Why Is My Calculation of Doppler Shift Different from the Standard Formula?

In summary: Okay, I'm not going to write that out.In summary, there is a difference between the formulas for calculating the redshift of sound sources depending on whether the source is receding or approaching. For small values of z, the formulas may give similar results but they are derived from different scenarios and are not equivalent. The correct formula for receding sound sources is λObs / λEmit = (1 / (1 - z)) while for approaching sound sources it is λObs / λEmit = 1 - z. These formulas may only agree in the region where the redshift is small and are only approximations of the more accurate formula f = ((c + v_r) / (c + v_s)) f_0
  • #1
Good day to you all,

I wanted to share a struggle with you all that I can't seem to get out of. It's about calculating, in the case of sound, the decrease or increase in frequency (thus increase or decrease in wavelength) when a sound source is respectively moving away or towards an observer with a velocity using the formula z = v / s (where s is the speed of sound). I know that this formula is only accurate for small velocities.

Scenario in which a sound source is moving away from the observer:
In this case, I'd automatically conclude that the observed wavelength (λObs) would be larger than the emitted wavelength (λEmit). The factor the emitted wavelength gets larger with would be the ratio of of the speed of sound (s) divided by its speed minus the velocity of the object that is moving away (v).

λEmit x (s / (s - v)) = λObs

The frequency would be inversely lower by a factor of (s - v) / s

fEmit x ((s - v) / s) = fObs

If one would want to calculate λEmit from the observed wavelength and the velocity of the object, the formula would look like this:

λObs / (s / (s - v)) = λEmit

The part (s / (s - v)) could be rewritten as 1 / (1 - (v / s)) (divide all parameters by s). Since z = v / s, then I could rewrite that part as 1 / (1 - z). Thus, the formula would be:

λObs / (1 / (1 - z)) = λEmit

This means that:

λObs / λEmit = 1 / (1 - z)

In principle, the z in this formula would be considered the redshift in the case of light, since the object is moving away from the observer.

Here's when thought I had the formula right, until I read the formula on the wiki page here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redshift which shows that the formula should be:

λObs / λEmit = 1 + z

Instead of my concluded formula: λObs / λEmit = 1 / (1 - z)

My question is, what the heck am I doing wrong here?
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Your formula for frequency does not look right.
Compare with the one here, for example:

Note that for small values of the ratio v/s the two formulas are approximately the same.
And 1/(1-z) is approximately equal to 1+z for z<<1.
  • #3
nasu said:
Your formula for frequency does not look right.
Compare with the one here, for example:

Note that for small values of the ratio v/s the two formulas are approximately the same.
And 1/(1-z) is approximately equal to 1+z for z<<1.

Ah, so my concluded formula λObs / λEmit = 1 / (1 - z) is actually correct but for small velocities?

Would you happen to know how λObs / λEmit = 1 + z is concluded for larger velocities? Do they implement a Lorentz transformation or something similar?
  • #4
I think I've found the culprit

@nasu: If you say that λObs / λEmit = 1 / (1 - z) is the same as λObs / λEmit = 1 + z for small z values, then my concluded frequency formula fObs / fEmit = 1 - z would be also the same as the formula mentioned in your link: fObs / fEmit = 1 / (1 + z) for small z values.

The reason why there's a difference between my concluded formulas and the formulas in your given link is because it depends on which scenario you're derivating the formula from.

Here's why:

Scenario of a sound source receding from you:
In this scenario, you'd conclude that λObs would be larger than λEmit by a factor of (s / (s - v)); the ratio of the speed of sound and the speed of sound minus the source's receding speed (the speed of sound "gets slower" which causes a longer wavelength). This factor can be rewritten as (1 - (1 - z)). From this conclusion you'd conclude that if a sound source is approaching you, that the ratio would be inverted, thus ((s - v) / s) so that λObs would be smaller than λEmit by that factor. This ratio could be rewritten as 1 - z.
Thus, from a scenario in which the sound source is receding from you, you'd conclude that λObs / λEmit = (1 / (1 - z)) for receding sound sources and λObs / λEmit = 1 - z for approaching sound sources.Scenario of a sound source approaching you
In this scenario, you'd conclude that λObs would be smaller than λEmit by a factor of (s / (s + v)); the ratio of the speed of sound and the speed of sound plus the source's velocity (the speed of sound "gets" an additional velocity which causes a shorter wavelength). This facor can be rewritten as (1 / (1 + z)). From this conclusion you'd conclude that if a sound source is receding from you, that the ratio would be inverted, thus ((s + v) / s) so that λObs would be larger than λEmit by that factor. This ratio could be rewritten as 1 + z.
Thus, from a scenario in which the sound source is approaching you, you'd conclude that λObs / λEmit = (1 / (1 + z)) for approaching sound sources and λObs / λEmit = 1 + z for receding sound sources.

