Study: Flamboyant male dancing attracts women best

  • Thread starter Math Is Hard
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    Study Women
In summary: I don't remember what high school I was in, but at some point a girl in my grade started dating this really good-looking guy. She was always draggin' him around to the dance and stuff. I thought she was really stupid for getting involved with him, but then I started to see them around together and I realized she was actually pretty cool. So then I started to like her too, even though I still didn't think she was good enough for him. Then one day I saw him with another girl and I was so pissed off. I don't know if I ever talked to her again after that. I think she moved away. In summary, the study found that women are most attracted to
  • #1
Math Is Hard
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Listen up, guys! :biggrin:

By MARIA CHENG, AP Medical Writer Maria Cheng, Ap Medical Writer – Thu Sep 9, 11:52 am ET

LONDON – John Travolta was onto something. Women are most attracted to male dancers who have big, flamboyant moves similar to the actor's trademark style, British scientists say in a new study.

Kris McCarty and colleagues at Northumbria University and the University of Gottingen in Germany asked 19 men aged 18 to 35 who were not professional dancers to dance in a laboratory for one minute to a basic drum rhythm. They filmed the men's movements with a dozen cameras, and then turned those movements into computer-generated avatars so the study could focus on moves, not appearances.

Scientists then showed the dancing avatars to 37 women, who rated their skills on a scale of 1 to 7. According to the women, the best dancers were those who had a wide range of dance moves and focused on the head, neck and torso.

Although I'm not sure if the conclusion should be that women are more attracted to flamboyant dancing. It could just be that dancers who move around a lot are generally perceived as better dancers than ones who don't move around so much. Isn't that common sense? (Elaine from Seinfeld excepted).
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  • #2
Math Is Hard said:
(Elaine from Seinfeld excepted).

Do you dance like Elaine from Seinfeld by any chance?

Actually there is a video of this guy doing it and its pretty hot. I think this dance works better for guys than girls:
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  • #3
I'm all for having fun dancing, but usually those flamboyant male dancers in a club are either gay or a total jerk.
  • #4
I always snickered at men that moved around a lot. Where do they find the women for these polls?
  • #5
Evo said:
Where do they find the women for these polls?
LOL, I had the same thought. I'd like to know so I can avoid them. :biggrin: Oh, but then that's the UK. I presume such women (and guys) like to dance clubs or go clubbing.

I was never much into dancing, although I knew a number of women who did. One liked Polka music and dancing, another liked Country & Western dancing, others like dancing to disco or rock.

I prefer quieter venues - such as a hike in the woods, gardens, park or mountains.
  • #6
Topic reminds me of this...
  • #7
Math Is Hard said:
It could just be that dancers who move around a lot are generally perceived as better dancers than ones who don't move around so much.

I disagree. A good dancer is a good dancer and I don't think the more you move the better you are. For example, take Audrina on Dancing with the Stars. She's an all-American chick I think, pretty too, but she danced stiff and was also a little nervous. She wasn't very "flowing". I think the flowing is a part to good dancing but not over-doing it.
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  • #8
jackmell said:
I disagree.

I disagree with your disagreement. I think this guy moves around a lot and he's very good.
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  • #9
Bob, this guy is slim, fit, good-looking. Anything he does - people will like. That being said, that dance is better saved for a rave party
  • #10
cronxeh said:
Bob, this guy is slim, fit, good-looking. Anything he does - people will like. That being said, that dance is better saved for a rave party

I'm slim, fit, and good looking - just not as young.

I could learn to dance like that! I know I could!

I just want to dance!

(I could at least learn to dance better than Elaine.)
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  • #11
You know who could dance? Rerun could dance. (And he moved around a lot.)

I think the authors of that study would conclude that because I rate Rerun as a really good dancer, it also means I am attracted to him.

I was never hot for Rerun, though.
  • #12
Check out this guy's moves when the music comes on.
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  • #13
Evo said:
Check out this guy's moves when the music comes on.

