Struggling with Dynamics: Will it Impact My Future as an Engineer?

  • Thread starter kg07
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In summary, the conversation discussed the struggles of a sophomore in the mechanical engineering program with dynamics and the concern about becoming a good engineer in the future. The importance of understanding the principles rather than focusing on computational errors was highlighted, along with the importance of being able to make order of magnitude estimates. The conversation also touched on the difficulty of obtaining high grades in a class where only the correct answers are graded, and the reassurance that a GPA of 3.2-3.4 is acceptable in the engineering curriculum. There was also advice to not worry too much and to focus on studying hard. It was mentioned that dynamics is typically a challenging class and that it is common for students to struggle with it, but it is important to understand the
  • #1
I'm a sophomore in the mechanical engineering program, and I've been struggling with dynamics all semester. I understand most of the concepts, but small computational errors have led to me having a 76% average in the class halfway through the semester. My question is: if I'm struggling with this now, will I even make a good engineer someday? How important is the mastery of statics/dynamics?

This is a question that's been plaguing me all semester, so a response would be much appreciated!

Oh, and I've done well in all my math classes, linear algebra in particular, but calculus 1, 2, and currently 3 at the moment.
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  • #2
It's more important to understand the principles than to necessarily hit the calculator keys in the correct order.

But for an engineer or an experimental physicist being able to make order of magnitude estimates is one of the most important skills (in my opinion ;-)
So if you did some calcualtion in deg instead of rad and come up with a crank shaft rotation rate of 100,000RPM you should be able to spot that you have doen something wrong.
  • #3
It's not that I'm plugging it into my calculator wrong. It's that I sometimes don't realize that a variable will go to 0 and thus make it easier to solve for other things. My professor does not give grades on concepts. He grades the FBD and the answers in the boxes. Rarely do you get above 65% if you don't have the correct answers in the box, even if you have most of the right work.

I understand that in the workforce I will need to be dead on. What I'm mostly asking is: how often will I encounter statics/dynamics?

I enjoyed my design course very much, and drawing things up in Pro/E was extremely fascinating to me. I also am a good communicator, and wish to somehow incorporate that in my job someday. What I don't know is where I should be going with my major, or if I'm test-smart enough to pull off a GPA higher than a 3.2-3.4 by the end of my coursework.
  • #4
There's nothing wrong with that GPA. Don't forget engineering is a difficult curriculum. If it weren't, everyone would be doing it. Like was mentioned, the key to walk away with is the basics and the principles. You're going to forget a fair amount after a class just because you don't use it every day again and you need to do a brain dump to keep your sanity sometimes.

Don't worry about one particular class either. Some people are good at dynamics and some are good at thermo...If you do your best, you'll make it to the work force and you'll really learn that you don't know jack and you'll start all over again.

Don't worry too much. Study hard and you'll do fine.
  • #5
Dynamics is typically a "weed-out" class anyways, so as long as you understand the concepts and are able to build upon them you will be alright. Personally, I raised by cum. GPA four-tenths in the years after dynamics.
  • #6
Kg07, I can't address this from a professional aspect, since I have no education.
What I can say is that from my exposure to the real Engineers here in PF, it appears that the really good ones have in common the ability to think on their feet and apply what they do know in a logical fashion.
  • #7
I have an input to the question. I have been struggling with the same problem (both 'will I be a good engineer', and dynamics) and I have found out, that it hardly matters during the class as long as you pass. It WILL get lodged in your brain, and when you in a later semester or job, need it - it is 10 times easier to 're-learn', even if you weren't that good at it to begin with. :)

regards from a student who's almost finished.

Related to Struggling with Dynamics: Will it Impact My Future as an Engineer?

1. Will I be good at engineering if I struggle with math and science?

No, engineering requires a strong foundation in math and science. However, this does not mean that you cannot improve your skills in these areas. With dedication and hard work, you can become proficient in math and science and excel as an engineer.

2. Can I be a good engineer if I am not naturally inclined towards technology and machines?

Yes, being naturally inclined towards technology and machines may give you an advantage, but it is not a requirement to be a good engineer. Many successful engineers have different interests and strengths, and they have learned the necessary technical skills through education and experience.

3. Do I have to be good at all types of engineering to be considered a good engineer?

No, there are various fields within engineering, and it is not necessary to excel in every single one to be considered a good engineer. It is important to find your passion and specialize in a specific field, rather than trying to be a master of all.

4. Can I become a good engineer if I have a different academic background?

Yes, engineering is a broad field, and many engineers come from different academic backgrounds. While having a degree in engineering may give you an advantage, it is not a requirement. Many engineers have degrees in other fields and have gained relevant skills through additional education or on-the-job training.

5. Is it possible to be a good engineer if I have a disability or physical limitation?

Yes, engineering is a diverse field, and there are accommodations and resources available for individuals with disabilities or physical limitations. As long as you have the necessary skills and qualifications, you can excel as an engineer regardless of any disabilities or limitations.

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