Stress-energy tensor as a 2-form

In summary: Laplacian.In summary, the text discusses how general tensors can be handled as forms by using not just a single form, but by using a set of forms. The text also discusses how there are types of forms other than the "standard" type, e.g., vector-valued forms. The last part of the text discusses how if T is to somehow be regarded as a two-form then *T must be a two-form also since the Hodge dual over an m-dimensional space is defined as.
  • #1
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I've been looking off and on recently at how the stress-energy tensor can be interpreted as a 2-form. I can't quite see how one manages to convert a symmetric rank 2 tensor into a 2-form, though, given that a 2-form is by defintion anti-symmetric, in spite of some reading. I'm hoping that someone here can help give me a "jump start".

The text that does this is MTW's "Gravitation", BTW.
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  • #2
Heh, upon seeing the thread title, I immediately came to the same conclusion as you did, but clicked on it hoping to see how the extra components in a symmetric tensor will be dealt with in an antisymmetric one. But it seems you have the same question too.

  • #3
Could you give a page number?

General tensors can be handled as forms by using not just a single form, but by using a set of forms.

Also, there are types of forms other than the "standard" type, e.g, vector-valued forms.
  • #4
George Jones said:
Could you give a page number?

General tensors can be handled as forms by using not just a single form, but by using a set of forms.

Also, there are types of forms other than the "standard" type, e.g, vector-valued forms.

What I`m trying to understand is on pg 371, where the conservation of the stress-energy tensor is written as d *T = 0, d being the exterior derivative, and *T being the dual of the stress-energy tensor.

This section refers to exercise 14.18 on pg 362.

Your remark about vector-valued forms sounds promising. My motivation for thinking that *T must be a two-form is that it was an argument for the exterior derivative operator (which as I understand it acts on differential forms) - perhaps this is where I was going wrong.
  • #5
It looks to me like *T is a vector-valued 3-form.

Feeding 3 vectors into a "standard" 3-form produces a scalar.

From the last 2 lines of (b) on 363, it looks as if feeding 3 vectors into *T produces a vector, i.e, each w gobbles a vector to produce a scalar, leaving scalars times the e_mu's.
  • #6
George Jones said:
It looks to me like *T is a vector-valued 3-form.

Feeding 3 vectors into a "standard" 3-form produces a scalar.

From the last 2 lines of (b) on 363, it looks as if feeding 3 vectors into *T produces a vector, i.e, each w gobbles a vector to produce a scalar, leaving scalars times the e_mu's.

Let's see if I have this straight now:

T is being interpreted as a vector-valued one form (NOT a two form). And the duality operator applies only to the one-form, making *T a vector-valued 3-form.

When we take the exterior derivative, d *T, we apply the exterior derivative operator to each element of the vector. The exterior derivative maps a p form into a p+1 form. In this specific case, we start with a vector-valued 3-form, so we get a vector-valued 4-form (pseudoscalar) when we take the extrior derivative. That seems to match the final result on pg 363.
  • #7
Yes, this all looks nice and consistent.
  • #8
George Jones said:
It looks to me like *T is a vector-valued 3-form.

Feeding 3 vectors into a "standard" 3-form produces a scalar.

From the last 2 lines of (b) on 363, it looks as if feeding 3 vectors into *T produces a vector, i.e, each w gobbles a vector to produce a scalar, leaving scalars times the e_mu's.

If T is to somehow be regarded as a two-form then *T must be a two-form also since the Hodge dual over an m-dimensional space is defined as


Thus, if [tex]T\in\Lambda^2(M)[/tex] and [tex]\dim M=2[/tex], then [tex]d\star T\in\Lambda^3(M)[/tex].
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  • #9
The defintion is a little odd. To quote the exercise:

"Let the duality operator *, as defined for exterior differential forms, act on the forms but not on the contravariant vectors, which appear when the stress-energy tensor T or the Einstein tensor G is writtten as a mixed (1,1) tensor."

This whole setup had me scratching my head for quite a while, fortunately George put me back on the right track.
  • #10
coalquay404 said:
If T is to somehow be regarded as a two-form then *T must be a two-form also since the Hodge dual over an m-dimensional space is defined as


Thus, if [tex]T\in\Lambda^2(M)[/tex] and [tex]\dim M=2[/tex], then [tex]d\star T\in\Lambda^3(M)[/tex].

I fail to see how your remark is relevant.

Neither [itex]T[/itex] nor [itex]\star T[/itex] are 2-forms - as I said, [itex]\star T[/itex] is a vector-valued 3-form, and, as pervect noted in post #6, [itex]T[/itex] is a vector-valued 1-form.

For example, in an abuse of nomenclature, since, for simplicity I won't consider fields, if [itex]V[/itex] and [itex]W[/itex] are vector space, then a vector-valued 3-form [itex]\alpha[/itex] is an anti-symmetric multilinear map

[tex]\alpha :V\times V\times V\rightarrow W.[/tex]


[tex]\tilde{\alpha} :W* \times V\times V\times V\rightarrow \mathbb{R}[/tex]


[tex]\tilde{\alpha} \left( f,v_{1},v_{2},v_{3}\right) =f\left( \alpha \left( v_{1},v_{2},v_{3}\right) \right)[/tex]

shows that there is a natural way for the space of vector-valued 3-forms to be taken as [itex]W\otimes \Lambda ^{3}\left( V* \right)[/itex].

If [itex]W = \mathbb{R}[/itex], then the "standard'' forms result.

Vector-valued forms are useful for connections on bundles, and are used in gauge theory.
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Related to Stress-energy tensor as a 2-form

What is the stress-energy tensor as a 2-form?

The stress-energy tensor as a 2-form is a mathematical object used in Einstein's theory of general relativity to describe the distribution of energy and momentum in a given spacetime. It is a 4x4 matrix that contains 10 independent components, representing the energy density, momentum density, and stress in each direction.

How is the stress-energy tensor as a 2-form related to the curvature of spacetime?

The stress-energy tensor as a 2-form is directly related to the curvature of spacetime through Einstein's field equations. These equations state that the curvature of spacetime is proportional to the stress-energy tensor, with the constant of proportionality being the gravitational constant.

What are the physical implications of the stress-energy tensor as a 2-form?

The stress-energy tensor as a 2-form has several important physical implications. It determines the gravitational field in a given spacetime, and it also governs the motion of particles and the propagation of light. It is also used to calculate the expansion and contraction of space in the presence of matter and energy.

How is the stress-energy tensor as a 2-form calculated?

The stress-energy tensor as a 2-form is calculated by using the energy-momentum tensor, which describes the distribution of energy and momentum in a given system, and the metric tensor, which describes the geometry of spacetime. These two tensors are combined using the Einstein field equations to obtain the stress-energy tensor as a 2-form.

What are some applications of the stress-energy tensor as a 2-form?

The stress-energy tensor as a 2-form is primarily used in the context of general relativity, where it is used to describe the gravitational field and the motion of particles. It is also useful in other areas of physics, such as cosmology, where it is used to study the large-scale structure of the universe and the behavior of matter and energy on a cosmic scale.

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