Study Block during Master's Thesis work

In summary, the speaker is currently struggling to finish their master thesis due to various challenges such as a difficult exam, slow simulations, and the inability to concentrate and find motivation. They are seeking suggestions on how to overcome these obstacles and complete their thesis in a timely manner. The speaker is also advised to seek help for their mental state and reminded that the purpose of the thesis is for their own education rather than impressing others.
  • #1

I am currently in the situation where I'm trying to finish my master thesis. I have 65 to 70 pages written but I still have the editing to do. Simulations are nearing the end so I have most of what I need to finish. Unfortunately, I still need to read papers and get more background knowledge to have a good text.

My background: I am in my 9th semester from a 5 semester course (I was stuck on a higher math 3 exam which I couldn't pass, otherwise I would have had enough credits to start my thesis in my 4th semester. The past two years have been hell). What I am trying to say is that I have had to spend so much extra time on this because of one exam which wasn't even part of the regular curriculum, that I'm angry and frustrated most of the time. Furthermore, I was supposed to finish in my 8th semester and because simulations are slow, difficult and losing two months simulation time due to a hacker attack on the clusters I now find myself in a 9th semester.

I am at a point where spending more than 10 minutes rereading my thesis bores me to the point that I can't concentrate enough to understand what I'm reading. I used to leave my room and go to coffee shops, cafeteria, computer rooms at the uni to concentrate. Now with Corona that isn't a possibility. My brain seems to not be working anymore. I don't know how to trick myself into getting back to work. Not working a few days and then trying again. Learning something else that interests me and then switching back. Meditating, positive visualizations etc. It took me an entire day to get through 1 page with memory techniques but I don't go back to the technique the next day because 1 page per day is too slow. I have maybe a month until I need to be finished and a mountain of papers still to read. Trying to see that I have wasted my entire life on education only to fail in the final month is not going to happen only to realize...yes it is happening.

I know there probably isn't a solution other than giving up and removing myself from a situation that I absolutely hate. But it's so much time lost only to get a bad grade. So if you have any suggestions on how to overcome this massive block I'm putting this out there. Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you!
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  • #2
A suggestion that someone gave me at Physics Forums: "Don't give up".
You are doing fine!:wink:
  • #3
I am not exactly clear on why failing one course is the genesis of your troubles but that really doesn't matter. What you need to do is create a plan that will let you sufficiently finish your thesis in a timely fashion.

First you should talk to somebody about your mental status: there is no down side to this action so do it today. Inability to concentrate is a hallmark of depression and there are lots of treatment avenues, some of them pharmaceutical, some not.

The other recommendation is that you should realize that the thesis itself is largely irrelevant. Approximately nobody will read it. So put together a sufficient document and be done with it. Producing no thesis is far worse for you than producing a merely adequate product. The purpose of the exercise is to educate you not to educate the world. Concentrate on that. Good luck.

Related to Study Block during Master's Thesis work

1. What is a study block during Master's thesis work?

A study block during Master's thesis work refers to a period of dedicated time where a student focuses solely on their thesis project without any other distractions or commitments. It is usually a few weeks to a few months long and allows the student to make significant progress on their research and writing.

2. How long should a study block be during Master's thesis work?

The length of a study block during Master's thesis work can vary depending on the individual's research topic, their progress so far, and any deadlines set by their university. Generally, a study block can be anywhere from 2-3 weeks to a few months long. It is important to set a realistic and achievable timeframe to avoid burnout and ensure quality work.

3. How do I structure my study block during Master's thesis work?

The best way to structure a study block during Master's thesis work is to break it down into smaller, manageable tasks. Start by setting specific goals for each day or week, such as completing a certain amount of research, writing a specific section, or conducting experiments. It is also helpful to schedule breaks and rest periods to avoid burnout.

4. How do I stay motivated during a study block for my Master's thesis work?

Staying motivated during a study block can be challenging, but there are a few strategies that can help. It is important to stay organized, break tasks into smaller chunks, and celebrate small victories. It may also be helpful to take breaks and engage in activities that help you relax and recharge. Additionally, seeking support from peers, professors, or a therapist can also be beneficial.

5. What should I do if I am struggling during my study block for my Master's thesis work?

If you are struggling during your study block, it is essential to reach out for help. This could include talking to your advisor or professors about your difficulties, seeking support from peers or a therapist, or taking a break to recharge and refocus. It is also important to be patient with yourself and remember that it is normal to face challenges during such a significant project.

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