See how I now have the 2 formulas for receding sound sources: λObs / λEmit = (1 / (1 - z)) and λObs / λEmit = 1 + z which gives the same result for small z values.
As well as 2 formulas for approaching sound sources: λObs / λEmit = 1 - z and λObs / λEmit = (1 / (1 + z)) which also give the same result for small z values.

The thing I can't understand is why these two pairs of formulas give the same result only for small z values while they are concluded in the same manner.
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  • #5
Because they are both just approximations for
##f=\left(\frac{c+v_r}{c+v_s}\right) f_0##
Obviously, two approximations will only (approximately) agree in the region where the approximation is valid.
  • #6

No, the reason is not different scenarios. Your formula for receding source is different when compared with the formula for the same scenario in hyperphysics.
So I think that you are simply using the wrong formula. The fact that in the limit of small speeds it gives the same numerical results does not mean that is the "correct" formula.
Why not use the right formula to start with?
  • #7
@nasu : What I'm doing here is trying to conclude the correct formulas by myself, not using them. Unfortunately, I can't seem to understand how the formulas in the mentioned link are concluded.

@Khashishi: Is there a way to explain why both of my mentioned pairs of formulas are merely approximations? What part in the physics of Doppler shifts causes that my concluded formulas are just approximations?
  • #8
Sorry, I mean one of them is an approximation.
"Since z = v / s" is an approximation.
##z = \sqrt{\frac{1+\beta}{1-\beta}} -1 ##
λObs / λEmit = 1 - z is not approximate.
  • #9
Maybe this is what you try to do. But you did not show how did you get your first formula. You just assumed that it is right.
You can find the derivation in standard textbooks. For all scenarios.
  • #10
@nasu : I concluded my first formula based on other readings such as here: https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/prove-that-z-v-c.273160/ . From the readings I understood that the factor a wavelength gets larger or smaller by is the fraction of the original speed of sound compared to the velocity of its source. That's what I was trying to explain which lead me to conclude my formula.

@Khashishi: Hmm, so you meant only z = v / s is the approximate? How about (1 / (1 + z)) or (1 / (1 - z))? Are those approximates?
  • #11
"the factor a wavelength gets larger or smaller by is the fraction of the original speed of sound compared to the velocity of its source"

Well, that will translate into a formula like
which is not what you started with. Maybe this is the problem.
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  • #12
Shouldn't that sentence also translate into a fraction of (s / ((v - s)) or (s / (v + s)) (fraction of original speed of sound compared to the velocity of its source) like in my given link, which would be a factor that λEmit gets larger or smaller by?

I've written it down and was able to conclude from λObs / λEmit = (s / (s - v)) that (λObs - λEmit) / λObs = v / s
The conclusion is quite long though. I could put it on here if you want to.
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  • #13
Can you show the source for that quote, before we go further?
  • #15
Could someone please verify if my conclusion from the given link is correct? https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/prove-that-z-v-c.273160/

If not, how exactly should the formula then be concluded other than λEmit x (s / (s - v)) = λObs for recessing sound sources and λObs / λEmit = (s / (v + s)) for approaching sound sources?
  • #16
JohnnyGui said:
The factor the emitted wavelength gets larger with would be the ratio of of the speed of sound (s) divided by its speed minus the velocity of the object that is moving away (v).
Why not just start from scratch and say the observed wavelength is the emitted wavelength plus/minus the distance traveled by the source in the time between emitting?

That would give you λobsemit almost straight away, and it's conceptually more understandable.
  • #17
Nathanael said:
Why not just start from scratch and say the observed wavelength is the emitted wavelength plus/minus the distance traveled by the source in the time between emitting?

That would give you λobsemit almost straight away, and it's conceptually more understandable.

Not sure how the formula would look like based on your description.