That is very disturbing to watch. I hope there was an ambulance and a geriatric surgeon on standby in case someone broke a hip
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  • #14
I never really learned to dance. Older girls would grab me and drag me out on the floor when I was in junior high, but as soon as I learned to play guitar and try to get paid to perform, I lost all interest in dancing. The older girls were generally baby-sitters that were hired to watch my sisters when I was old enough to stay by myself. We'd watch horror movies and huddle up on the couch or dance to the music on the radio when my sisters were asleep. At least my parents were nice enough to pick really pretty baby-sitters! When I was in JH or a Freshman in HS, I had a lot of Senior girls grabbing me at dances to do all those short-lived '60's dances.

Some of the dances were petty goofy.
  • #15
cronxeh said:
that is very disturbing to watch. I hope there was an ambulance and a geriatric surgeon on standby in case someone broke a hip
  • #16
cronxeh said:
That is very disturbing to watch. I hope there was an ambulance and a geriatric surgeon on standby in case someone broke a hip

Ditto. And I like Disco (I'm from Brooklyn, originally). But this video is not giving me warm fuzzies, as much as it is dark creepies. I mean you could just as easily replace the music from this video, with that of a crappy version of "On the Beautiful Blue Danube"...

Work it trooper.
  • #17
I think these are samples of the dancing avatars that the women in the study in the OP were shown.

A "bad" dancer:

And a "good" dancer:

3m9b1ZWxCuA&NR=1[/youtube] [quot...[url] [/quote]
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  • #18
Math Is Hard said:
I think these are samples of the dancing avatars that the women in the study in the OP were shown.

A "bad" dancer:

Oh my goodness. I have a friend who dances exactly like that. There's no music playing, but you know that person has no rhythm at all.

Did someone define "flamboyant" though? Because my "flamboyant" may very well not be someone else's. The "good dancing avatar" for example. Not flamboyant in the least.
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  • #19
What would the women have thought if the avatars had been doing a series of silly '60's dances like the frug, mashed potato, monkey, etc?

"Hey grandpa!"
  • #20
The "Good dancing" avatar is pretty bad. But it's not flamboyant.

Choosing between the "bad" and the "good" videos is like being forced to choose between a toothache and a migraine. Neither are desirable.
  • #21
Evo said:
The "Good dancing" avatar is pretty bad. But it's not flamboyant.

Choosing between the "bad" and the "good" videos is like being forced to choose between a toothache and a migraine. Neither are desirable.

I'm with you there, Evo. (Great comparative, by the way. :smile: )

If I was going think "flamboyant" in males dancing, I'd think Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing or John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever . And yes, it's attractive like mad. (Sorry MIH, I don't consider Rerun a good "dancer" at all. Interesting pick as an example, though.)

Oh! Both Gregory Hines and Mikhail Barishnykov in White Knights Each so sexy, it's mind-boggling.

I can pin down why extremely good dancers are appealing, though. Because what they're doing is aesthetically pleasing. Because they are that good at what they do. For me, anyone who is really talented at what they do is an appealing person. I don't see why dance ability would be any different.
  • #22
GeorginaS said:
Oh my goodness. I have a friend who dances exactly like that. There's no music playing, but you know that person has no rhythm at all.

Did someone define "flamboyant" though? Because my "flamboyant" may very well not be someone else's. The "good dancing avatar" for example. Not flamboyant in the least.
Hmm...I'm going to say...someone like Elvis, Tom Jones, Elton John, or Liberace (Liberace being the master of this, of course) are good examples each of being "flamboyant." Liberace was a real good sport about it too...

(God but that man could play fast piano).
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  • #23
FrancisZ said:
Hmm...I'm going to say...someone like Elvis, Tom Jones, Elton John, or Liberace (Liberace taking the cake of course) are good examples each of being "flamboyant." Liberace was a real good sport about it too...

I'd use the word "flamboyant" in the same context as you, Francis. And I'd not label the ability to dance well as "flamboyant".
  • #24
Evo said:
Check out this guy's moves when the music comes on.

The first part of the video reminds me of Karate Kid.

"Do 'poop on your shoe'!"
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  • #25
Sorry folks. I hadn't really watched that Batman thing all the way through. :(
  • #26
FrancisZ said:
Sorry folks. I hadn't really watched that Batman thing all the way through. :(

I thought the Batman thing was funny. Not quite on topic but funny.
  • #27
GeorginaS said:
I thought the Batman thing was funny. Not quite on topic but funny.

Honestly, I only added it because they were dancing to the Beach Boys (at least in the beginning). Then things took an awkward turn.

