Stress Mechanics Link AB: -20 ksi, 12 ksi Pins: Diameter + Bearing Stress

In summary, the problem involves a link AB with a width of 2 inches and a thickness of 1/4 inch used to support a horizontal beam. The average normal stress in the link is -20 ksi and the average shearing stress in each of the two pins is 12 ksi. To solve for the diameter of the pins, the formulas for shear and normal stress can be equated since they have the same P. The area under each stress is still a concern and needs to be considered for the solution of question (a).
  • #1
Link AB, of width b = 2 in. and thickness t = 1/4 in., is used to support the end of a horizontal beam. Knowing that the average normal stress in the link is -20 ksi, and that the average shearing stress in each of the two pins iS 12 ksi, determine (a) the diameter d of the pins, (b) the average bearing stress in the link.

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  • #2
This is not for homework questions. Even so, you need to show some effort on your part. Show us what you think and have tried first.
  • #3
im sorry..i was just answering questions in my book for my upcoming exam... biggest concern right now is the area under the normal and shear still confused... though i think that this problem will be solved by equating the formulas for shear and normal stress since they will have the same P, right? i have the normal stress and shear stress average..i can equate the two P' about the areas in each stresses?
(that is for question letter a, still not thinking about letter b)

FAQ: Stress Mechanics Link AB: -20 ksi, 12 ksi Pins: Diameter + Bearing Stress

1. What is the significance of the values -20 ksi and 12 ksi in the Stress Mechanics Link AB?

The values -20 ksi and 12 ksi refer to the stress levels, specifically compressive and tensile stress, in the link AB. Stress is a measure of the force per unit area acting on a material, and it is an important factor in determining the strength and stability of a structure. In this case, the link AB is experiencing a combination of compressive and tensile stress, which can affect its overall performance and durability.

2. How does the diameter of the pins affect the overall stress mechanics in this system?

The diameter of the pins plays a crucial role in the stress mechanics of this system. The pins are responsible for transferring the load and forces between the link AB and the surrounding components. A larger diameter pin can distribute the stress more evenly, reducing the concentration of stress in specific areas and increasing the overall strength of the system.

3. What is the bearing stress in this system and why is it important?

The bearing stress is the stress that occurs between two contacting surfaces, in this case, the link AB and the pins. This type of stress is important because it can cause deformation and damage to the components if it exceeds the material's strength. It is crucial to consider the bearing stress in the design and selection of materials to ensure the system's integrity and longevity.

4. How does the link AB's material properties affect the stress levels in this system?

The material properties of the link AB, such as its strength, stiffness, and ductility, can significantly impact the stress levels in this system. A stronger and more rigid material can withstand higher stress levels and reduce the risk of failure, while a more ductile material can absorb more energy before reaching its breaking point. The material properties must be carefully considered in the design to ensure the system's safety and performance.

5. What factors can influence the stress mechanics link AB: -20 ksi, 12 ksi Pins: Diameter + Bearing Stress?

Several factors can influence the stress mechanics in this system, including the applied load, the geometry and shape of the components, the material properties, and the boundary conditions. Other factors such as temperature, corrosion, and fatigue can also affect the stress levels and should be considered in the design and maintenance of the system.
