String Theory in the Low Energy Realm

In summary: I don't think Parlyne's suggestion is correct. The gauge symmetry of the standard model is a low energy phenomenon which string theory solutions ought to reproduce if they could be found. There are theorems that say the standard model group is of frequent occurrence in very general circumstances. Nor is the lack of low energy predictions necessarily due to a faulty construction of the theory; that overlooks one of the leading properties of string physics; its immense, subtle technical complexity. Later on in Zee's book he has a chapter describing just one of the attempts to reproduce standard model physics using strings and branes. You can look into that chapter and see the hoops they have to jump though. It's very unnatural, and clearly
  • #1
While going through the first chapter of "A First Course in String Theory", I read that String Theory being a unified theory should include the Standard Model and in the low energy realm, String Theory should boil down to the Standard Model.

To quote the book,

While string theory certainly has room to include all known particles and interactions, and this is very good news indeed, no one has yet been able to show that they actually emerge in fine detail.

String Theory is said to be a promising candidate for a unified theory. Then why is it not so straightforward to get the low-energy theories (semiclassical or non-relativistic quantum) out of it? In particular the standard model?

Can string theory be shown to boil down to classical electrodynamics or quantum mechanics?
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  • #2
The sentence you quoted is your answer. It is not easy to derive the standard model as the low energy limit of string theory. As far as I can gather it hasn't been done yet.
  • #3
mathman said:
The sentence you quoted is your answer. It is not easy to derive the standard model as the low energy limit of string theory. As far as I can gather it hasn't been done yet.

Yes but why not? How did they incorporate the Standard Model in the first place? Wouldn't that give a hint on how to "recover it"?

EDIT: Evidently I am not even a beginner for this book...reading it for the heck of it.
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  • #4
As I understand it, the biggest problem is that the standard model is formally a quantum field theory, while every current formulation of string theory is not. To actually have the full formalism of the standard model fall out of string theory, there would need to be a string field theory to start from.
  • #5
Parlyne said:
As I understand it, the biggest problem is that the standard model is formally a quantum field theory, while every current formulation of string theory is not. To actually have the full formalism of the standard model fall out of string theory, there would need to be a string field theory to start from.

I believe the author of the book is one of the authorities on string field theory. So if he says its not been done it must be a shortcoming of the construction of the theory (right now or at least at the time of writing of the book).
  • #6
maverick280857 said:
I believe the author of the book is one of the authorities on string field theory. So if he says its not been done it must be a shortcoming of the construction of the theory (right now or at least at the time of writing of the book).

I don't think Parlyne's suggestion is correct. The gauge symmetry of the standard model is a low energy phenomenon which string theory solutions ought to reproduce if they could be found. There are theorems that say the standard model group is of frequent occurrence in very general circumstances.

Nor is the lack of low energy predictions necessarily due to a faulty construction of the theory; that overlooks one of the leading properties of string physics; its immense, subtle technical complexity. Later on in Zee's book he has a chapter describing just one of the attempts to reproduce standard model physics using strings and branes. You can look into that chapter and see the hoops they have to jump though. It's very unnatural, and clearly something better is needed. But there is no reason (except maybe the landscape problem) to suppose that something better is impossible to find. In addition to being complex and difficult, string theory is undeniably powerful.

BTW there is a string field theory, due to Witten and others, but it is even harder than first quantized string theory and only the most basic things have been worked out in spite of decades of work by brilliant people. They're still working on the vacuum!
  • #7
I think that for a self-consistent toe, it is necessary that it should boil down to theories and equations that have been experimentally verified in different realms.

My question really is: string theory is said to include mechanics, electrodynamics, statmech, gravity, etc. so why is it 'difficult' to recover these? Isn't this apparent downside a disturbing feature of a theory that is in contention to encompass everything else that is well established?

I think, perhaps naively, that even if string theory correctly boils down to lower energy theories which are verifiable by experiment or have already been verified, it is as good as being a real TOE and then the "correctness" of string theory will not hinge on the success of experiments to see 'strings' and verify supersymmetry.

Related to String Theory in the Low Energy Realm

1. What is String Theory in the Low Energy Realm?

String Theory in the Low Energy Realm is a theoretical framework in physics that attempts to reconcile general relativity and quantum mechanics by describing the fundamental building blocks of the universe as one-dimensional strings rather than point-like particles.

2. What is the significance of the "Low Energy" aspect of String Theory?

The "Low Energy" aspect refers to the energy scale at which the theory is applicable, which is much lower than the Planck scale at which quantum gravity effects become significant. In the low energy realm, the strings behave like point particles and the theory can be described using traditional quantum field theory methods.

3. How does String Theory in the Low Energy Realm differ from traditional String Theory?

In traditional String Theory, the strings are considered to vibrate in 10 or 11 dimensions. However, in the Low Energy Realm, the theory is formulated in only 4 dimensions, making it more compatible with our observations of the universe.

4. What are the main challenges in studying String Theory in the Low Energy Realm?

One of the main challenges is the lack of experimental evidence to support the theory, as the energy scale at which it is applicable is beyond our current technological capabilities to test. Additionally, the complex mathematical framework of string theory makes it difficult to make concrete predictions that can be tested.

5. How does String Theory in the Low Energy Realm relate to other areas of physics?

String Theory in the Low Energy Realm has connections to various areas of physics, including particle physics, cosmology, and quantum gravity. It also provides a potential framework for unifying the four fundamental forces of nature: gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force.

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