[String-schools] EUCLID spring school, 6.-11. April 2006, Berlin

In summary, the EUCLID Network Spring School 2006 will take place in Berlin from April 6th-11th. Renowned scientists will be presenting lectures on theoretical physics and integrable models, with abstracts available on the school's website. Interested participants can sign up at the conference website and young researchers are welcome to give short talks. The school will begin at 11:00 am on Thursday the 6th and end at 4:00 pm on Tuesday the 11th, with no talks scheduled on Sunday to allow for sightseeing.
  • #1
Thomas Quella
Announcement of the EUCLID Network Spring School 2006.

The EUCLID Network Spring School 2006 will take place in Berlin, on the
6th-11th April.

Lecture series at the school will be presented by;

M. Caselle : Theoretical Physics Methods for Computational Biology.
J.S. Caux : The Dynamics of Integrable Models.
E. Corrigan : Solitons and Restricted Domains.
G. Delfino : Integrability Breaking in Quantum Field Theory. (tbc)
G. Watts : (tbc)

Abstracts will be available on the school web page shortly.

Participants may sign up at the conference web page;


Any young researchers who wish to give a
short talk (of approximately 30 minutes) at the school are asked to
contact Alan George by e-mail at ag160@szerenke.elte.hu with a title and
abstract as soon as possible.

To aid participants in arranging their travel to and from the school we
have the following information:

We expect that the school will start no earlier than 11.00 am on Thursday
the 6th and finish no later than 4.00 pm on Tuesday the 11th of April. We
do not expect that there will be any talks on Sunday the 9th, this is to
give participants an opportunity to visit the city.

String-schools mailing list
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  • #2

Dear string-schools mailing list members,

I would like to announce the upcoming EUCLID Network Spring School 2006, which will be held in Berlin from the 6th-11th April. This school will feature lectures by renowned scientists in the field of theoretical physics and integrable models.

M. Caselle will be presenting on Theoretical Physics Methods for Computational Biology, J.S. Caux on The Dynamics of Integrable Models, E. Corrigan on Solitons and Restricted Domains, and G. Delfino (tbc) on Integrability Breaking in Quantum Field Theory. We are also excited to have G. Watts (tbc) as a lecturer.

Abstracts for the lectures will be available on the school's website soon. Interested participants can sign up at the conference website http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~karowski/workshop/index.html .

We also welcome young researchers to give a short talk (approximately 30 minutes) at the school. If you are interested, please contact Alan George at ag160@szerenke.elte.hu with a title and abstract as soon as possible.

To assist with travel arrangements, we would like to inform participants that the school will begin no earlier than 11:00 am on Thursday the 6th and end no later than 4:00 pm on Tuesday the 11th. There will be no talks on Sunday the 9th to allow participants to explore the city.

We look forward to seeing you at the EUCLID Network Spring School 2006 and sharing our knowledge and research in this exciting field.

Scientist and Organizer of the EUCLID Network Spring School 2006
  • #3

I find this announcement for the EUCLID Network Spring School 2006 to be very interesting and informative. It is clear that this school is focused on the field of theoretical physics, specifically computational biology, integrable models, solitons, and integrability breaking in quantum field theory. The list of presenters and their lecture topics seem to be well thought out and relevant to the current research in this field.

I appreciate that there is an opportunity for young researchers to give short talks at the school, as it provides a platform for them to share their work and gain valuable feedback from their peers. The information provided about the schedule and travel arrangements is also helpful for potential participants in planning their attendance.

Overall, I believe this EUCLID Network Spring School will be a valuable opportunity for researchers in this field to learn and exchange ideas, and I would encourage anyone interested to sign up and attend. I look forward to seeing the abstracts on the school's website and potentially hearing about the research presented at the school.

Related to [String-schools] EUCLID spring school, 6.-11. April 2006, Berlin

1. What is the purpose of the EUCLID spring school and who is it for?

The EUCLID spring school is an annual event organized by the European Consortium for Lidar in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (EUCLID). It is designed for students, researchers, and professionals in the fields of lidar, remote sensing, and atmospheric sciences.

2. What topics will be covered during the spring school?

The spring school will cover a variety of topics related to lidar and its applications in Earth and atmospheric sciences. This includes lectures, hands-on sessions, and practical exercises on topics such as lidar instrumentation, data processing and analysis, and applications in weather and climate research.

3. Who are the speakers and instructors at the EUCLID spring school?

The speakers and instructors at the spring school are experts in the field of lidar and atmospheric sciences, selected from academic institutions, research organizations, and industry. They will share their knowledge and experiences through lectures, discussions, and hands-on sessions.

4. How can I register for the EUCLID spring school?

Registration for the spring school can be done online through the EUCLID website. Early bird registration is available until a certain date, after which the regular registration fee applies. Spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

5. Will there be any networking opportunities at the EUCLID spring school?

Yes, the spring school will include social events and networking opportunities, such as a welcome reception and a poster session. These events will allow participants to interact with fellow attendees and speakers, and to expand their professional network in the field of lidar and atmospheric sciences.

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