Stress-energy tensor definition

In summary, it appears that the metric (and therefore the sign of the coefficient of P) does not appear to play a significant role in the overall equation.
  • #1
I have seen two definitions with oposite signs (for one of the pressure terms in the formula) all over the web and books. I suspect it is related to the chosen metric signature, but I found no references to that.




General Relativity An Introduction for Physicists from M. P. HOBSON, G. P. EFSTATHIOU and A. N. LASENBY uses a negative sign.

Wald uses a positive sign..

And so on..

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  • #2
I don't think the signature matters. Stephani uses a + sign like your first example. I always used this form so it looks as if H, E & L are in a minority.
  • #3
The coefficient of P is a projection operator into the 3-space orthogonal to uμ. If you use ημν = (1, -1, -1, -1) it should be uμuν - ημν, while if you use ημν = (-1, 1, 1, 1) it should be uμuν + ημν.
  • #4
Bill_K said:
The coefficient of P is a projection operator into the 3-space orthogonal to uμ. If you use ημν = (1, -1, -1, -1) it should be uμuν - ημν, while if you use ημν = (-1, 1, 1, 1) it should be uμuν + ημν.
I guess that sorts out the issue.
  • #5
Bill_K said:
The coefficient of P is a projection operator into the 3-space orthogonal to uμ. If you use ημν = (1, -1, -1, -1) it should be uμuν - ημν, while if you use ημν = (-1, 1, 1, 1) it should be uμuν + ημν.

Thanks Bill. So the metric matters then. In the end I was just using:


where "s" is the sign corresponding to the time coordinate.

Where do I find more about this?

Thank you
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  • #6
I'm not sure what you're looking for, but there's an online treatment of relativistic fluid dynamics that's rather complete.
  • #7
That's it. Thanks again

Related to Stress-energy tensor definition

1. What is the stress-energy tensor and why is it important in physics?

The stress-energy tensor is a mathematical object used to describe the distribution of energy, momentum, and stress in a given region of space. It is important in physics because it is a key component of Einstein's theory of general relativity and is used to describe the curvature of space-time due to the presence of matter and energy.

2. How is the stress-energy tensor defined and what are its components?

The stress-energy tensor is defined as a 4x4 matrix with 16 components that represent the density of energy, momentum, and stress in each direction of space and time. The components are typically denoted as Tμν, where μ and ν represent the four dimensions of space-time.

3. What physical quantities does the stress-energy tensor describe?

The stress-energy tensor describes the energy density, momentum density, and stress (pressure) of a given region of space. It also plays a role in determining the curvature of space-time due to the presence of matter and energy.

4. How is the stress-energy tensor related to the conservation of energy and momentum?

The stress-energy tensor is related to the conservation of energy and momentum through the Einstein field equations, which describe how the curvature of space-time is related to the distribution of matter and energy. The equations include terms involving the stress-energy tensor, which ensure that energy and momentum are conserved in a given system.

5. Are there any practical applications of the stress-energy tensor?

Yes, the stress-energy tensor is used in many practical applications in physics, including calculations of the gravitational effects of large objects, such as planets and stars. It is also used in cosmology to study the expansion of the universe and in astrophysics to understand the behavior of black holes and other extreme objects.

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