String Theory and Absolute Zero

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of string points and their relation to distance. It explains that a physical universe cannot be made out of points with a quantity of zero and zero distance apart. The article mentioned in SciAm talks about how string points, when compressed, will rebound and increase in length as they lose energy. The conversation also touches on the idea of absolute zero temperature and how it relates to Planck length, which is the smallest distance in the physical universe. The conversation concludes by discussing the rebound effect and the possible size of a point, measured as a string value.
  • #1
M Telepathic
Hi! Today I was reading this article in SciAm on a model that some string theorists were working on that had to do with the cosmic origin; it talked about how strings, when compressed - when losing energy - will only decrease in length to the Planck length, and its energy level would rebound as its length actually increases as one attempts to compress it or drain its energy further. I'm just wondering that, when the temperature of a string - theoretically - is lowered, approaching absolute-zero, wouldn't it reach the Planch length some temperature above absolute-zero? And if you still lower its temperature - assuming that it's not absolute-zero yet - wouldn't it actually increase in size, and not decrease in size to nothingness at absolute-zero - theoretically? Please tell me that I made a mistake in this reasoning or I misunderstood something; it's quite disturbing for me. If an answer is out there, great! Please tell me. Thank you very much!
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  • #2
Let me take a stab at it.

We have string points because you can’t construct a physical line with zero dimensional points that are zero distance apart. A lot of zeros equals zero. A physical universe can’t be made out of points that have a quantity of zero which are zero distance apart.

In speaking here, I have used two concepts. The concept of a point, and the concept of distance between points. Those are two different things, and they really exist in a physical way. A point has a quantity and the distance between points is a quantity.

If you were to reduce the distance between two points, the distance can reduce down to a Planck length, but at that length you bump up against the other point. It’s like taking two BBs (that you shoot from a BB gun). You can reduce the distance between two BBs until the BBs are against each other, and then they want to rebound away from each other. Mathematically speaking, the BB points are zero dimensional. Mathematically speaking the very center of each BB is the point itself. But the idea of string points (rather than zero dimensional points) implies you can’t reduce anything down to absolute zero.

The point itself must have a string value, and the distance between two points is more clearly a string value.

This has nothing to do with temperature. Absolute zero temperature is a random temperature. Its only definition is there isn’t a known temperature that is lower. And Planck length is the smallest distance we know of. There is no distance in the physical universe smaller than Planck Length.

Planck Length is probably the literal diameter of a point. Think of the diameter of a BB. The very centers of two BBs side-by-side are one BB diameter apart. They can’t get any closer unless you compress them together, in which case they will want to rebound apart.
  • #3
I can't edit so here is another explanation.

We have string points because you can’t construct a physical line with zero dimensional points that are zero distance apart. A lot of zeros equals zero. A physical universe can’t be made out of points that have a quantity of zero, zero distance apart.

There are two concepts here, the concept of a point, and the concept of distance between points. Those are two different things, and they exist in a physical way. A point has a quantity and the distance between points is a quantity.

If you were to bring two points closer together, the distance can reduce down to a Planck length, but at that length you bump up against the other physical point. It’s like taking two BBs. You can reduce the distance between two BBs until the BBs are against each other, then they want to rebound away from each other.

That mysterious rebound effect is what the SciAm article was talking about.

The point itself must have a value, a quantity, measured as a string value, and the distance between two points is a string.

In pure math, the BB points are zero dimensional. The very center of each BB is the point itself. But the idea of string points (rather than zero dimensional points) implies you can’t reduce anything down to absolute zero, so the point itself has a size.

Planck Length is probably the literal diameter of a point. Think of the diameter of a BB. The very centers of two BBs side-by-side are one BB diameter apart. They can’t get any closer unless you compress them together, in which case they will want to rebound apart.
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Related to String Theory and Absolute Zero

1. What is string theory?

String theory is a theoretical framework in physics that attempts to reconcile general relativity and quantum mechanics. It proposes that the fundamental building blocks of the universe are not particles, but tiny, vibrating strings.

2. How does string theory relate to absolute zero?

String theory does not directly relate to absolute zero, as it is a theory of the fundamental structure of the universe. However, some aspects of string theory, such as the concept of extra dimensions, may have implications for the behavior of matter at extremely low temperatures.

3. How is absolute zero defined?

Absolute zero is defined as the theoretical temperature at which all molecular motion ceases, corresponding to 0 Kelvin or -273.15 degrees Celsius. It is the lowest possible temperature in the universe.

4. Why is absolute zero significant in physics?

Absolute zero is significant in physics because it is the point at which many physical laws and principles, such as the ideal gas law and the third law of thermodynamics, become more pronounced and easier to observe. It also serves as a reference point for temperature scales, such as Kelvin and Celsius.

5. Is absolute zero achievable?

No, absolute zero is a theoretical concept and cannot be achieved in practice. However, scientists have been able to reach extremely low temperatures, only a fraction of a degree above absolute zero, in laboratory settings using methods such as laser cooling and magnetic cooling.

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