Stress-energy tensor and pressure

In summary: Hence the interpretation in terms of pressure.In summary, the stress-energy tensor is a 16-component object that describes the energy and momentum density currents. In the context of a body's rest frame, the diagonal components (T^{ii}) can be interpreted as the classical stress tensor for solids or the pressure for fluids. This is because they represent the flow of momentum across a given area.
  • #1
I learned that stress-energy tensor is defined in first place to be a 16-component object [tex]T^{\mu\nu}[/tex], where the first row [tex]T^{0\nu}[/tex] tells the energy density current, and the three other rows [tex]T^{i\nu}[/tex] tell the momentum density currents.

The Carrol introduces a stress-energy tensor where off diagonal terms are zero, and [tex]T^{00}[/tex] and [tex]T^{ii}[/tex] (the same value for all i=1,2,3) have some fixed values. He then merely says, that "we can choose to call [tex]T^{ii}[/tex] the pressure". Okey, does this have anything to do with earlier pressure concept that we know from elementary physics? If it does, how do you justify that, because it doesn't seem very obvious to me. Those diagonal terms in the first place were supposed to be components momentum currents, and I don't see how they could be interpreted as pressure.

(This question continues were discussion in "photon gas and relativity" lead, but I didn't want to spoil the original topic with my own problems more.)
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  • #2
The short answer is that in the rest frame of the body, [itex]T^{ij}[/itex] is equivalent to the classical stress tensor for i,j = 1..3 Or equivalently, the relativistic stress-energy tensor is the relativistic generalization of the classical stress tensor.

Solids can support "shear stresses", simpler ideal fluid models will have a diagonal stress tensor, and hence can be summarized by a single scalar, P, which is the pressure of the fluid.

If you consider a rod under pressure, it does transport momentum across the rod. You can consider T^11 to be the "flow" of x momentum in the x direction, for example (though I find this not very intuitive).

See for instance

The current wikipedia article
also covers this and seems fairly sane.

If you have MTW, see pg 131-132, especially box 5.1
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  • #3
I just realized, that [tex]p_1[/tex] momentum traveling in [tex]x_1[/tex]-direction, and [tex]-p_1[/tex] momentum traveling in [tex]-x_1[/tex]-direction, give a contribution to the momentum current with the same sign. :biggrin: Okey, I'll have to think more about those currents...
  • #4
As Stefan Waner says (in the link provided by pervect)

[tex]T^{11}=\frac{\Delta p^1}{\Delta v}[/tex]

where [itex]\Delta p^1[/itex] is the x component of the momentum contained in a 3-volume element with normal vector pointing in x direction i. e. [itex]\Delta v = \Delta t \Delta y \Delta z[/itex]. If an observer sits there for time [itex]\Delta t[/itex], he will see the fluid crossing the perpendicular area [itex]\Delta y \Delta z[/itex] carrying x-momentum [itex] \Delta p^1 [/itex]. Recall that in 4D spacetime, 3-volume elements are parts of hypersurfaces, hence have normal 4-vectors to them. So we get

[tex]T^{11}=\frac{\Delta p^x}{\Delta t \Delta y \Delta z }=\frac{F^x}{\Delta y \Delta z}= pressure[/tex]
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FAQ: Stress-energy tensor and pressure

1. What is the stress-energy tensor?

The stress-energy tensor is a mathematical object in Einstein's theory of general relativity that describes the energy, momentum, and pressure of matter and radiation in a given region of space-time. It is a key component in understanding the curvature of space-time and the behavior of matter and energy in the universe.

2. How is pressure represented in the stress-energy tensor?

In the stress-energy tensor, pressure is represented by the diagonal components of the tensor, known as the spatial stress components. These components describe the pressure exerted by matter or radiation in a particular direction in space.

3. Can the stress-energy tensor be used to predict the behavior of matter and energy?

Yes, the stress-energy tensor is a fundamental tool in Einstein's theory of general relativity, which is used to predict the behavior of matter and energy in the universe. By understanding the distribution of matter and energy and its corresponding stress-energy tensor, we can make predictions about the curvature of space-time and the behavior of objects in the universe.

4. How does the stress-energy tensor relate to the equations of general relativity?

The stress-energy tensor is a key component in the equations of general relativity. It appears on the right-hand side of the Einstein field equations, which describe how matter and energy affect the curvature of space-time. The stress-energy tensor allows us to calculate the curvature of space-time and the gravitational effects of matter and energy.

5. Are there any applications of the stress-energy tensor outside of general relativity?

Yes, the stress-energy tensor has applications in other areas of physics such as fluid dynamics. In this context, it is used to describe the stress and pressure in a fluid at a specific point in space. It is also used in quantum field theory to calculate the energy and momentum of particles. Its applications extend beyond general relativity and are crucial in understanding various phenomena in physics.

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