String theory on complex spacetime, twistor string

In summary, the conversation discusses different theories related to string theory and the possibility of having imaginary dimensions in spacetime. Witten has researched twistor string theory and there have been studies on compactifications on complex Calabi-Yau varieties and F-theory. The concept of supersymmetry in complex spacetime is also brought up, with the idea that it could potentially simplify supersymmetry by eliminating the need for a hidden sector. However, the speaker suggests going back to understanding the basics before delving into more complex theories.
  • #1
bosonic string theory requires 26 dimensions
superstring theory requires 10, 9 spatial 1 dimension of time

Witten has researched twistor string theory

has there been any serious research with (super) string theory written on 4 complex -valued dimensions of spacetime?

the additional dimensions consists both of imaginary space and imaginary time, something Stephen hawking wrote of, but 4 real dimensions, and 4 or more imaginary dimensions, or give rise to 4 real dimensions

are there any kaluza klein theories in which the extra dimensions of space and time are imaginary, i ?
Physics news on
  • #2
kodama said:
are there any kaluza klein theories in which the extra dimensions of space and time are imaginary, i ?

For that question to be contentful one needs to say something about how the field theory is meant to depend on the given complex structure.

One well-studied example is compactifications on complex Calabi-Yau varieties, which I am sure you have heard of.

Another well-studied case of something sort of like a KK-compactification (a little different though) is F-theory, where the compactification is on a complex torus/complex elliptic curve. Here this is the geometrization of S-duality in type II string theory.- This in turn relates to the compactification of the msterious 6d (2,0)-superconformal QFT on a complex torus, which now governs the electric-magnetic duality of supersymmetric 4d Yang-Mills theory.
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Likes kodama
  • #3
Hi Urs thanks for sharing

I would imagine the "simplest" complex spacetime consistent with physics, would simply be that for each spatial dimension and time dimension, there is also a corresponding imaginary part, in standard 3+1 so that if string theory could be written on such a spacetime consistently, with anomaly cancellation, there would be no landscape. the dimensions of space length width breadth has both a real part and an imaginary degree of freedom, and same with time.

another possibility is how it would affect the properties of supersymmetry on such a spacetime, on complex spacetime.
perhaps supersymmetry is exact and unbroken, much like matter-antimatter, superpartners have the same mass as SM particlers, but written on complex spacetime the superpartners have imaginary mass, and SM have real mass. if possible it could simply superstring theory, by reducing the need for extra real dimensions and possibly simplifying supersymmetry by eliminating a need to have a hidden sector to break it
  • #4
kodama said:
I would imagine the "simplest" complex spacetime consistent with physics, would simply be that for each spatial dimension and time dimension, there is also a corresponding imaginary part, in standard 3+1 so that if string theory could be written on such a spacetime consistently, with anomaly cancellation, there would be no landscape.

What? Now you are rambling.

You know, you seem to be seriously interested in understanding something, on the other hand you seem not to spend time to deal with the little steps that lead to true understanding of anything.

What is your background? What physics are you comfortable with?

You should go back to that point and then slowly work your way forward. In the end that will allow you to gain actual control over what you are after. In the long run this will be more satisfactoy then throwing around wild questions far ahead of what you really understand.
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Likes Greg Bernhardt and dextercioby

FAQ: String theory on complex spacetime, twistor string

1. What is string theory on complex spacetime?

String theory on complex spacetime is a theoretical framework that extends traditional string theory by allowing the number of dimensions to be complex. This allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the universe and its underlying structures.

2. What is a twistor string?

A twistor string is a theoretical model that combines elements of both string theory and twistor theory. It describes particles as vibrating strings in a higher dimensional space, while also incorporating the concept of twistors, which are mathematical objects used to describe the geometry of spacetime.

3. How does string theory on complex spacetime differ from traditional string theory?

String theory on complex spacetime expands upon traditional string theory by incorporating complex numbers and allowing for a greater number of dimensions. This allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the universe and its underlying structures.

4. What are the potential implications of string theory on complex spacetime?

String theory on complex spacetime has the potential to unify the fundamental forces of nature and provide a more complete understanding of the universe. It may also have implications for quantum gravity and the nature of black holes.

5. What are some current challenges in studying string theory on complex spacetime?

One of the main challenges in studying string theory on complex spacetime is the complex mathematical nature of the theory, which makes it difficult to test experimentally. Additionally, there are still many unanswered questions and uncertainties about the theory, making it a subject of ongoing research and debate among scientists.

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