Structure constants in Lie algebra

In summary: Hi, the commutators of the basis elements of a real Lie algebra are real linear combinations of the basis elements. Suppose we have a representation of a real Lie algebra on a complex vector space. Then, the commutators of the basis elements are real linear combinations of the basis elements. This means that the structure constants of the representation are real and independent of the representation.
  • #1
I am studying QFT and got stuck on one question which may be simple. Why is structure constants (in Lie algebra) real and independent on representations? Can you give me a detailed proof?

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  • #2
I don't believe that the structure constants are necessarily real for a general Lie algebra. If the generators ##X^a## are Hermitian, then we can define real structure constants ##{f^{ab}}_c## through the definition

$$ [ X^a, X^b ] = i {f^{ab}}_c X^c.$$

In another basis, these structure constants will transform like a (2,1) tensor under the change of basis and may no longer be real.

Also, it is not logically the case that the structure constants are independent of the representation. Rather, a definition of the Lie algebra invariably involves specifying some representation, typically called the defining representation. This defines the structure constants. Then any other representation must satisfy commutation relations consistent with these structure constants. So the logic is that the structure constants are fundamental, while to show that some other collection of matrices is actually a representation of the Lie algebra requires that their commutators conform to the structure constants. It is impossible to discuss a representation (other than the defining one) without knowing the structure constants.
  • #3
Hi, fzero is of course right.

In the abstract algebraic approach, the structure constants are in the definition of an abstract Lie algebra (associative algebra over a field + Lie product) and of course are not restricted to be real or complex. Since one encounters Lie algebras in connection with Lie groups, once one has specified the group (its manifold real or complex) he has automatically determined the structure constants of the group/algebra.
  • #4
Lie algebras exist independently of representations. Often, physicists are concerned with real Lie algebras, e.g., ##\mathfrak{su}\left(2\right)##.

Suppose we have a real Lie algebra ##\mathcal{L}##, and let ##\left\{ x_i \right\}## be a basis for the Lie algebra. Since any element of the Lie algebra is a a real linear combination of the basis elements, each commutator is real linear combination of the basis elements. In particular, the commutators of the basis elements are linear real combinations of the basis elements, i.e.,

$$\left[ x_i , x_j\right] = c^k_{jk} x_k .$$

A representation of the real Lie algebra ##\mathcal{L}## on a complex vector space ##V## is a mapping ##\rho## from ##\mathcal{L}## into the set of linear operators on ##V##, i.e., each Lie algebra element is associated (represented) by an operator on ##V##. This association is linear and preserves commutators. Consequently, the structure constants are real and independent of representation.

In more detail: Let each Lie algebra basis element ##x_i## be represented by operator ##X_i##, i.e., ##X_i = \rho \left( x_i \right)##. Then,

\left[ X_i , X_j \right] &= \left[\rho\left(x_i \right), \rho\left(x_j \right)\right]\\
&= \rho\left( \left[ x_i , x_j \right] \right)\\
&= \rho\left( c^k_{jk} x_k \right)\\
&= c^k_{jk} X_k

So, the same structure constants for the real Lie algebra ##\mathcal{L}## appear in all representations of ##\mathcal{L}##. Fixing the structure constants for a Lie algebra ##\mathcal{L}## fixes the same real structure constants in all representations.

Changing the basis for ##\mathcal{L}## will change the structure constants, i.e., ##\left[ x'_i , x'_j\right] = c'^k_{jk} x'_k ##, but the structure constants will be the new real ##c'^k_{jk}## in all representations.

It is possible, at the representation level, to consider operators ##Y_m## that are complex linear combinations of the generators ##X_i##, and then ##\left[ Y_i , Y_j\right] = d^k_{jk} x'_k ## can have complex ##d^k_{jk}##, but I would not call these structure constants of the original Lie algebra, as there exist no corresponding elements ##y_i## of the real Lie algebra ##\mathcal{L}## with ##\left[ y_i , y_j\right] = d^k_{jk} y_k ##.

FAQ: Structure constants in Lie algebra

What are structure constants in Lie algebra?

Structure constants in Lie algebra are numerical values used to define the commutation relations between basis elements of a Lie algebra. They represent the coefficients in the linear combination of basis elements that make up the Lie bracket operation.

How are structure constants calculated?

Structure constants are typically calculated using the structure equations, which are a set of equations that describe the commutation relations between basis elements. These equations can be solved for the structure constants using various methods, such as the Cartan-Killing form or the Chevalley-Serre relations.

What do structure constants tell us about a Lie algebra?

The structure constants of a Lie algebra provide important information about its structure and properties. They can be used to determine the dimension and type of the Lie algebra, as well as its symmetry and other structural features. They also play a crucial role in the classification and study of Lie algebras.

Can structure constants be used to classify Lie algebras?

Yes, structure constants are an essential tool in the classification of Lie algebras. Different Lie algebras can have the same set of basis elements, but their structure constants will be different. By comparing the structure constants, we can determine if two Lie algebras are isomorphic or not.

Are there any applications of structure constants in other fields?

Yes, structure constants have applications in various fields such as physics, computer science, and differential geometry. In physics, they are used to describe the symmetries of physical systems. In computer science, they are used in the development of algorithms for solving problems related to Lie algebras. In differential geometry, they are used to study the geometry of Lie groups and their actions on manifolds.

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