, which are the fundamental building blocks of matter. They are characterized by their high mass and short lifetime, and are found in particles called hadrons.

2. What is a strange star?

A strange star is a hypothetical type of star that is composed mostly of strange quarks. It is believed that these stars may form when a neutron star collapses and the pressure becomes so high that the neutrons break down into their constituent quarks.

3. What are strangelets?

Strangelets are hypothetical particles made up of a combination of up, down, and strange quarks. They are believed to be extremely stable and may exist in the core of neutron stars or in the form of cosmic rays.

4. Are strange quarks, strange stars, and strangelets dangerous?

There is currently no evidence to suggest that strange quarks, strange stars, or strangelets pose any danger. However, their existence and properties are still being studied and researched by scientists.

5. Can strange quarks, strange stars, and strangelets be observed?

At this time, there is no direct evidence of the existence of strange stars or strangelets. However, scientists are studying the properties of neutron stars and cosmic rays to gather more information and potentially detect these elusive particles.

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