Struggling with Inline Heater Design

In summary, AlephZero is struggling to find a solution to heating water for coffee brewing. He is considering using an inline heater made of aluminum and Nichrome wire. The heater needs to supply around 2.8 kW of power to reach 205 F. For heat transfer, AlephZero is considering using the formula for heat conduction as found on the Hyperphysics website. However, he is having difficulty relating the equation to his system. He is also worried about over-heating the heater and wire.
  • #1
I'm designing an inline heater for a coffee brewing project. My plan is to use an aluminum tube with Nichrome heater wire wrapped around it to heat the water flow. For brewing I need to dispense somewhere around 16 fl-oz per minute at a temperature of 205 F.

I would like to determine feasibility and optimize the design for pipe length (heat transfer surface area) but am struggling with the thermodynamics/heat transfer aspect of this problem (my worst subjects when I was in school...)

I'm using the formula for heat conduction as in on this site but am having trouble relating it to my system. I'm not sure this is the right approach to solve the system and could use some help in steering towards the correct solution.

I'm pretty rusty when it comes to heat transfer and any steering in the right direction will be greatly appreciated. I took a photo of my logic on paper for a more clear idea of what I'm talking about. Thanks!


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  • #2
It is difficult to compute temperature form energy input. May be best to do some trials to find how much length you need to get the required temp. This should be quick and easy with very reliable results.

I would recommend considering using copper tube rather then AL. Copper is a natural biocide and will help control any possible bacteria build up.
  • #3
Start with what is easy to calculate. From the mass flow, the temperature change, and the specific heat of water you can find the power required for the heater.

If you supply that amount of power, in steady state conditions the heater wire and the tube will rise to whatever temperature it takes to transfer the power into the water. So the basic question from a design point of view is whether you are going to melt the tube or the heater wire.

The numbers I got for the power required was quite small compared with something like an electric kettle, which suggests that overheating the tube and wire isn't going to be a problem.

I don't know how soluble either copper or aluminum is in hot coffee, so I think I have two options - either find out or make a design so the question is irrelevant, for example by coating the pipe with something inert like PTFE.
  • #4
Integral: I was already starting to think that I'd be better off just building and observing that trying to calculate the solution and I still think that is partially what I'll end up doing. I had initially picked aluminum because it was a better alternative heat transfer wise than stainless. Copper may be better yet, but I have not yet found a source of copper that is NSF certified and an withstand high temperature.

AlephZero: Using the formula, [itex]\dot{Q}[/itex]=c[itex]\dot{m}[/itex][itex]\Delta[/itex]T I see that I need to supply 2.8kW to reach 205 F. What I'm having trouble doing is relating this to time. 2.8kW for how long? Maybe the transient solution is what I should be seeking? I only think the solubility of aluminum or copper in water is relevant as the hot water will not reach the coffee grounds until after it has left the heating pipe. I had considered some type of liner inside the pipe but am worried about it adversely effecting heat transfer. I think with sme searching I should be able to find a copper tube that is food safe.
  • #5

Dear researcher,

Thank you for sharing your project on designing an inline heater for coffee brewing. It seems like you have a good starting point by using an aluminum tube with Nichrome heater wire wrapped around it. However, I understand that you are struggling with the thermodynamics and heat transfer aspect of the problem. Allow me to offer some guidance and suggestions to help you optimize your design.

Firstly, it is important to understand the key factors that affect heat transfer in your system. These include the properties of the materials used, the flow rate of the water, and the temperature difference between the water and the heater. In your case, the aluminum tube and Nichrome wire are good conductors of heat, which means they will transfer heat efficiently. However, you may want to consider the thickness of the aluminum tube and the gauge of the Nichrome wire to ensure optimal heat transfer.

Next, you mentioned that you need to dispense 16 fl-oz of water per minute at a temperature of 205 F. This information is crucial in determining the heat transfer requirements for your system. You can use the formula for heat transfer rate (Q) = mass flow rate (m) x specific heat (Cp) x temperature difference (ΔT) to calculate the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of the water from room temperature to 205 F. This will give you an idea of the heat output required from your heater.

In terms of optimizing the design for pipe length, you can use the formula for heat conduction (Q) = thermal conductivity (k) x surface area (A) x temperature difference (ΔT) / thickness (L) to calculate the heat transfer rate through the aluminum tube. By varying the length of the tube, you can determine the optimal length that will provide enough surface area for efficient heat transfer.

Lastly, I would recommend consulting with a thermodynamics expert or a heat transfer specialist for more specific guidance on your system. They can help you with the calculations and provide insights on the best approach for solving your design problem. I hope this helps and I wish you the best of luck with your project.


FAQ: Struggling with Inline Heater Design

1. How do I determine the appropriate size for an inline heater?

The appropriate size for an inline heater depends on several factors, including the flow rate, desired temperature increase, and the specific heat capacity of the fluid. It is important to consult engineering handbooks or use online calculators to determine the necessary size for your specific application.

2. What materials are commonly used for inline heaters?

The most commonly used materials for inline heaters are stainless steel, copper, and titanium. These materials are chosen for their high heat conductivity and resistance to corrosion. The specific material used will depend on the type of fluid being heated and the operating conditions.

3. How can I prevent overheating in an inline heater?

To prevent overheating in an inline heater, it is important to carefully control the flow rate and temperature of the fluid. Additionally, using a temperature sensor and a controller can help regulate the heat output and prevent the heater from reaching dangerous temperatures. Regular maintenance and inspections can also help identify any potential issues before they lead to overheating.

4. Can I use an inline heater for both heating and cooling?

Yes, some inline heaters have the capability to both heat and cool fluids. These heaters typically use a heating element and a separate cooling coil, allowing for precise temperature control. However, it is important to carefully monitor and regulate the temperature to prevent damage to the heater or the fluid being heated.

5. How do I ensure proper installation of an inline heater?

Proper installation of an inline heater is crucial for optimal performance and safety. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions and use appropriate installation techniques, such as proper insulation and grounding. It is also recommended to have a professional inspect the installation to ensure it meets all safety and regulatory standards.
