Stuck on a 1500hp Pump Problem: Solve for Velocity & Efficiency

In summary: You need the equations for kinetic energy and for gravitational potential energy.okay I know both of those equations, but why do I need to know gpe if I only need the speed of the water at the pumps mouth?Because you need to know the speed of the water to calculate how much kinetic energy it has.
  • #1
I have been working on this problem for 2 days and can't seem to figure it out..

A 1500hp pump throws a jet of water 125 m into the air. (a) With what speed does the water leave the mouth of the fountain. (b) If the overall efficiency is 60%, how many liters of water per minute are thrown into the air?

Thank you for the help as I am pulling my hair out.

I think where I am getting lost is that I need to find the velocity without knowing the size of the pipe. Am I on the right track? Should I be using a motion equation to first get the velocity?

I am just not sure why I am getting so stuck on this problem.
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  • #2
crslax9 said:
I think where I am getting lost is that I need to find the velocity without knowing the size of the pipe. Am I on the right track?

No, you're barking up the wrong tree. Think energy, as in:

How much kinetic energy must, say, 1kg of water have had in order to make it 125 feet in the air?
  • #3
Tom Mattson said:
No, you're barking up the wrong tree. Think energy, as in:

How much kinetic energy must, say, 1kg of water have had in order to make it 125 feet in the air?

so if kinetic energy is (1/2)mv^2 all over v what numbers go where? Maybe this is where I am getting lost? If the v on the top of the equation is velocity and the v on the bottom is volume correct?
  • #4
crslax9 said:
If the v on the top of the equation is velocity and the v on the bottom is volume correct?

I have no idea of what you are saying here.

You're interested in the speed with which the water leaves the pump, right? Well then wouldn't it make sense to consider the KE at the location of the pump, and the PE at the top of the arc?
  • #5
Tom Mattson said:
I have no idea of what you are saying here.

You're interested in the speed with which the water leaves the pump, right? Well then wouldn't it make sense to consider the KE at the location of the pump, and the PE at the top of the arc?

Yes it does make sense but like I said I am lost on what formulas to use and how to use them. it has been a long time since I last had physics.

If you can give me an idea of what to use to begin this equation I think I may be able to go from there.

Thank you for your help so far
  • #6
crslax9 said:
If you can give me an idea of what to use to begin this equation I think I may be able to go from there.

You need the equations for kinetic energy and for gravitational potential energy.
  • #7
okay I know both of those equations, but why do I need to know gpe if I only need the speed of the water at the pumps mouth?

FAQ: Stuck on a 1500hp Pump Problem: Solve for Velocity & Efficiency

1. What is the purpose of solving for velocity and efficiency in a 1500hp pump problem?

The purpose of solving for velocity and efficiency in a 1500hp pump problem is to determine the optimal operating conditions for the pump, which can lead to increased efficiency and cost savings.

2. How do you calculate the velocity of a pump?

The velocity of a pump can be calculated by dividing the flow rate by the cross-sectional area of the pump's discharge pipe. This can be represented by the equation: velocity = flow rate / cross-sectional area.

3. What factors affect the efficiency of a pump?

The efficiency of a pump can be affected by several factors, including the type of pump, its design and construction, the type of fluid being pumped, the speed of the pump, and the operating conditions.

4. How do you determine the efficiency of a pump?

The efficiency of a pump can be determined by comparing the power output (in this case, 1500hp) to the power input (the energy required to run the pump). This can be represented by the equation: efficiency = power output / power input.

5. What are some common solutions to improve the efficiency of a pump?

Some common solutions to improve the efficiency of a pump include reducing the speed of the pump, optimizing the design and construction of the pump, using a more efficient type of pump, and properly maintaining and servicing the pump on a regular basis.