"WHO THE expletive deleted ARE YOU!" Should have seen that coming. :redface: Among other things.

At least "Won't Get Fooled Again" was the theme song.
  • #28
a favorite dance video of mine

skip to about 1:05 to get the dancing part

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  • #29
Physics-Learner said:
a favorite dance video of mine

skip to about 1:05 to get the dancing part

That's the guy who played the scarecrow isn't it?
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  • #30
yes, it is - one of the most athletically talented dancers that i have seen
  • #31
Math Is Hard said:
Listen up, guys! :biggrin:
Although I'm not sure if the conclusion should be that women are more attracted to flamboyant dancing. It could just be that dancers who move around a lot are generally perceived as better dancers than ones who don't move around so much. Isn't that common sense? (Elaine from Seinfeld excepted).

It could be that they're perceived as more confident. I fall into the category that thinks men who are willing to be a bit crazy on the dance floor are more attractive than those who don't dance, or barely move while dancing and look all awkward about being on a dance floor (the worst are the ones who won't get out on a dance floor until they're 3 sheets to the wind and then STILL look stiff). I like a guy who isn't afraid of just having fun and doesn't give a damn what other people who are watching think. And, no, they don't have to be better dancers, just willing to get out and move. When I lived in NJ, I used to love going to the parties with my Latino friends...the men all danced, and were raised to dance with a variety of partners throughout the night, not just clinging to one woman all night long. They ALL seemed hot hot hot (and we didn't even have alcohol at some of those parties). Of course, they weren't just moving a lot, they were damn good dancers! One of them was a dance instructor and is the one who taught me the basics of Latin dancing.

My boyfriend is flat out goofy on the dance floor. He knows how to dance somewhat (has had a few ballroom dancing lessons forced upon him in his life), so can lead well enough if the occasion requires, but we just have more fun being silly together. Yeah, I think it's fun when you get to do lots of twirling and dipping without being dropped, and couldn't care less if we aren't doing it right.

Dancing seems a lot like a courtship ritual, doesn't it? C'mon guys, strut your stuff. :biggrin:

As for Greg's caveat, I think part of that is the club environment. If a guy is making wildly flamboyant dance moves on a crowded dance floor, yeah, he might be a jerk. You need to know how to adjust your dancing to the space you have to dance in too.

Edit: By the way, that "bad dancing" avatar cracks me up! I just watched it three times and am really laughing aloud. I agree that my definition of flamboyant doesn't really fit with the "good dancing" example either. That was still pretty "contained" compared to what I've seen that I'd call flamboyant. But the bad dancing one doesn't even look like dancing, it looks like nervously pacing in circles. It's not quite so bad as what I expected though. I was thinking something like the guys that stand with arms stiffly at sides, maybe bent at the elbow, who dances mostly by shifting weight from one foot to the other, the way a little kid who needs to go potty "dances"...they often have that same "I really need to go potty" expression on their faces too. :smile:
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  • #32
a cute clip of him with doris day - music portion is from about 1:15 to 4:15

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  • #33
The heart and soul of dancing :
(There's even someone getting up from the splits like the scarecrow guy)

And I don't know if Fred Astaire was known to be attractive, but as a tap dancer, no one came close in his days. Here are scenes from one of his movies (The Band Wagon, 1953) mixed in with a popular song he obviously inspired (oddly entertaining if you're familiar with the 80's video for the song).
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  • #34
that was a cute video. i did think they got the 3 best couples. i felt that the guy that finished third (in the raggedy levis) had the most amount of athletic talent. not only because of his flexibility, but because of the speed of his leg movement. whether they were the best couple or not, hard for me to tell. first, i don't know just exactly what the goals are. i do think that the couple that won was a bit more talented than the ones that finished second.

the astaire video had more posturing than any sort of real dancing. no, he was not considered attractive. imo, astaire did not have the same physical talent as kelly or o'connor, and certainly not bolger - but i thought as a couple dancer, he was the best. more than anyone else, he could make it look like one dancer. and he did it with more than one partner.

in other words, astaire was at his best when he was dancing with a partner. bolger, kelly and o'connor were best when dancing alone, showcasing their better athletic ability.
  • #35
GeorginaS said:
Oh my goodness. I have a friend who dances exactly like that. There's no music playing, but you know that person has no rhythm at all.


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