Stress problem- finding the diameter of a tie bar

In summary, the conversation involved a person seeking help in solving an equation regarding the diameter of a tie bar. They attempted to use the formula for factor of safety but did not include the factor of safety in their calculation of allowable stress. After receiving guidance, they recalculated and arrived at the correct answer of 99.2 mm. The expert advised them to be more explicit and organized in their calculations to avoid errors in the future.
  • #1

I'm having an issue trying to solve an equation- the problem is worded as such:

"A tie bar is made of a material having an ultimate tensile strength of 231 mPa, and must carry a load of 255 kN. What is the diameter of the bar if a factor of safety of 7 is required?
I know that the formula to find factor of safety is ultimate stress/allowable stress. So I'm thinking I need to find the allowable stress in order to find the final answer.

So here is what I have attempted, but I feel that I'm way off:

A = 3.1416(d^2)/4 = .25*pi*d^2

255 kN*1000 = 255*10^3 N

231 mPa*100 000 = 231*10^6 n/m^2

231*10^6 N/m2= 255*10^3 N/.25*pi*d^2

.25*pi*d^2 = 255*10^3 N/231*10*6 N/m^2

d^2 = 255*10^3 N/.25*3.1416*231*10^6 N/m^2

d^2 = 255 000 N/1.8143*10^8 N/m^2

d^2 = 1.4055*10^-3m^2

= 1.39m

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  • #2
Kivenkantaja said:

I'm having an issue trying to solve an equation- the problem is worded as such:

"A tie bar is made of a material having an ultimate tensile strength of 231 mPa, and must carry a load of 255 kN. What is the diameter of the bar if a factor of safety of 7 is required?I know that the formula to find factor of safety is ultimate stress/allowable stress. So I'm thinking I need to find the allowable stress in order to find the final answer.

That's the right idea. Why didn't you do it?

So here is what I have attempted, but I feel that I'm way off:

A = 3.1416(d^2)/4 = .25*pi*d^2

255 kN*1000 = 255*10^3 N

231 mPa*100 000 = 231*10^6 n/m^2

You should be using 'M' for the prefix 'mega' (x 10^6). If you use 'm', which is the prefix for 'milli' (x 10^-3), you're going to get

231*10^6 N/m2= 255*10^3 N/.25*pi*d^2

.25*pi*d^2 = 255*10^3 N/231*10*6 N/m^2

d^2 = 255*10^3 N/.25*3.1416*231*10^6 N/m^2

d^2 = 255 000 N/1.8143*10^8 N/m^2

d^2 = 1.4055*10^-3m^2

= 1.39m

A tie rod over a meter in diameter is a pretty substantial piece of equipment. Find the allowable stress based on the safety factor, and try again.
  • #3
You are also showing errors in arithmetic calculations. In your calculation of the diameter, you showed

d^2 = 1.4055*10^-3m^2

= 1.39m

How do you take the square root of a number less than one and wind up with a result which is greater than one? Watch the exponents on your scientific notation.
  • #4
Wow, yeah I messed that all up pretty good. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. Nonetheless, I was going in the wrong direction with the work I had done.

So looking back at trying to find the diameter of this tie bar, I believe that given I have the value for ultimate tensile stress (231 MPa), the allowable load (255 kN), and a factor of safety of 7, my work leading up to the solution should be:

231*10^6*7 = 1.617*10^9

1.617*10^9/255*10^3 = 6 341.1765

6 341.1765*.25 = 1 585.2941

√(1,585.2941) = 39.8158

=39.81 mm?
  • #5
Kivenkantaja said:
Wow, yeah I messed that all up pretty good. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. Nonetheless, I was going in the wrong direction with the work I had done.

So looking back at trying to find the diameter of this tie bar, I believe that given I have the value for ultimate tensile stress (231 MPa), the allowable load (255 kN), and a factor of safety of 7, my work leading up to the solution should be:

231*10^6*7 = 1.617*10^9

1.617*10^9/255*10^3 = 6 341.1765

6 341.1765*.25 = 1 585.2941

√(1,585.2941) = 39.8158

=39.81 mm?

There was nothing wrong with your original calculation approach, except you had omitted using the factor of safety in your calculation of allowable stress.

In your latest calculations, you have used the factor of safety incorrectly. (A factor of safety means the allowable stress is less than the ultimate tensile stress of the material, by the factor of safety.) Please show units for all calculations.
  • #6
Sheesh, yeah what was I thinking? Okay, I'm quite positive that I have it figured out.

231*10^6 Pa/7 = 33 000 000 Pa

255 000 N/33 000 000 Pa = .007727 m^2

.00727 m^2/3.14 = .00246 m^2

√.00246 m^2 = .04960 m^2

.04960 m^2*2 = .09921 m^2

.09921 m^2*1000 m = 99.2 m

How does that look?
  • #7
Oh I put the wrong units.

09921 m^2*1000 mm = 99.2 mm
  • #8
Kivenkantaja said:
Sheesh, yeah what was I thinking? Okay, I'm quite positive that I have it figured out.

231*10^6 Pa/7 = 33 000 000 Pa

255 000 N/33 000 000 Pa = .007727 m^2

.00727 m^2/3.14 = .00246 m^2

√.00246 m^2 = .04960 m^2

.04960 m^2*2 = .09921 m^2

.09921 m^2*1000 m = 99.2 m

How does that look?

Kivenkantaja said:
Oh I put the wrong units.

09921 m^2*1000 mm = 99.2 mm

You got the right answer, but you went about it in a sloppy way. Instead of writing down a bunch of numbers, you need to be explicit about what the numbers represent. After all, if someone picks up your calculation, how will they know what quantity 0.007727 m^2 represents? You also left out a factor of 4 in your calculations. Where? You can't tell very easily with your presentation.

Look, this is a very simple calculation. If you continue to use this approach in more complex calculations or on an exam, you're probably going to lose points or make a mistake.
  • #9
Thanks again for your help. From hereon in, I will work on keeping my work more organized and neat.
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Related to Stress problem- finding the diameter of a tie bar

What is "stress problem"?

Stress problem refers to the issue of determining the optimal diameter of a tie bar, which is a structural element used to join two components together and increase their stability.

Why is it important to find the correct diameter for a tie bar?

The correct diameter of a tie bar is crucial for ensuring that it can withstand the forces and stresses placed upon it, preventing failure or damage to the structure. It also impacts the overall stability and safety of the structure.

What factors affect the diameter of a tie bar?

The diameter of a tie bar is influenced by various factors, including the magnitude and direction of the applied load, the material properties of the tie bar and the components being joined, and the desired level of safety and reliability.

How do scientists determine the optimal diameter for a tie bar?

Scientists use mathematical equations and calculations, as well as physical testing and simulations, to determine the optimal diameter for a tie bar. They consider the various factors and use engineering principles to come up with the most appropriate diameter.

What are some common methods of measuring stress in a tie bar?

There are several methods for measuring stress in a tie bar, including strain gauge measurements, ultrasonic testing, and finite element analysis. These methods allow scientists to accurately assess the stress levels and determine if the tie bar is suitable for the intended application.

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