Stress-Strain Graphs of different materials

In summary, the stress-strain graph for copper shows an elastic limit and a yield stress, while the graph for mild steel does not.
  • #1
Homework Statement
Using labelled axes, draw stress-strain graphs for;
4.Mild Steel

On the sketch graph for copper mark the following points: a - the limit of proportionality, b- the
elastic limit, c - the yield stress, d - the ultimate tensile stress, e - the breaking point
Relevant Equations
Hello, so I am not actually seeking help sketching the stress strain graphs. However, I am rather confused about the last part of the question to comprehensively label the stress-strain graph of copper with the limit of proportionality etc.
Evaluating the graph, it becomes clear that these points are not directly discernible, at least not to the degree of detail specified by he question. Do you think that this is a mistake and that the question meant to ask one to identify these points on the graph for mild steel?

I have just attached two images from online showing an average stress-strain graph for copper and mild-steel to support my thoughts.

Also, I have not sketched them out yet but I have also attached what I think a stress-strain graph for;
1. Rubber looks like. This forms a hysteresis loop.
2. Glass looks like. Materials lacking in mobility like glass are usually brittle rather than ductile. Brittle materials do not have a well-defined yield point, therefore, the ultimate strength and breaking strength are the same. Glass would not usually show any plastic deformation but fail while the deformation is elastic. Thus, an average stress–strain curve for a brittle material will be linear.


  • stress-strain-copper.png
    8.2 KB · Views: 801
  • stress-strain mild-steel.png
    stress-strain mild-steel.png
    9.7 KB · Views: 451
  • Stress strain rubber.gif
    Stress strain rubber.gif
    2.9 KB · Views: 579
  • Stress strain glass.png
    Stress strain glass.png
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Physics news on
  • #2
Hello, sorry to ask but I would still appreciate anyone's thoughts on this problem? 👍
  • #3
  • #4
Sorry to ask but I am still in need of some help above
  • #5
No, I don't think it is a mistake. Note that the mild steel has an upper and lower yield point, whereas the question just asks for "yield point ". That fits with the copper curve.
Just mark them as seems appropriate. Post your answer here and I'll take a look.
  • #6
Textbook behaviour: Mild steel has a sharp yield point because of its cristallography BCC and carbon content while copper does not, its yield point being measured when strain is offset by 0.2% from initial linear curve. Glass hasperfectly linear behaviour until rupture hence no yield point
Not sure about rubber
  • #7
haruspex said:
No, I don't think it is a mistake. Note that the mild steel has an upper and lower yield point, whereas the question just asks for "yield point ". That fits with the copper curve.
Just mark them as seems appropriate. Post your answer here and I'll take a look.
@haruspex Thank you for your reply, I have only just read it. I have labelled diagrams for stress-strain graphs of copper and mild steel to show; the limit of proportionality, the elastic limit, the yield stress, the ultimate tensile stress and the fracture point. Would these positionings and graphs be correct?


  • Copper stress-strain labelled.png
    Copper stress-strain labelled.png
    10.4 KB · Views: 395
  • Mild-steel stress strain labelled .png
    Mild-steel stress strain labelled .png
    9.3 KB · Views: 246
  • #8
Sylvain Poudrette said:
Textbook behaviour: Mild steel has a sharp yield point because of its cristallography BCC and carbon content while copper does not, its yield point being measured when strain is offset by 0.2% from initial linear curve. Glass hasperfectly linear behaviour until rupture hence no yield point
Not sure about rubber
Thank you for your reply also. I see from further research myself that the yield stress of copper is measured when strain is 0.2% from the linear curve, thank you for providing this information 👍
  • #9
lpettigrew said:
... Would these positionings and graphs be correct?
I believe those are correct.
  • #10
Lnewqban said:
I believe those are correct.
Thank you for your reply, I appreciate it 👍

FAQ: Stress-Strain Graphs of different materials

What is a stress-strain graph?

A stress-strain graph is a graphical representation of the relationship between the amount of stress applied to a material and the resulting strain or deformation. It is used to analyze the mechanical properties of different materials and determine their strength and elasticity.

What are the axes on a stress-strain graph?

The x-axis on a stress-strain graph represents the amount of strain or deformation, while the y-axis represents the amount of stress applied to the material. The slope of the line on the graph indicates the material's stiffness or Young's modulus.

What is the difference between a brittle and a ductile material on a stress-strain graph?

A brittle material will have a steep slope on the stress-strain graph, indicating that it can withstand a high amount of stress before breaking, but it will not deform much before reaching its breaking point. In contrast, a ductile material will have a more gradual slope, indicating that it can withstand a lower amount of stress before breaking, but it can deform significantly before reaching its breaking point.

What is the yield point on a stress-strain graph?

The yield point is the point on the stress-strain graph where the material begins to deform permanently, also known as plastic deformation. It is the point where the material's behavior changes from elastic to plastic, and it indicates the maximum amount of stress the material can withstand without breaking.

How does temperature affect the stress-strain graph of a material?

Temperature can significantly affect the stress-strain graph of a material. At higher temperatures, materials tend to become more ductile, meaning they can deform more before breaking. This is because the increased temperature allows the material's atoms to move more freely, making it easier for the material to deform. On the other hand, lower temperatures can make materials more brittle, meaning they are more likely to break under stress as they become less able to deform before reaching their breaking point.
