Strong nuclear force and Iron nucleus

In summary, the most tightly bound nuclei are those with the strongest attraction from the strong nuclear force and the least repulsion from the electrostatic force. This is described by the semi-empirical binding energy formula and can be seen in the "big picture" of nuclear stability. Local exceptions may occur due to other factors such as nucleon pairing.
  • #1
While reading the book " Cosmic Catastrophes. Supernovae, Gamma-Ray Bursts and Adventures in Hyperspace" by J.Craig Wheeler I came across this line:
"By the happenstance of the nature of the strong nuclear force among protons and neutrons, the fifty-six particles of an iron nucleus are more tightly bound together than in any other element (with the possible exception of a couple of exotic elements like rare isotopes of nickel, which cannot easily be formed in bature)."

The question I have is what makes iron nucleus the most tightly bounded nucleus? Is the answer related to the semi-empirical analysis done by Weizsacker in 1935 on binding energy?
Physics news on
  • #2
Most tightly bound nuclei -

Shell model of nucleus - magic numbers

58 nucleons also appears to be a magic number.

Nuclear structure concepts -

The stability has to do with the nucleon pairing, and above Fe, it appears the coulomb repulsion is a factor. See departure from N = P in this figure. Actually Ca40 is the heaviest nuclide with P = N = 20. After that, N > P.

26Fe54 is stable, and of course 26Fe56 is stable and is the third most tightly bound. Fe56 is the most abundant heavy isotope in supernova cores.
  • #3
In the "big picture" of things, the two most important competing factors in nuclear stability are the attraction caused by the strong nuclear force, and the electrostatic repulsion of the protons. Below iron, the attractive forces generally increase at a greater rate than the repulsive forces, as atomic number increases. Above iron, the opposite is true. This can be described using a simple "liquid drop" model of nuclei which leads to the "semi-empirical binding energy formula" (Google!).

There are local exceptions between pairs of adjacent nuclei because of other factors (pairing, etc.).
  • #4
Astronuc, jtbell,

Thanks for your replies and the links.
I got it now!

FAQ: Strong nuclear force and Iron nucleus

What is the strong nuclear force?

The strong nuclear force is one of the four fundamental forces of nature, along with gravity, electromagnetism, and the weak nuclear force. It is responsible for holding the nucleus of an atom together by overcoming the repulsive force between positively charged protons.

How does the strong nuclear force work?

The strong nuclear force is mediated by particles called gluons, which bind together the quarks that make up protons and neutrons in the nucleus. These gluons act as a "glue" that holds the nucleus together through the exchange of virtual particles.

What is the range of the strong nuclear force?

The strong nuclear force has a very short range, only acting within distances of about 10^-15 meters. This is because the force is so strong that it quickly decreases with distance, making it essentially negligible outside of the nucleus.

Why is the strong nuclear force important for the stability of the Iron nucleus?

The Iron nucleus is particularly stable because it has a balance of protons and neutrons, and the strong nuclear force is able to hold these particles together tightly. This balance is important because it allows the Iron nucleus to release energy through nuclear fusion or fission, making it a key element in the processes that power stars and nuclear reactors.

Can the strong nuclear force be observed directly?

No, the strong nuclear force cannot be observed directly, as it only operates at a subatomic level within the nucleus. However, its effects can be observed through the stability and behavior of atomic nuclei, and it is an essential component of our understanding of the structure of matter.