I've made my problem a bit clearer in this picture:

Redshift formules onduidelijkheid.jpg
s = the speed of sound v = the velocity of the moving sound source in the direction of the given arrow

With "they" I mean the following sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redshift & http://formulas.tutorvista.com/physics/doppler-shift-formula.html
While this link is supporting my concluded formula for an approaching sound source: https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/prove-that-z-v-c.273160/

See how my formulas differ from them? I don't get why my conclusion is wrong and how "they" have concluded their formulas regardless of these formulas being the same as mine for very small v values.
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  • #18
JohnnyGui said:
See how my formulas differ from them? I don't get why my conclusion is wrong and how "they" have concluded their formulas regardless of these formulas being the same as mine for very small v values.
You are saying that for a source moving towards you, the observed frequency will be given by ##f'= \frac{s + v}{s} f##. This is incorrect. nasu gave you a link to the correct formula and its derivation.
  • #19
Doc Al said:
You are saying that for a source moving towards you, the observed frequency will be given by ##f'= \frac{s + v}{s} f##. This is incorrect. nasu gave you a link to the correct formula and its derivation.

Thanks for your answer. I'm aware that they're different. So what you are saying is that the explanation in post #2 here: https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/prove-that-z-v-c.273160/ is wrong since he's also saying that f' = (s + v) / s)) x f for an approaching sound source? Or did I read the explanation wrong?
  • #20
JohnnyGui said:
Thanks for your answer. I'm aware that they're different. So what you are saying is that the explanation in post #2 here: https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/prove-that-z-v-c.273160/ is wrong since he's also saying that f' = (s + v) / s)) x f for an approaching sound source? Or did I read the explanation wrong?
You read it wrong. That post is discussing the case of a moving observer, not a moving source:
marcus said:
The frequency you hear as you go towards will be the emitted frequency increased by a factor of (1 + v/c)

The formula for a moving source and stationary observer is different from that for a stationary source and moving observer.
  • #21
Doc Al said:
You read it wrong. That post is discussing the case of a moving observer, not a moving source:

The formula for a moving source and stationary observer is different from that for a stationary source and moving observer.

I'm amazed.. I didn't know that should be different. Shouldn't an observer observe the same frequency if the sound source approaches him at the same speed as him approaching the sound source instead? I can't seem to wrap my head around on how that should be different.
  • #23
JohnnyGui said:
I'm amazed.. I didn't know that should be different. Shouldn't an observer observe the same frequency if the sound source approaches him at the same speed as him approaching the sound source instead? I can't seem to wrap my head around on how that should be different.
You need to review how the Doppler formula for sound is derived.
  • #24
JohnnyGui said:
I'm amazed.. I didn't know that should be different. Shouldn't an observer observe the same frequency if the sound source approaches him at the same speed as him approaching the sound source instead? I can't seem to wrap my head around on how that should be different.
A key thing to realize is that sound waves propagate at some speed ##c## relative to the medium. So it does actually matter whether the sound source is moving relative to the medium or the listener is moving or both.

P. S.: The thread linked by A.T. is worth reviewing.
  • #25
After reading the links I think I understand now why it's different. The compression of the sound waves is different for when the source is moving compared to when the observer is moving instead.

I made scenarios in which I manually calculated the frequency by looking at the time points an observer would receive every sound wave for both a moving observer or a moving sound source and I get the same results as the formula nasu linked me to.

Thanks a lot for clearing this up guys!
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Related to Why Is My Calculation of Doppler Shift Different from the Standard Formula?

1. What is the Doppler effect?

The Doppler effect is a phenomenon in which the observed frequency of a wave (such as sound or light) changes as the source and observer move relative to each other. This results in a perceived change in the pitch or color of the wave.

2. How does the Doppler effect apply to sound?

When a sound source and listener are moving towards each other, the sound waves are compressed, resulting in a higher perceived frequency (higher pitch). Conversely, when the source and listener are moving away from each other, the sound waves are stretched, resulting in a lower perceived frequency (lower pitch).

3. What is the equation for calculating Doppler shift?

The basic equation for calculating Doppler shift is: observed frequency = emitted frequency x (speed of sound + observer's velocity) / (speed of sound + source's velocity). This can be modified for different scenarios, such as when the source is moving towards or away from the observer.

4. How does the Doppler effect apply to light?

The Doppler effect also applies to light, although the equations and concepts are slightly different. When an object is moving towards an observer, the light waves are compressed, resulting in a blue shift (shorter wavelength). When an object is moving away from an observer, the light waves are stretched, resulting in a red shift (longer wavelength).

5. How is the Doppler effect used in science and technology?

The Doppler effect has many practical applications in science and technology. It is used in radar technology to measure the speed and distance of objects, in medical ultrasound to create images of internal organs, and in astronomy to determine the motion and distance of celestial objects. It is also used in various forms of transportation, such as speed guns for measuring the speed of vehicles and radar guns for measuring the speed of objects in sports.

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