Stuck on proof irreducible spherical tensor operator

In summary: D}^{k_1}_{q_1' q_1} X^{k_1}_{q_1'}.And there you have it, the formula you wanted to prove. I hope this helps you in your proof. Keep in mind the tensor product structure of the Wigner D matrix and you should be able to apply it correctly. Good luck! In summary, the conversation discusses the difficulty in proving that X^{k_1}_{q_1} = T^{k_1}_{q_1} \otimes \mathbb{1} is an irreducible spherical tensor operator, and how to apply the Wigner D matrices in this context
  • #1
Hi everyone,

I'm stuck on proving that a certain operator is an irreducible spherical tensor operator. These are tensor operators [itex]T^{k}_{q}[/itex] with [itex]-k \leq q\leq k[/itex] satisfying

[itex]\mathscr{D} T^{k}_{q} \mathscr{D}^{\dagger} = \sum_{q'} \mathscr{D}^{k}_{q' q} T^{k}_{q'} [/itex]

where [itex]\mathscr{D}\left(\hat{n},\phi\right) =\exp\left[-\frac{i\phi}{\hbar} \vec{J}\cdot \hat{n} \right][/itex] is the Wigner-D matrix and [itex]\mathscr{D}^k_{q' q}[/itex] are its matrix elements with respect to the angular momentum basis [itex]| k q \rangle[/itex].

Now I wish to prove that [itex]X^{k_1}_{q_1} = T^{k_1}_{q_1} \otimes \mathbb{1} [/itex] is an irreducible spherical tensor operator whenever [itex]T^{k_1}_{q_1} [/itex] is.
Thus, I wish to prove
[itex]\mathscr{D} X^{k_1}_{q_1} \mathscr{D}^{\dagger} = \sum_{q_1'} \mathscr{D}^{k_1}_{q_1' q_1} X^{k_1}_{q_1'} [/itex].

I know that [itex]\mathscr{D}= \mathscr{D}_1 \otimes \mathscr{D}_2 [/itex] in terms of the Wigner D matrices on the components of the tensor product HIlbert space, but I can't seem to apply this to get the above formula. All I can get is
[itex]\mathscr{D} X^{k_1}_{q_1} \mathscr{D}^{\dagger} = \sum_{q_1'} \mathscr{D}^{k_1}_{1 q_1' q_1} [/itex],

with the wigner D matrix D_1 on the right hand side instead of the regular one.
Can anyone help with this?
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  • #2

Hi there,

I understand your frustration with proving this statement. It can be a bit tricky to apply the Wigner D matrices in this context. However, I believe I can offer some help.

Firstly, it's important to note that the Wigner D matrix for a tensor product space is actually a tensor product of the individual Wigner D matrices. In other words, \mathscr{D}= \mathscr{D}_1 \otimes \mathscr{D}_2 means that the Wigner D matrix for the tensor product space is the tensor product of the Wigner D matrices for the individual spaces. This is important to keep in mind when applying the Wigner D matrices to the formula you wish to prove.

Now, let's take a closer look at the formula you wish to prove. You have correctly applied the Wigner D matrix to the left hand side, but on the right hand side, you need to take into account the tensor product structure of X^{k_1}_{q_1}. This means that you need to apply the Wigner D matrix to both T^{k_1}_{q_1} and \mathbb{1}. This will result in the Wigner D matrix for the tensor product space, which you can then use to rewrite the formula as follows:

\mathscr{D} X^{k_1}_{q_1} \mathscr{D}^{\dagger} = \sum_{q_1'} \mathscr{D}^{k_1}_{q_1' q_1} (\mathscr{D}_1 \otimes \mathscr{D}_2) T^{k_1}_{q_1'}.

Now, using the definition of the Wigner D matrix for a tensor product space, we can rewrite this as:

\mathscr{D} X^{k_1}_{q_1} \mathscr{D}^{\dagger} = \sum_{q_1'} \mathscr{D}^{k_1}_{q_1' q_1} (\mathscr{D}_1 T^{k_1}_{q_1'} \otimes \mathscr{D}_2).

Finally, using the definition of X^{k_1}_{q_1}, we can rewrite this as:

\mathscr{D} X^{k_1}_{q_1} \mathscr{D}^{\d

Related to Stuck on proof irreducible spherical tensor operator

1. What is a proof irreducible spherical tensor operator?

A proof irreducible spherical tensor operator is a mathematical object used in quantum mechanics to describe the behavior of quantum systems. It is a combination of three factors: a rank, a weight, and a transformation rule. These operators are used to describe the physical properties of particles, such as spin, and their interactions with each other and with external fields.

2. How is a proof irreducible spherical tensor operator different from a regular tensor?

Unlike regular tensors, which transform under rotations in a predictable and linear manner, proof irreducible spherical tensor operators transform in a more complicated way. This is because they are specifically designed to describe the symmetries of a quantum system, which are often described by spherical harmonics. Additionally, proof irreducible spherical tensor operators are also unique in that they are invariant under a wider range of transformations than regular tensors.

3. Why are proof irreducible spherical tensor operators important in quantum mechanics?

Proof irreducible spherical tensor operators are important in quantum mechanics because they allow us to describe the symmetries and interactions of quantum systems in a mathematically precise way. They are especially useful in the study of particles with spin, such as electrons, where their properties and behavior can be described using these operators. Additionally, proof irreducible spherical tensor operators are also used in the development of theoretical models and in the calculation of physical observables.

4. How are proof irreducible spherical tensor operators used in practical applications?

Proof irreducible spherical tensor operators are used in a variety of practical applications, such as in the development of new materials and in the study of chemical reactions. They are also used in the calculation of properties such as nuclear magnetic resonance and in the interpretation of experimental data. Additionally, proof irreducible spherical tensor operators play a crucial role in the theoretical foundations of quantum mechanics and are used in many advanced research areas, including quantum computing and quantum field theory.

5. Are there any limitations or challenges associated with using proof irreducible spherical tensor operators?

One limitation of using proof irreducible spherical tensor operators is that they can be quite complex and difficult to work with, especially when dealing with higher-ranked tensors. Additionally, the calculations involved in using these operators can be time-consuming and computationally intensive. Another challenge is that the behavior of proof irreducible spherical tensor operators can be counterintuitive and difficult to interpret, making it challenging for researchers to draw conclusions from their results. However, despite these challenges, proof irreducible spherical tensor operators remain an essential tool in the study of quantum systems.

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